Wednesday 13 December 2023




This post is part 2.1


One parent was interviewed -

1. How old is your child?  Three
2. How often does your child see ghosts/entities?
  Pretty much all day
3. What type of "being" does your child see? My grandfather who died 13 years ago

4. Where around town will your child most often see these beings? Anywhere
5. Do these beings ever approach your child around town? I believe he is always there
6. At what age did your child being seeing ghosts We noticed it around 9 months
Anything else you would like to add?
 She tells us he keeps her safe


Spiritualism is a belief that spirits of the dead have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living.


What do spirits do all day?

"Well, they don’t really experience time like us. 

"I think a lot of them come and go. The idea that they stay in one place is kind of a misconception. 

"Just because they're dead doesn't mean they don't have a life. 

"They have things that they're working on, and they want to learn and they want to grow. 

"There are places they want to see, and people they want to visit."

Alfred Russel Wallace.

The Theory of Evolution was developed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.

Wallace believed in spiritual evolution.

He believed that that certain aspects of living organisms, such as intelligence and morality, cannot be explained in terms of purely materialistic processes.

Spiritualists believe that spirits continue to evolve. 

Spiritualists do not believe that after death you go to an eternity of Heaven or Hell.

They believe that that when a person dies there are different 'spheres' that the person may go to, according to their degree of enlightenment.

Certain religions warn against contact with 'evil spirits'.

Spiritualists warn against occult religions and cults.

Some psychiatrists have described patients as acting as if they were under the influence of evil spirits.


The Swedish scientist and philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) claimed to communicate with spirits.

According to Swedenborg:

1. there is not a single hell and a single heaven, but rather a series of higher and lower heavens and hells.

2. Spirits can act as intermediates between 'God' and humans.

3. There are dangers in seeking out spirit contact.

Franz Mesmer (1734–1815) used hypnotism to get subjects to report contact with spirits.

Among those who have taken an interest in Spiritualism are the physicist William Crookes, the Nobel-laureate physiologist Charles Richet, the Nobel laureate Pierre Curie, the journalist William T. Stead, the author Arthur Conan Doyle and the psychologist William James.

A hospital doctor enters a ward for sick children who have a variety of ailments and disabilities.

Ideally, the doctor avoids being infected by any 'germs' that the children might be carrying.

Ideally the doctor avoids being 'infected' by any physical and emotional pains that the children might be suffering from.

There are a lot of children with 'problems'.

In the USA, 'child disabilities due to neurodevelopmental and mental health problems have increased greatly.'

'Nearly six million kids had a disability in 2010 - almost one million more than in 2001.'

If we were to be infected by the physical and emotional pains of all these millions of children we would be in trouble.

However, we can have an influence for good on someone who is suffering.

1. Scientists have discovered that pairs of tiny particles can be invisibly connected even when they are some distance apart.

When the scientists carry out an action on one particle, the other particle is instananeously affected, even though it is many miles apart.

A Dutch team has proven that 'spooky action at a distance' is real.

2. According to some research at Princeton University

We can mentally influence - and are influenced by - the thoughts of others.

We can mentally influence biological processes in bodies other than our own.

We can mentally influence the functioning of non-biological systems.

Sia Furler's 'Chandelier', from the album 1000 Forms of Fear, suggests mind-control?

3. A team of psychologists from Saint Louis University claims that stress can be spread from person to person like a virus.

We can be infected by the stressed person's odour, posture, facial expression and tone of voice.

The researchers put the participants into pairs.

One member of the pair had to make a public speech and the other had simply to watch the speech.

The researchers measured the levels of cortisol and a stress-related salivary enzyme in both the stressed speaker and in the observer.

The researchers found that the stress response in the witnesses was 'proportional to that of their paired speakers'.

Saint Louis University is associated with the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control programme.

Now, if stress can spread like a virus, so too can love and healing spread like a virus.

Can we feel compassion without feeling some of the suffering of the person in distress?

1. Imagine the doctor entering the hospital ward.

The good doctor is positive, loving and calm.

This helps the sick patient.

2. Imagine you are the pilot of a passenger plane which has just been struck by some dangerous emergency.

It does not help you, nor the passengers, if your ego feels great fear.

A game of golf would not be real if there were not some minor ups and downs; but you want to avoid the extremes.

3. Why does the government carry out acts of terrorism as part of its 'Strategy of Tension'?

They want to get you angry with, and scared of, the 'terrorists'.

When people are scared they will obey their 'big brother' government.

So, detach yourself from fear and anger.

Fear and anger make you sick.

4. In the past you may have been hit by extreme fear, anger, grief, worry and despair.

But we should practise non-attachment to such extremes.

This means not holding on.

5. We should practise non-attachment to lots of things.

"All the delightful things of the world - sweet sounds, lovely forms, all the pleasant tastes and touches and thoughts - these are all agreed to bring happiness if they are not grasped and possessed.

"But if you regard them merely as pleasures for your own use and satisfaction and do not see them as passing wonders, they will bring suffering."

-Sutta Nipata

Blog: Pleasure and Joy

6. It is not a good idea to 'suppress' our feelings.

Research shows that people who are able to talk about their grief, anger or fear get rid of these negative feelings more quickly.

People who are not able to talk about these feelings are more likely to suffer ill health, mental or physical.

Some people get angry when there is a long queue at the airport.

Some people learn not to get angry.

They are not supressing their anger; they just don't feel anger.

We see ourselves as separate selves.

Our body feels the pleasures and pains of life.

Imagine switching out of the SELF mode into the NON-SELF mode.

In the NON-SELF mode there is no grasping of pain or pleasure.

But this is difficult for our minds to imagine, just as 'infinity' is difficult to imagine.

Some people write about the dangers of talking about the Oneness of everything.

"Holding to both the oneness and multiplicity of existence takes greater spiritual maturity...

"It requires being present with the moment with all it's paradox and radicalness.

"Experiencing both the bliss and sorrow of existence takes greater spiritual maturity...

"It requires us to be present to the entire situation of existence, our own and all others.

"In terms of our tradition, we describe this as the dance between emptiness and form and our path as the willingness to experience both and their mutuality.

"The main emphasis of our path is to show up wakefully to the play of emptiness and form..."

Not Duality is Not Non Duality | School of Yogic Buddhism

North Korean kids. By Benoit Cappronnier

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