Thursday 14 December 2023

Blocking the Freeway


BREAKING: On the 6th day of Chanukah, is blocking the freeway to demand a ceasefire. As Jews, we cannot sit by as the people of Gaza are starved and slaughtered our name. And as Americans, we can't let Biden & Congress send billions more in funding for war crimes.

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Jewish protesters shut down LA freeway in call for ceasefire

“A progressive Jewish activist group caused a miles-long traffic jam Wednesday morning in Los Angeles while calling for a ceasefire in Gaza …”

IfNotNow Los Angeles says it is “organizing to end US support for Israel's apartheid system”

“Protesters parked and exited their vehicles, and they crossed all lanes on foot while chanting, ‘Ceasefire now’

“A giant makeshift menorah was erected as they proceeded to link hands and stage a sit-in along the freeway …”

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