Saturday 4 March 2023

Sue Gray

Unknown commented -

Who is Keir Starmer’s pick for chief of staff, Sue Gray?

“Peter Caldwell, a former special adviser to several ministers, said it had been speculated Gray was a spy …

“According to the Belfast Telegraph, her car was stopped one night by IRA paramilitaries who wanted to take her car, only for her to be allowed to pass after a voice said ‘That’s Sue Gray from The Cove, let her go on’ …”

“[According to] political journalist Andrew Gimson: ‘… She owes her allegiance to the permanent government and the deep state.’”

Partygate ‘was a deliberate and manufactured plot to oust Boris Johnson’

“The unnamed ally of Mr Johnson said … ‘Keir Starmer appointing Sue Gray as his chief of staff reveals … partygate was a deliberate and manufactured plot to oust a Brexit-backing Conservative prime minister’ …

Boris Johnson loyalist Nadine Dorries said … ‘Sue Gray move to Starmer's office not surprising. Whilst writing report, she used QC who tweeted out pro Labour anti gov tweets … Her comms assistant briefed against Johnson from day 1. The Gray report was a stitch up of PM and civil servants’ …”

1 comment:

  1. The Cove was a pub ...

    Comment under Daily Mail article
    Ryan Monaghan, Ulster, Ireland, 1 year ago

    She obviously worked for British intelligence posing as a landlord listening for gossip from drunken IRA members. It was a good cover but risky if she got exposed.

    'Just as the situation looked like it was set to escalate, a voice came out of the darkness and said, "That's Sue Gray from The Cove, let her go on."

    'Two or three nights later, she was working in The Cove and a well-dressed man was at the bottom of the bar talking with people, before nodding at her and saying, 'Sue, did you get home alright the other night?'

    The Cove Bar has long since closed and a car dealership now operates on the site.

    But the source said Sue Gray was a no-nonsense 'Peggy Mitchell-style landlady' while her husband Bill Conlon, a country and western singer, preferred to entertain the customers.

    Her friend said he believed the experience of running the pub aided Ms Gray in her previous role as Stormont's top civil servant in the Department of Finance from 2018 until last year.
