Thursday 8 June 2023

Crooked Charities


On Facebook, beware of appeals for certain orphanages?

'About 80 percent of an estimated 8 million children in orphanages or other institutions are not orphans.'

'Van Doore said the female pastor running the Ugandan orphanage had given the children fake identities after promising to educate them but kept them in a “pitiful condition” to boost funding. Many had malaria and were malnourished.'

Calls mount to stop orphanages exploiting poor children to lure ...
Nov 2018

Children at one squalid home seen by the BBC said they had been beaten and neglected by their carers..



    Fluoride, the neurotoxin that just keeps on giving

  2. Ooh, you're not saying that black people from Africa can be criminals, are you? That would be most un-woke, very racist and far too attentive to factual reality to be allowable in the new world of black/jewish/muslim/female/trans-racism.
