Thursday 26 October 2023

Friends of Israel etc ?

The roman salute is still used in Mexico to pledge alliance to the flag.

Unknown commented -

Western politicians — a very special class

1. “A senior Conservative MP, CRISPIN BLUNT, has been arrested on suspicion of RAPE …

2. “[ANOTHER] CONSERVATIVE MP, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested in May 2022 on suspicion of indecent assault, sexual assault and RAPE …

3. “Two former Tory MPs have been convicted of sexual assault: CHARLIE ELPHICKE … was sentenced to a two-year prison term in 2020 on three counts of SEXUAL ASSAULT …

4. “and IMRAN AHMAD KHAN, the former MP for Wakefield, was last year sentenced to 18 months in jail for SEXUALLY ASSAULTING a 15-year-old boy.

5. “PETER BONE, a Conservative MP, was suspended from parliament for six weeks after a watchdog found he had … EXPOSED HIS GENITALS near [a staff member’s] face …

6. “Boris Johnson’s deputy chief whip, CHRIS PINCHER, stepped down … [after he] GROPED TWO MEN at a private members’ club …

7. “… NEIL PARISH, the MP for Tiverton and Honiton [stood down] in April 2022 after … WATCHING PORNOGRAPHY ON HIS PHONE IN THE COMMONS …

8. “Another Conservative MP, DAVID WARBURTON, lost the whip in 2022 after … facing [SEXUAL HARASSMENT and cocaine] allegations … He quit earlier this year …

9. “[Another] Tory MP, JULIAN KNIGHT, was stripped of the whip over an allegation of SEXUAL MISCONDUCT …

10. “Another former Conservative MP, ROB ROBERTS … made ‘significant’ repeated and UNWANTED SEXUAL ADVANCES towards a former member of staff …

11. “GERAINT DAVIES, a long-serving MP, had the Labour whip suspended after allegations of SEXUAL HARASSMENT surfaced from five women …

12. “Charlotte Nichols, a Labour MP, has previously accused her own party of failing to do enough about an allegation of SEXUAL MISCONDUCT by [AN UNNAMED] FRONTBENCHER.”


  1. "Bone" and "Pincher" are the last names of two of the perverts ? Lol . . .

