Wednesday 20 December 2023

‘Bringing Ukraine into NATO would mean WWIII’

Unknown commented 

‘Bringing Ukraine into NATO would mean WWIII’

“We will not agree with Ukraine’s membership in NATO, because that would be the start of World War III,” Slovakian prime minister Robert Fico said on Tuesday.

“As long as I have the opportunity to influence the Slovak political scene, I will use the right to veto such a decision,” he added.

The Ukrainian government has made NATO membership an objective since 2018. Russia has repeatedly warned that such a step would endanger its national security …

1 comment:

  1. Strategy of tension in Prague?

    We have a huge shooting at a university in Prague, at least 15 dead and 36 wounded

    Quasi-professional massacre by young 'lone gunman' with a sniper rifle, allegedly 24-year-old David Kozák, now dead

    "His inspirations were Ilyaz Galyaviev (he committed a shooting in the Kazan Russia gymnasium in 2021, killing 9 people) and Alina Afanaskina (committed a shooting at a Bryansk Russia school on December 7)."

    Kozák's 'online diary' is in Russian, on the Telegram social media ... and his 'inspirations' are two Russian mass shootings ... the 'diary' speaks especially of the age 14 girl Alina who did the Bryansk school shooting two weeks ago -

    "Alina became the last point. It was as if she had come to my aid from heaven just in time ..."

    The emotional diary in Russian, points to either the shooter, or whoever staged this, having Ukrainian or Russian roots, tho media are not mentioning this

    Many Ukrainians have been in Czechia since 2014 when troubles began in Kiev, and Czech companies and gov't were making it easy for Ukrainians to work

    A typical Ukrainian is as likely to be a native Russian speaker as a Ukrainian one, mentally in a 'Russosphere' world
