Saturday 16 December 2023


Alice (Rothschild) and Zac (Goldsmith) are recently divorced.

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Alice and Zac Goldsmith are said to live in a ‘country pile’ in Bramshaw in the New Forest, about 1 mile (a roughly 2-minute drive) from their illustrious neighbour, Esther Rantzen of ChildLine, who also resides in Bramshaw at Blood Oaks Farm on Wych Green.

Alice is the daughter of ‘allegedly suicided’ Amschel Rothschild and the niece of Lord Jacob Rothschild — the radical Zionist whom Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking victim, Maria Farmer, recently drew in connection with making certain allegations.

Maxwell used to describe the Rothschild clan as “the greatest protector of her family”, according to Farmer’s testimony. Lord Jacob Rothschild’s cousin is the late Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, whose surviving wife, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, reportedly sold Jeffrey Epstein (at a huge discount) the Manhattan townhouse in which they installed Ghislaine, and accompanied Epstein for numerous flights on his ‘Lolita Express’ private jet according to flight logs.

Alice, a fabulously wealthy banking heiress, owns and operates a ‘clothing manufacturing business’ using the address of her Bramshaw home: Fountain Court. The Daily Mail has described Fountain Court — a Grade II listed building— as their ‘country pile’.

Alice has said that she previously worked for her uncle Lord Jacob Rothschild at the Rothschild Foundation alongside her ‘good friend’, Georgina Parr.

Alice and ‘Georgie’ reportedly set up their ‘clothing manufacturing business’ in 2013 as a joint venture. They also have an associated shop for Dotty Dungarees, 15 miles down the road in Lymington High Street.

Bramshaw is a very small village. Besides ‘neighbours’ Alice and Zac Rothschild and Esther Rantzen, there are just 681 other residents, per the census. This appears to include some who reportedly practice ‘occult rituals’ such as desecrating the local church with pentagrams and sacrificing sheep, according to recent reports in UK national media.

1 comment:

  1. Re: ‘allegedly suicided’ Amschel Rothschild ' - the report I read years ago said the bath rail that he was tied too was too weak to have supported the weight of a human body. This article supports what I read.. that he was too 'nice' & did not have the killer instinct. Quote: "People used the word "gentle" to describe Amschel Mayor James Rothschild. He was the only son of Victor Rothschild's second marriage to Theresa Mayor, and heir to the Rothschild dynasty after his older half-brother Jacob. Amschel's obituary stated: "Where his father was of large and pugnacious build, Amschel Rothschild was tall, thin and strikingly graceful [after his mother]. His bushy head of hair ... emphasized large, sad brown eyes. He was precise, almost obsessively tidy, enjoyed making difficult cocktails and revisiting old jokes. He loved his farm, his children, restoring old outhouses, extending his lawns, going to bed early." Amschel was regularly billed as the heir presumptive to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, left, (who died last November at age 91) for the chairmanship (Sir Evelyn's children being still too young to be candidates), though newspaper reports would be sniffy about his prospects; they implied his profile was too low, that with his gentle manner, he was too "nice", that he lacked the killer instinct." On July 8 1996 he was found dead in the bathroom of his suite at the Bristol Hotel in Paris. According to the official story, he had committed suicide by hanging himself with the belt of his bathrobe. Thanks to the now defunct "The Spotlight," we have the truth."
