Tuesday, 1 August 2023

PUTIN & USA - same agenda?

Anonymous has left a new comment on 'NIGER - Putin v. US':

East & West, countries theoretically differing ... but much of the same agenda anyway

Two major bloggers who have lived in Russia and are anti-NATO - 'Rolo Slavskiy' and 'Edward Slavsquat' - yet have a consistent theme that in most respects, Russia (& China etc) are on board with most items of the globalist, Klaus Schwab, WHO, UN etc agenda

The only difference one sees in Russia and others, they say, is being against the lgbt agenda and for the traditional family, with 'gay propaganda' etc being prohibited ... this places them in accord with most of the world, which does not try to attack traditional family patterns or push lgbt, even where other styles are accepted

But aside from lgbt & gender roles, there seems little different from the West inside Russia, say these bloggers, the same preparations for a 'great reset' / 'new world order', with parallel paths on:

covid, vaccines, and health mandates

digital cash and financial controls

massive surveillance and digital tracking

oligarch enterprises dominating the economy

Russia is now even talking of 'safe vaccines for our African friends', furthering the Bill Gates agenda

Another area of widespread 'sameness' across European-Anglo-Russosphere governments, despite, rhetoric, is that of pro-migration practices

The Russian Federation is 20% non-Russian, 3/4 of those Muslim, and Russia continues to welcome migrants from former Soviet Union states, the migration 'controlled' but on significant scale, Moscow explicitly 'multi-cultural' and opposed to ethno-nationalism

Several articles point out that the supposed 'right wing anti-migration' governments of Europe, are themselves sponsoring massive migration of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and non-Europeans ... the only difference being it is 'legal migration' with procedures, instead of random arriving boat people being favoured.

This has come to the point that pro-migration leftists are cheering how 'right wing' governments are cleverly pacifying anti-immigration voters with rhetoric ... but then allowing massive waves of migrants anyway

'Poland’s conservatives plan to accept hundreds of thousands of migrants per year, ... from 18 mostly Muslim-majority countries in order to take in 400,000 immigrants annually ... The same process is playing out with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni ...

 Conservatives employ harsh rhetoric around illegal immigration ... build trust from their voter base ... while pushing for a dramatic increase in 'legal' immigration.'


'Zionist “National Conservative” Governments Are Flooding Europe with Millions of Non-White Migrants'


  1. 100% Agreed. All in the same team.

  2. Edward Slavsquat, I get his articles, seems like a 24/7 anti-Russian troll like, use with caution.

  3. Belarus helicopters briefly flew about 3 kilometres into Poland

    Helicopters flew from Belarus to Poland near the village of Grudki, moved about three kilometres inland, turned around and flew over Białowieża

    Poland military first denied it, then publicly confirmed it

    In English -

    Where will things be in east Europe by the end of August? Like 1939 again?
