Tuesday 19 December 2023

'Jewish law is specific'

Henry Makow@hmakow

Patrick O'Carroll-- Jewish Ritual Murder - Who's Next?

"Jewish law is specific that the victim at Passover must be a white child under the age of seven, who must be bled white, crowned with thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed and finally given the last blow by being wounded in his side; and that the dagger must be held by a rabbi.

"This is a complete reenactment of the Crucifixion of Christ."



  1. Celine Dion is in the headlines again. She looks to be in a perilous position. Not ‘just’ because of Stiff Person Syndrome. It’s the people around her?

    Pray for her to find the strength she needs. Both to live with her health condition as well as one possibly could.

    And to cast off some seemingly toxic people in her orbit.

  2. Celine Dion's Israeli partners:

    Kids’ clothing label Celinununu ‘is the shared offspring of’ Iris Adler, Tali Milchberg, and Dion

    “It's not every day that people wake up to discover that Celine Dion is crazy about them. But that's exactly what happened … to the women behind the Israeli children’s fashion brand Nununu, Iris Adler and Tali Milchberg …” “Nununu is a Hebrew word typically used to scold children”

    “Milchberg: ‘As far as we’re concerned she was an outdated symbol, but … we discovered that two things had happened to her in the past two years – her husband died and she reinvented herself … We realized that something good had happened to Dion … She’s … rediscovering herself …’

    The Celinununu collection “signals a utopian future in which gender norms have become extinct …”

    “The newborn label was initially named Black Sheep …”

    “At first they made neutral, monochromatic baby clothes … Later they added prints of skulls …”

    “… [The image of Celine Dion] appears on many of the T-shirts, with the slogan Follow Me …”

    “Adler: ‘The preoccupation with gender-neutral clothing made us a subject of attack by all kinds of pious Christians …’

    “Milchberg: ‘… We’re bringing about a revolution in the field of 'gender blender’ …”


    “Adler: ‘… We asked ourselves how many people in Israel would buy black clothes for children, with skull prints …

    “‘Even if you aim for 1,000, that doesn’t fill Rothschild Boulevard …’”


  3. Ukrainian troops being sent to needless death, are publicly begging for international Human Rights Court intervention against the slaughter for no purpose, speaking of 'genocide' of Ukrainians

    From an AFU (Armed Forces Ukraine) channel:

    "We are being exterminated by our own command.

    Mountains of corpses of our brothers.

    It is useless to appeal to the country's authorities! They give the order for our extermination. They will not punish themselves.

    It is necessary to reach the Hague International Court.

    What is happening now is a crime against one's own people. Genocide of Ukrainians. I can't call it anything else."


    photo, Zelensky in front of a cemetery of Ukraine war dead
