Wednesday 13 December 2023

Synchronicity Happens For A Reason


  1. Gerard Depardieu ‘is studying the Babylonian Talmud’

    “Gerard Depardieu … [is] currently working his way through the Babylonian Talmud …

    “The famously intricate rabbinic text isn’t the most obvious choice for light reading …”

    Gerard Depardieu poses with an Israeli soldier wearing a kippah

    Gerard Depardieu kisses the Western Wall wearing a kippah

    Gerard Depardieu: ‘I love Jews, I love the Talmud and the Torah’

    Guest of the show ‘Passage des Arts’, actor Gerard Depardieu confided in his current attraction to Judaism.

    “‘I love Jews, the Jewish religion, the Torah, the Talmud, the Kabbalah ... I like it very much,’ said the actor …

    “In 2017, the actor said he wanted to make a series on Jewish holidays.”

  2. Jewish protesters shut down LA freeway in call for ceasefire

    “A progressive Jewish activist group caused a miles-long traffic jam Wednesday morning in Los Angeles while calling for a ceasefire in Gaza …”

    IfNotNow Los Angeles says it is “organizing to end US support for Israel's apartheid system”

    “Protesters parked and exited their vehicles, and they crossed all lanes on foot while chanting, ‘Ceasefire now’

    “A giant makeshift menorah was erected as they proceeded to link hands and stage a sit-in along the freeway …”

  3. @IfNotNowOrg:

    “As Jews, we cannot sit by as the people of Gaza are starved and slaughtered …

    “And as Americans, we can't let Biden & Congress send billions more in funding for war crimes.”

  4. Days after embracing Ukraine’s Zelensky, fellow ‘Jewish’ president Javier Milei predicts a Jewish ‘moral revolution'

    Argentina’s new president, Javier Milei, has taken part in a Hanukkah ceremony in Buenos Aires.

    “Wearing a black kippah, he lit the sixth candle … The event was staged two days after his inauguration as president …

    “… Milei [lit] the candle along with with Tzvi Grublatt, chief rabbi of Chabad Lubavitch Argentina which organised the event and is close to the president.

    “‘After so many years of darkness and occultism, the light will come out and that will be a moral revolution’, [Milei said].

    “‘Victory in battle does not depend on the number of soldiers, but on the strength that comes from heaven’, Milei added ….

    “Milei … claims his preferred brand of ‘anarcho-capitalism’ is … the natural order of the world.

    “…[He] regularly consults a rabbi and has said he sees Israel as a ‘natural’ ally, along with the United States …

    “On Sunday during his inauguration, Milei gifted a menorah … to Ukraine's president, who is Jewish.”
