Saturday 2 December 2023



Unknown commented

‘Future prime minister’ Wes Streeting is received in Israel

“When he boarded a plane to Israel on May 9, Wes Streeting was merely an ambitious rising star in Britain’s Labour party.

“By the time he touched down at Ben Gurion airport, the 39-year-old was a potential party leader, [and] possible future prime minister …

Mandelson, (centre) friend of Jacob Rothschild, Streeting with red rosette.

“Streeting, Labour’s shadow health secretary, is in Israel on a week-long tour. …

“Streeting is gay and a devout Christian … Streeting and his partner, Joe Dancey, a communications consultant, have been together for 11 years.”

His maternal grandfather, who spent time in prison for armed robbery, was familiar with the infamous East End Krays …” 

(The Krays were partly Jewish and supplied young boys to the elite.)

(Unknown commented - 300 schoolchildren boycott assembly by MP Wes Streeting over Labour support for Israel’s war on Gaza

“Around 300 17 and 18-year-olds at Beal High School in Ilford, east London, either refused to attend or walked out of the assembly …

“‘Keir Starmer [has] stated he does not support calls for a ceasefire. None of us agreed with this, so collectively we showed our position by not attending,’ [said one student involved, Amina] …

“With only around 20 year 13 students agreeing to attend the assembly, school management drafted in younger pupils to make up the numbers …”   )

“… [One] shadow cabinet member says: ‘The gossip is that [Streeting’s] ambition is pretty naked …’”

Streeting and Mandelson are both gay.


  1. “Streeting is gay and a devout Christian … Streeting and his partner, Joe Dancey, a communications consultant, have been together for 11 years.”

    ..........and there in lies the problem.

  2. Looks to me like a typical working class Tory who evaluated carefully which political party would see him earning the most post-politics. He wouldn't make it to the top in the Tory party, he certainly can in Labour. He takes money from big business, plays to the Jewish audience and has never had a real job in his life. Student politics, local politics, a consultant for local politics, then an MP. How on earth could he know anything about technology, about business, about finance, about climate, about agriculture, about anything valuable? He maps perfectly as a classic political parasite. Looking to be Labour Leader and then earn £100m on the gravy train.

  3. streeting was also close to Greville Janner
