Saturday 9 December 2023

Is Israel Guilty Of Apartheid Against Palestinians?


  1. Israel is deliberately targeting residential blocks to cause mass civilian casualties, says Israeli media

    “In the first three weeks of the current operation, Swords of Iron, the civilian proportion of total deaths shot up to 61% … The ratio is [significantly] higher than the civilian toll in all the conflicts around the world during the 20th century …

    “The study confirms an investigation 10 days ago by two other Israeli news sites, +972 Magazine and Local Call, which found that Israel was deliberately targeting residential blocks to cause mass civilian casualties …”

  2. Jennifer Arcuri being interviewed on GB News. Jennifer Arcuri 'sticks the boot in' on her ex Boris Johnson.

    Truly astonishing.

  3. Jerusalem Post, 2009:

    "A new book provides justification for killing non-Jews

    The most shocking items from the book
    Halachic license to kill innocent children in battle situations in which their presence endangers Jewish lives
    or if there is concern that young children will grow to become mortal enemies of Jews

    'The King's Torah: Laws of Life and Death between Jews and the Nations'
    'Torat Hamelech: Dinei Nefashot Bein Yisrael Le'Amim'
    its two authors
    Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, student of Chabad Rabbi Yitzhak Ginzberg
    Rabbi Yosef Elitzur, son of Rabbi Michael Hershkovitz

    The subject of killing gentiles, and more specifically Palestinians as part of ongoing battle against terrorism, is particularly relevant for students at the yeshiva, who have served, are presently serving or plan on serving in the IDF

    The book has received the approbation of Kiryat Arba-Hebron Chief Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi Ya'acov Yosef, son of Shas Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, and Chabad Rabbi Ginzberg

    Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, a highly respected halachic authority in both haredi and religious Zionist circles, wrote an endorsement that appeared in the book

    In a chapter titled "Attacking The Innocent" book authors Shapira and Elitzur say that the main brunt of the war effort should be against those with an intent to kill but even someone who merely belongs to the nation of the enemy is considered an enemy. The authors also advocate revenge attacks. Shapira and Elitzur also argue that individuals can make the decision to kill gentiles on their own.

    The authors advocate the killing of young children if it is foreseeable that these children will grow up to be enemies of Jews. "There is an argument for killing the very young if it is clear that they will grow up to hurt us [Jews]. And in this situation the attack should be directed at them and not just indirectly while attacking adults," write Shapira and Elitzur.

    'Britain Denies Entry To Racist Rabbi
    The U.K. Border Agency is prohibiting fundamentalist Rabbi Yosef Elitzur, co-author of the controversial book "The King's Torah" ("Torat Hamelech" ), from entering Britain.'

    Photo of book author Rabbi Shapira with quote

    Photo of book author Rabbi Elitzur
