Monday 31 July 2023

NIGER - Putin v. US


Unknown commented -

Another flashpoint for larger war - the coup in Niger

Niger is where France sources much of its uranium for its nuclear power plants

France and the USA are reportedly preparing military intervention to safeguard France's uranium and to defeat Russian / Chinese influence.

Russia may send in Prigozhin's Wagner to assist the Niger military against NATO invasion

The military group that has taken power in Niger's capital Niamey, is more pro-Russian and against what it feels is an exploitation history by France and Europe ... and there is significant popular support for Russia against the West as well

They may seek to nationalise the uranium and gold mines and demand better deals for Niger from France


Protestors have stormed the French embassy.

'Pro-coup protesters in Niger shout ‘long live Putin’ as new leaders face calls to cede power'

French-US military intervention would be under cover of the pro-western Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) led by Nigeria.

From Twitter & Telegram:

'Roughly what is happening in Ukraine, but in reverse.

French nuclear power plants rely heavily on uranium supplies from Niger - 35%. It’s mined by a French company called Orano.

France is preparing to invade the country with the Americans. Delivery of weapons and soldiers is possible only by air.

PMC Wagner is very likely to go to Niger. NATO transports will be shot down.'


Anonymous -

'Mali and Burkina Faso says that they will go to war alongside the coup leaders in Niger' against the Western powers in the event of an invasion

Faytuks News


  1. East & West, countries theoretically differing ... but much of the same agenda anyway

    Two major bloggers who have lived in Russia and are anti-NATO - 'Rolo Slavskiy' and 'Edward Slavsquat' - yet have a consistent theme that in most respects, Russia (& China etc) are on board with most items of the globalist, Klaus Schwab, WHO, UN etc agenda

    The only difference one sees in Russia and others, they say, is being against the lgbt agenda and for the traditional family, with 'gay propaganda' etc being prohibited ... this places them in accord with most of the world, which does not try to attack traditional family patterns or push lgbt, even where other styles are accepted

    But aside from lgbt & gender roles, there seems little different from the West inside Russia, say these bloggers, the same preparations for a 'great reset' / 'new world order', with parallel paths on:

    covid, vaccines, and health mandates
    digital cash and financial controls
    massive surveillance and digital tracking
    oligarch enterprises dominating the economy

    Russia is now even talking of 'safe vaccines for our African friends', furthering the Bill Gates agenda

    Another area of widespread 'sameness' across European-Anglo-Russosphere governments, despite, rhetoric, is that of pro-migration practices

    The Russian Federation is 20% non-Russian, 3/4 of those Muslim, and Russia continues to welcome migrants from former Soviet Union states, the migration 'controlled' but on significant scale, Moscow explicitly 'multi-cultural' and opposed to ethno-nationalism

    Several articles point out that the supposed 'right wing anti-migration' governments of Europe, are themselves sponsoring massive migration of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and non-Europeans ... the only difference being it is 'legal migration' with procedures, instead of random arriving boat people being favoured.

    This has come to the point that pro-migration leftists are cheering how 'right wing' governments are cleverly pacifying anti-immigration voters with rhetoric ... but then allowing massive waves of migrants anyway

    'Poland’s conservatives plan to accept hundreds of thousands of migrants per year, ... from 18 mostly Muslim-majority countries in order to take in 400,000 immigrants annually ... The same process is playing out with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni ... Conservatives employ harsh rhetoric around illegal immigration ... build trust from their voter base ... while pushing for a dramatic increase in 'legal' immigration.'

    'Zionist “National Conservative” Governments Are Flooding Europe with Millions of Non-White Migrants'

  2. Another consequence of Niger (and Mali and Burkina Faso) going into the non-Western camp

    This may scuttle the planned trans-Sahara 'Nigal' pipeline going through Niger and Algeria, which was coveted by Europe to bring in 30 billion cubic metres of Nigerian gas per year into the EU

    map of the pipeline

  3. A Western ultimatum has been given to Niger for the end of the week ... But Niger is not only openly supported with the military force of Burkina Faso and Mali, but also now Guinea as well ...

    Photo of 4 African leaders uniting against Western bullying, that is being shared ... strong feelings across the African continent now

    Benin to Niger's southwest is shifting its stance also, re-opening trade lines to Niger ... Russia is meeting with the Algerians to Niger's north

    This has the makings of a black African springtime, a moment where history is made with Africans having a new confidence

    Military take-overs are not ideal ... but we should be able to understand that sometimes, they have popular support, because those 'elected' are seen to have failed when needs are urgent

  4. The pro-Western agenda is collapsing amongst Africans

    Niger announces reopening of air and land borders with Algeria, Libya, Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso

  5. Significant factor behind this conflict

    France controlling the money, the 'African franc', and profiting from it, in 14 African nations in exactly this region

    'France Secretly Owns 14 countries' 13min34
