Monday 25 December 2023

Paid $4,346,264 … to support the Nazis?

DR ALAN MACLEOD: The 10 US politicians who receive the most Israel Lobby cash…

“A new poll finds that Americans support a permanent ceasefire by a more than 2:1 ratio …

“And yet … only 4% of elected members of the House support even a temporary ceasefire …

“Part of this is undoubtedly down to the extraordinary lengths to which ‘The Lobby’ goes to secure backing: including showering US politicians with millions of dollars in contributions.

“[Here are the ten] currently serving politicians who have taken the most pro-Israel cash since 1990:

#1 JOE BIDEN: $4,346,264 …
#2 ROBERT MENÉNDEZ: $2,483,205 …
#3 MITCH MCCONNELL: $1,953,160 …

#4 CHUCK SCHUMER: $1,725,324 …
#5 STENY HOYER: $1,620,294 …
#6 TED CRUZ: $1,299,194 …

#7 RON WYDEN: $1,279,376 …
#8 DICK DURBIN: $1,126,020 …
#9 JOSH GOTTHEIMER: $1,109,370 …
#10 SHONTEL BROWN: $1,028,686 …

“The most well-known [group] in the loose coalition referred to as the Israel Lobby is AIPAC …”

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