Thursday 14 December 2023

LOCKDOWNS - Taxes up, public spending squeezed


‘Covid lockdowns were a catastrophe’

“… Lockdowns had catastrophic effects, especially on the most vulnerable, and the scale of the catastrophe becomes ever more apparent over time.”

“Shutting schools, cancelling operations, discouraging people from visiting their GPs, confining people to their homes for weeks on end: all were bound to have consequences.


“Wiping out more than a decade of improvement in pupil attainment was one of them.

“Increased truancy rates was another.

“Record NHS waiting lists and delayed cancer treatment a third …

“[Lockdowns] were particularly tough for the less well-off, those who couldn’t do their jobs from home, and those suffering from mental illness or at risk of domestic abuse …”

“… [Taxes] are at their highest level since the second world war and public spending is being squeezed …

“… [As] a country, we are paying for the cost of lockdowns …”

1 comment:

  1. Tech CEO 'who kept his assistant as a sex slave' hung out with actor Kevin Spacey at World Economic Forum - where alleged victim said CEO tortured her

    Former Tradeshift CEO Christian Lanng posed next to Kevin Spacey at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in 2016
