Tuesday 5 December 2023

Investors made millions short-selling before the 7 October attack.

The 7 October 'attack on Israel' was a False Flag attack by the Israeli government.

Investors made millions short-selling before the attack.

US professors detected unusual trading activity on the Tel Aviv and US stock exchanges before 7 October

US researchers say that some investors knew in advance about the plan to attack Israel on 7 October and used that information to earn millions of dollars by short-selling Israeli shares.

Research by law professors Robert Jackson Jr from New York University and Joshua Mitts of Columbia University found significant short-selling of shares leading up to the attack. 

Short-sellers place bets on shares that they expect to fall in price. 

One of the researchers told the Telegraph newspaper that it was not inconceivable that the profits from this short-selling were “above $100m”.

News of the study was first reported on Israel’s financial news website The Marker.

Witness Baum

Only an international investigation will reveal who raked in millions of dollars thanks to the massacre


  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12781471/Disabled-people-secretly-given-Not-Resuscitate-orders-Scottish-Covid-19-inquiry-hears.html

  2. https://off-guardian.org/2023/12/04/cop28-the-globalist-agenda-has-never-been-more-obvious/

    Climate Lies

  3. Israel Shamir has interrupted his recovery from a stroke, to write about how the current wave of 'Islamic terror attacks' may be manipulations to serve the Israeli goal to ethnically cleanse Gaza

    In the last few days we have had -
    'terror attack by Algerian-heritage person in Dublin'
    'terror attack by Iranian-heritage person in Paris'

    and now we have 'terrorism experts' forecasting further events:

    'Belgian terror expert: ‘Brussels not safe’ to celebrate Christmas and New Year in'

    Rather reminding of 2016's eerie prediction that came true - 'Less than a week before the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned of possible bombings in European cities, including Brussels.'

    Shamir thinks the million-plus migration waves into Europe from 'Syrian war' etc in 2015, may have been related to setting up Greater Israel projects, given that, amongst a million-plus migrants, one can find one or two to 'push to amok attack'

    With a series of 'Islamist attacks' in Europe, and perspectives fuelled by suddenly prominent anti-Islamist, pro-Israel politicians such as Netherlands' Geert Wilders -

    Shamir sees enough 'fog of war' so that possibly 'the moral high ground will be snuffed out' ... Gaza protests may become defused amidst alleged 'Islamic terror', and Israel will be able to carry out its ethnic cleansing of Gazans into Egypt and beyond


    A counterpoint comes from Austrialian in Moscow John Helmer, who speaks of a Moscow perspective of taking actions to break the blockade of Gaza, protecting post-Hamas Gazan and Palestinian autonomy, and Russia finally blocking Israel from attacking its neighbours in Lebanon Syria etc ... but this may be just some Russians doing wishful thinking
