Sunday 3 December 2023


Angelina comments on 'CAROLE MIDDLETON 'planned for daughter Catherine to marry Prince William’':

Princess Diana's mother, Frances Shand Kydd was born Frances Ruth Roche, a Rothschild. Diana's father is Sir James Goldsmith, also a Jew.

Angelina -
Did you know
England The Remnant Of Judah, And The Israel Of Ephraim; The Two Families Under One Head; A Hebrew Episode In British History

In 1917, popular dislike for Germany even transformed the name of the Royal Family of Great Britain from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor and royal cousins residing in Great Britain were ordered by the King to also anglicise their names (hence, for example, Prince Louis of Battenberg adopted the family name Mountbatten which is an anglicised version of Battenberg. 

(As the country mourns HRH Prince Philip, it may come as a surprise that it is generally accepted he had a Jewish great grandmother.)

Prince Philip’s parents were Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice, daughter of Princess Victoria of Hesse.

Kincora boy abused by Mountbatten committed suicide months later.

It has long been rumoured in Britain that Lord Louis Mountbatten was a paedophile. 

A book now on sale has dug up impressive new evidence confirming what Irish sources – including the Provisional IRA – have known for decades about his sexual predilections. So impressive is the new evidence that mainstream British media outlets such as The Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Times and The Sun are covering the story. 

The book contains sensational new information about Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast. Curiously, while the British media are happy to report on Mountbatten’s abuse of boys generally, the sections in the book about Kincora are being ignored.

The leader of TARA was a paedophile known as William McGrath who was exposed as a vile sexual predator in 1980 and subsequently convicted. He became known as the ‘Beast of Kincora‘.

As TARA eventually grew from The Cell and its secretive schemes, it set itself up as a British Israelite organisation. 

British Israelism was a wacky belief that stated that the Protestants of the Irish Province of Ulster were descended from one of the so-called Lost Tribes of Israel. Presumably such a scenario would have meant that they were all circumcised, as were the Jewish people, yet no records exist to verify as to whether or not all the members of TARA were missing their foreskins. Questions have arisen as to the levels of intelligence extant within the group.

The Unionist TARA used Gaelic and Celtic symbols and terms in keeping with their fantasy that they were the original inhabitants of Ireland. Thus the title, TARA, can be seen to also be the name of the location where the High Kings of Ireland were crowned and subsequently resided. We can therefore conclude that TARA were Unionists who were also separatists. The motto of the group was ‘we hold Ulster that Ireland might be saved and Britain reborn’, which makes about as much sense as anything else that TARA stood for. One such head-the-ball has suggested that the name Tara, attached to the famous hill of Irish Kings, actually comes from a corruption of the Jewish Torah.


  1. Janet Ossebaard who created The Fall of The Cabal documentation series is missing sadly. I don't necessarily believe she's suicidal but who knows..

  2. The Rothschilds are leeches on royalty, and this seems particularly true in the case of princesses-by-marriage selected for their bloodline ancestry.

    While other top royals may be suitable subjects for control through blackmail and manipulation, there’s a theory that the princesses-by-marriage-selected-for-bloodline-ancestry fulfil requirements of the occultists for maintaining power through Sabbatean-Frankist magick comprising symbolism, rituals/sacrifices and spell casting.
