Wednesday 8 March 2023


UK Column News - 8th March 2023

1 comment:

  1. Rules for Thee, Not for Me

    March 7, 2023

    Yesterday in the UK Mark was found guilty of breaching Ofcom's "rules" in a show from last April on the Covid vaccines and their efficacy. Since then, notwithstanding the British regulator and its "advice", the story has moved relentlessly in Steyn's direction: the vaccine boosters have been increasingly abandoned by the public where they have a choice in such matters, and eventually abandoned by governments, at least in Scandinavia, France, Britain, if not yet in North America.

    On today's Mark Steyn Show we'll look at what's behind Mark's conviction: First, veteran British media exec Mark Sharman joins Steyn to discuss the appalling failure of the media to do its job these last three years - after which our stats man Jamie Jenkins returns to dig deep into the numbers, and all the absurd claims made daily that Ofcom never bothered investigating.
