Saturday 10 June 2023

Greta and Ted Kaczynski - Henry Murray


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Greta Thunberg reportedly has been a correspondent of the just-deceased 'Unabomber', Ted Kaczynski (1942-2023):

"Infamous gossip blogger says Greta Thunberg is writing letters to the Unabomber.

"The claim alleges that Thunberg is a fan of Ted Kaczynski's writings."

TED KACZYNSKI appears to have been mind controlled by the CIA and used as part of a Strategy of Tension (Operation Gladio)

In his second year at Harvard, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray

Ted Kaczynski

Subjects were told they would debate personal philosophy with a fellow student and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were given to an anonymous individual who would confront and belittle the subject in what Murray himself called "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks, using the content of the essays as ammunition.[21]

 Electrodes monitored the subject's physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects' expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly.[21] The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week.[22][23] Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.[24]

Kaczynski's lawyers later attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in Murray's study.[21] 

During the Second World War, Murray worked with the Office of Strategic Services, a U.S. intelligence agency often referred to as the predecessor to the CIA, where he conducted psychological experiments.[25] 

Some sources have suggested that Murray's experiments were part of Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency's program of research into mind control.[26][27] 

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