Monday 27 November 2023

Palestine's UN Rep EXPOSES Israel...


  1. 2023 Dublin riot

    “[It is] five days on from a knife attack on schoolchildren, which left a 5-year-old girl and a childcare worker in serious condition and sparked widespread rioting across the city …”

    The suspect is a 49-year-old born in Algeria who moved to Ireland in 2003 and became a naturalised citizen.

    “… [The] man suffered from several … mental issues.

    “Several years ago he had a brain tumour removed and in recent years he began interacting with mental health services.

    “… [The] exact nature of his illness is not clear …

    “ … [GardaĆ­] investigating last Thursday’s … found nothing to link him to any terrorism groups …”

    “Irish Military Intelligence … is understood to have a relationship with Israeli Mossad.”

  2. Israeli settlers steal Palestinian farmers’ land in occupied West Bank

    ‘There is a second war in Palestine which is happening in the occupied West Bank’
    — Abbas Milhem, director of the Palestinian Farmers’ Union (PAFU) in Ramallah

    “Farmers in the occupied West Bank face near-daily incursions and violence from Israeli settlers …

    “Farmer Ayman Assad, 45, and his family can clearly hear the attacks from their home just 2km from the camp and they have made the past few weeks a nightmare for him, his wife and five children.

    “‘The children are constantly scared, and they don’t play outside any more, it’s too dangerous’ … ‘We can hear the attacks on the refugee camp, explosions and gunshots’ …

    “The West Bank has been occupied by Israel since 1967.

    “Since then, about 700,000 Israeli settlers have illegally settled in the Palestinian territory and have been stealing from, attacking and destroying, olive groves, farmland and property there for years …

    “But these incursions have stepped up in recent weeks, as Israeli forces and settlers mount armed raids …

    “Just over two weeks ago, armed Israeli settlers invaded the Milhem farm, fired guns in the direction of the people working on the harvest and stole olives …

    “One of the workers at the farm, Iman Abdallah Jawabri, 45, was harvesting olives in a crew that included her husband when five settlers came in.

    “‘They shot towards us as if they wanted to scare us … Then they told all the women to leave and started hitting the men …’”

  3. CRAIG MURRAY: ‘Fascism is being enabled by Zionism’

    Repeating the truth that some leaders of the zionist movement collaborated with the Nazis prompts ‘fascist attack on free speech’ by U.K. authorities

    “At Saturday’s great march in support of Palestine in London, police arrested [activists] for having a pamphlet on sale on their stall.

    “The ‘illegal’ pamphlet is entitled Zionism: A Racist, Anti-Semitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism …

    “I suspect what may have upset the authorities are the passages on collaboration between some leaders of the zionist movement and the Nazis … [a] truth [that] certainly has a place in the history books …

    “This is a simply appalling attack on freedom of speech …

    “… [What] offence is it precisely? …

    “The attack on freedom of speech and association is across the western world … Fascism is being enabled by zionism …

    “The activists have been released on police bail ….

    “The restriction on distributing leaflets at protests [one of the bail conditions] is straight from the handbook of a totalitarian state …”
