Thursday 14 December 2023

Israeli ambassadoer Tzipi Hotovly


Israeli ambassadoer Tzipi Hotovly (left) Keir Starmer (right)

Unknown commented on "Hamas works for Netanyahu"

There will be ‘NO’ two-state solution, says Israeli ambassador to UK

“Israel's ambassador to the UK has told Sky News her country would not accept a two-state solution when the war in Gaza ends.

“When pressed on the question of Palestinians having their own state, Tzipi Hotovely told Mark Austin: ‘Absolutely no’

“… Ms Hotovely was [also] asked about UN demands for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

“She replied: ‘Ceasefire - no …’

Israel's air and ground assault has killed more than 18,600 Palestinians …

Nearly 1.9 million people have been driven from their homes …


  1. Secret tunnels of Liverpool 1805-1840

    Key to funding the deaths in Gaza are the tens of millions of Zionist-Christian Americans, including US House Speaker Mike Johnson, who are led to think that supporting Israel is linked to their personal chances of going to heaven.

    American Christianity has many roots in earlier religious movements of Britain, and I was recently reminded of one of the very odd English episodes, in Liverpool.

    For decades as far as anyone remembers, there was a Liverpool pub story about a huge secret underground labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city, created by a long-ago rich man hiring thousands of poor Liverpool workers, and hiding some sort of a dark secret.

    In the 1990s, workers discovered that this was no mere 'story' but based in significant factual reality. A huge network of elaborate tunnels was discovered under Liverpool, so extensive that they have not yet been fully explored yet.

    Joseph Williamson (1769-1840), an eccentric church-goer, had become wealthy, and also married into the prominent Tate merchant family in Liverpool. Moving into the Edge Hill neighbourhood around 1805 - much of it an older sandstone quarry - Williamson began to both build houses above ground, hand-picking his neighbour tenants, and hiring huge numbers of poor Liverpool men to build an astonishing underground mini-city.

    "Williamson was very secretive about his tunnels, never stating their purpose except for a few reported conversations in which he replied to questions about their nature by pointing out that he was employing more men than other people did."

    Some say that Williamson was caught up in local religious cult movements anticipating 'end times', and the vast underground caverns were a place where some could survive catastrophes in the outer world.

    Others think it was just 'philanthropy', providing work for poor people who needed income. But Williamson clearly loved something about the underground world he was making, and did not wish to speak of it, with no records left of his purposes.

    So some think there may have been some 'darker secret' of the Williamson tunnels, and the community around the 'King of Edge Hill Liverpool'

    Brief video on the Williamson Liverpool tunnels

    site with history and photos

  2. Keir Starmer must be forced, on live TV to state that he would always put the UK ahead of Israel if push came to shove. He cannot be Prime Minister if he represents the interests of a foreign state. In my opinion, if he considers Israel to be his master, he should have 24hrs to leave Parliament.

  3. Ukraine’s Zelensky hails 'victory' as EU to open membership talks

    “… The decision [was] announced by European Council President Charles Michel on the first day of a summit in Brussels …

    “[In a post on X, President Zelensky said]: ‘This is a victory for Ukraine’ …

    “Ukraine announced its [bid] to join the EU days … in February 2022 …

    “Russia … [opposes] Ukraine's push to join … the NATO military alliance …

    “Russia's economy has so far weathered the West's punishment …”

  4. ‘Covid lockdowns were a catastrophe’

    “… Lockdowns had catastrophic effects, especially on the most vulnerable, and the scale of the catastrophe becomes ever more apparent over time.”

    “Shutting schools, cancelling operations, discouraging people from visiting their GPs, confining people to their homes for weeks on end: all were bound to have consequences.

    “Wiping out more than a decade of improvement in pupil attainment was one of them.

    “Increased truancy rates was another.

    “Record NHS waiting lists and delayed cancer treatment a third …

    “[Lockdowns] were particularly tough for the less well-off, those who couldn’t do their jobs from home, and those suffering from mental illness or at risk of domestic abuse …”

    “… [Taxes] are at their highest level since the second world war and public spending is being squeezed …

    “… [As] a country, we are paying for the cost of lockdowns …”
