Monday 20 November 2023

Argentina as a jewish state


Angelina commented on "Altman, Milei, Gates, Netanyahu, Thiel, Cohen ..."

Have you heard of the Andinia plan?

Argentina as a jewish state

... Shall we choose Palestine or Argentina? 

We shall take what is given to us and what is selected by jewish public opinion.The Society will determine both these point. Argentina is one of the most fertile countries in the world extends over a vast area,has a sparse population and a mild climate...

Jewish philanthropist baron Maurice Hirsch had already set up jewish community in Sante Fe Province of Argentina,in subtropical pampas, northwest of Buenos Aires.He claimed to have secured promises from Argentine authorities to set up an autonomous province.

Left - President Milei of Argentina, -who loves Israel and his rabbi.

At 20 November 2023 at 03:01 , Anonymous said...

Milei has branded Argentine Pope Francis an "evil" leftist, called climate change a "socialist lie" and said he would hold a referendum to undo the three-year-old law that legalized abortion.

In presidential debates, he has cast doubt on the widely accepted tally of murders during the country’s 'Dirty War' from 1976 to 1983 [when ruled by the junta of General Jorge Videla].

Milei proposes privatizing the health sector, which in Argentina has always been in public hands.

He was forced to apologize after calling Pope Francis, who is from Argentina, “an envoy of Satan” in 2017.

His campaign promise to dollarize Argentina, if enacted, is expected to thrust the country into new territory: no country of Argentina’s size has previously turned over the reins of its own monetary policy to Washington decisionmakers.

1 comment:

  1. Recently learned about this fascinating bit of history from a series on Amazon Prime: May 4, 2022 — Daniel Burman's 'Yosi, the Regretful Spy' is the true story of a cop who went undercover as a Jew for decades, and how he may have ...
