Monday 11 December 2023

What do 'Goyim,' expect? US Accomplice. GRETA

Unknown commented -
What do we, as 'Goyim,' expect from Israel?

Unknown commented -

“Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday condemned the US for using its veto to block a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza …

“‘… [President Abbas asserted] that US policy makes it an accomplice in the crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes committed by Israeli forces against Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem’ …

“… [The] Palestinian president warned that American policy towards Israel ‘has become a danger to the world and a threat to international peace and security …’”

Greta Thunberg accuses Israel of ‘war crimes’ and ‘genocide’

Sweden is also complicit in Israel’s ‘occupation and mass killing’

“Greta Thunberg accused Israel of committing war crimes and genocide in the Gaza Strip …

“[She] slammed Swedish military cooperation with Israeli arms companies, which she says ‘makes Sweden complicit in Israel’s occupation and mass killing …’”

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