Saturday 24 June 2023

Wagner chief Prigozhin quits

'Yevgeny Prigozhin, the chief of the Wagner mercenary group, has left the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don with his soldiers.

'The group’s departure follows a deal brokered by Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko under which Prigozhin and his mercenary soldiers will avoid prosecution, and Prigozhin will go into exile in Belarus.'

Russia-Ukraine live news: Prigozhin, Wagner troops leave

Unknown commented on "Wagner boss wanted by FBI"

Belarus President Lukashenko 'negotiates deal' to end the Prigozhin Wagner rebellion

Wagner forces were within 200 kilometres of Moscow

Apparently the 'deal' involves significant reforms in the Russian Defence Ministry ... ending some corruption; safeguards for Wagner; possible eventual removal of Defence Minister Shoigu and top Russian General Gerasimov

Meaning there will be much more aggressive Russian conduct of the conflict in Ukraine - bad news for NATO and the Zelensky government

People speculate - was this the plan all along? Did Putin need the pretext of rebellion by his old dear friend Prigozhin, in order to remove the worst of oligarch corruption at the top of Russia's military establishment?


Meaning there will be much more aggressive Russian conduct of the conflict in Ukraine - bad news for NATO and the Zelensky government

People speculate - was this the plan all along? Did Putin need the pretext of rebellion by his old dear friend Prigozhin, in order to remove the worst of oligarch corruption at the top of Russia's military establishment?



  1. When Prigozhin's Wagner was advancing rapidly toward Moscow, with little opposition from Russian military units -

    Flight-tracker hobbyists noted the large number of private jets, suddenly taking oligarchs out of Russia ... oligarchs in fear of anti-corruption populists taking power

    In the West, it seems we never put our own oligarchs in that kind of anxiety ... so who then, has the real 'democracy'?

  2. For many Russians, the two-day Wagner rebellion, with Prigozhin denouncing Kremlin corruption, was Russia's finest hour since 1991 -

    "Footage of Wagner packing up and leaving Rostov. Russian citizens are not only wildly cheering Prigozhin and rushing to give him hand shakes as he leaves, but they chant 'Wagner, Wagner!' in a chorus while clapping and feting them as heroes as Wagner departs."
