Monday 16 October 2023


In one of Tel Aviv's main streets, Israelis hang up signs that say “Victory looks like zero people in Gaza,” and “Genocide Gaza.”


  1. Reminds me of the ancient joke, 'How many Jews does it take to make Hitler happy?' - None

  2. Such a superior race of people, eh? Such tolerance, such forgiveness, such a desire to 'live and let live'. I'm sure God will have an answer as to why they were 'chosen', if indeed that were true and not a fairy story made up for child-like adults millennia ago....

  3. President of Ireland strongly criticises von der Leyen over Israel comments

    “[The Irish president] has strongly criticised the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen for comments … she made on a visit to Israel last Friday …

    “Ms von der Leyen was ‘not speaking for Ireland and she wasn’t speaking for the opinions that they hold’ ..,

    “He said: ‘To announce in advance that you will break international law and to do so on an innocent population, it reduces all the code that was there from second world war on protection of civilians and it reduces it to tatters’” …

  4. Dublin woman says 28 relatives killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza

    “A Dublin woman has said that 28 members of her extended family have been killed in Gaza over the past eight days [by Israel].

    “In a post on X, Yara Alagha said that seven of those who died were children …

    “[She said]: ‘There is no other way to comprehend this, it is a genocide …’

    “‘You will notice patterns of those killed that there are often a number of deaths in the same family, this is because families choose to stick together so that if they are bombed, they all die together and nobody is left behind to grieve alone’” …

  5. CRAIG MURRAY: Fascism in the West to enable genocide in Palestine

    “The European Commission has been ferociously zionist and gung-ho for this Palestinian genocide. It displayed the Israeli flag on its Berlaymont headquarters. It has taken a side in the most ferocious way.

    “It is therefore deeply sinister that the European Commission is actively working to shut down pro-Palestinian information and comment on social media. The European Commission has written to all major social media organisations and is able to threaten them with massive fines if they do not remove information of which the European Union disapproves …

    “We are witnessing almost all western governments deliberately facilitating massacre, ethnic cleansing and genocide. We are witnessing almost all western governments turning on their own people to crush dissent at that complicity in genocide.

    “This feels not so much like the week that western democracy died, as the week it was impossible any longer to deny that western democracy died some time ago.”



  8. The covid lockdowns were a ‘failure of public health policy’

    “… Prof Mark Woolhouse of the University of Edinburgh – a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling (SPI-M-O) – said the group failed to adequately assess the negative consequences of a nationwide lockdown.

    “The harms of the social distancing measures – particularly lockdown, the economic harms, the educational harms, the harms to access to healthcare, the harms to societal wellbeing … just the way we all function … mental health – were not included in any of the work that SPI-M-O did and, as far as I could tell, no one else was doing it either,’ Woolhouse told the [UK’s covid public inquiry].

    “‘The question of how to avoid lockdown was never asked of us and I find that extraordinary’ …

    “‘I think it’s fair to describe lockdown not as a public health policy, but as a failure of public health policy’ …”

  9. Jimmy Savile's relationship with Margaret Thatcher and with the Pope

    Britain's most notorious paedophile was knighted at the urging of Margaret Thatcher

  10. Police intelligence: Jimmy Savile had a sexual relationship with Peter Jaconelli

  11. Jeffrey Epstein victim Carolyn Adriano dies from an 'accidental overdose' in Florida hotel room - as her mom questions report on her cause of death

    “A Jeffrey Epstein victim whose testimony helped put Ghislaine Maxwell in prison was found dead in a hotel room - and her mom is demanding answers.

    “There were few announcements of Carolyn Adriano’s passing in late May. The 36-year-old died from a suspected overdose, police said, but her mom isn't sure …

    “A toxicology report noted Adriano had methadone, fentanyl and alprazolam in her system when she died.  

    “However, [Adriano’s mother, Dorothy Groener] said there needs to be more investigation. She claimed vodka bottles were found in the room, but her daughter didn't have any alcohol in her system.

    “'It shouldn't be closed,' Groenert [said]. 'I begged them, I sent them numerous messages. I've asked for them to make meetings, contact me, and to no avail’ …”

  12. World Jewish congress president Ronald Lauder thanks president Biden for his support

    “Today, World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder took to the pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post and in two full-page advertisements, thanked President Biden and Congressional leadership of both political parties …”

  13. Conservatives vow to outlaw Israel boycotts ‘by end of the year’

    “The Government is planning to push through proposed legislation to outlaw boycotts of Israel without any ‘fundamental changes’ before the end of the year …

    “The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill would prohibit spending and investment decisions by publicly funded bodies such as local authorities taken on the basis of political boycott campaigns …

    “… [The] left-wing Yachad group claimed it amounted to an attack on free speech …”

  14. Kevin Spacey sued by NY massage therapist for alleged sex solicitation

    “A New York City massage therapist is reportedly suing actor Kevin Spacey, alleging the 64-year-old actor booked several massages with him at a Flatiron District hotel, then solicited sexual favors …

    “Spacey allegedly booked appointments under an alias and insisted on wearing a ski mask during his rubdowns. He’s accused of complimenting the massage therapist on his appearance, badgering him to commit sexual acts and guiding the worker’s hand toward his own genitalia …”

  15. Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild ‘run out of London’ as she plots US return after husband’s death

    “Word around the oak-paneled dining rooms of the Upper East Side is that Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild has been ‘run out of London’ after the death of her banking tycoon husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, and she’s heading back stateside — albeit with hundreds of millions of Rothschild pounds in her suitcase.

    “Lady Lynn, now 69, married Sir Evelyn in 2000, and when the heir to the famed Rothschild fortune died in November at 91, he left his storied moola to her, rather than his three kids, Jessica, Anthony and David.

    “And if the missing money didn’t get on their nerves, we hear that Lady Lynn’s management of the funeral certainly did.

    “‘She didn’t let any of the kids speak,’ an insider told Page Six.

    “‘That upset them, especially Jessica.’

    “We’re told the family was also upset that Sir Evelyn’s best friend and cousin, Lord Jacob Rothschild, didn’t perform the eulogy.

    “That honor went to a notably non-British pal of Lady Lynn’s, former President BILL CLINTON …

    “Now, multiple uptown sources tell us that Lady Lynn hasn’t smoothed things over on the other side of the pond and she’s officially worn out her welcome amid the London social set.

    “‘She’s been run out of town,’ a source told us … ‘They all hate her over there’ …

    “It is particularly a pity, since Sir Evelyn also gave her the family estate, Ascott, in Bedfordshire.

    “Lady Lynn, who has two grown sons, Benjamin and John, from her previous marriage to former New York pol Andrew Stein, made her own fortune in wireless communications …”
