Monday 4 December 2023

Economist - predictions

Unknown commented -

Rothschild's front cover of Economist 2024 is thought to be predictive. 

Centre is the ballot box. Russia, USA, Ukraine, UK etc. 

Time running out for Zelensky as Russia posts a $85 B surplus 2023 (despite sanctions) USA $2 trillion loss. 

AI, Graph indicates in the center of the conudrum on the right we see a hint of the crash of currency markets (US dollar, euro, Japanese yen & British pound), a logistics collapse with container ships sagging from excessive cargo, a solar flare followed by a blackout of all electrical power, rising temperatures, hurricanes & some other impact on human psyche. (weather warfare

We also see 2 solar eclipses, about which there is not a word in the trends for 2024. There may be a new red planet and/or blue star arriving in the solar system. Xi & Biden face away from each other - clash continues over Taiwan. 

Mystery woman with pony tail???? Kamala Harris runs or President? Ballistic missiles etc.

1 comment:

  1. Spooky explosion of house of former US government operative in Arlington Virginia USA

    Media has a story of 'disturbed' Asian-American James Yoo in his home, with police outside, when suddenly his home totally blew up in a massive unusual explosion

    Telegraph video 1 minute

    This occurred in Arlington Virginia, just over the river bridge, walking distance, from Washington DC, the US State Department, White House etc

    James Yoo had worked in the past with a little-known but very spooky US gov agency, CFIUS, Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States

    This agency is deeply involved with what can come in and out of the USA ... billions from political figures like Zelensky ... also some cargo and containers ... some suspect that, the most horrible human and child trafficking get their 'ok', their passage papers, via an agency like this

    Media is reporting that James Yoo is likely dead, with 'human remains found' in the explosion ... but someone using the name 'James Yoo' has been posting on the web, saying he got away and was not in the explosion ... talking somewhat rationally if also emotionally about political manipulation, Israeli spyware etc

    Part of what is odd is that the media was a little too quick having 'legal files' ready on Yoo, plus such excellent video of the explosion 'by chance'

    Yoo had filed various legal claims, including some about being unjustly in a psychiatric hospital

    Suspicion: Yoo discovered something horrible ... was thrown into psychiatric care, drugged etc ... was 'disturbed' as a result, but still had enough handle on uncomfortable facts, so his demise was 'arranged'
