Sunday 5 March 2023

HITCHENS - COVID - Disqualify those who backed ...

5 March 2023

PETER HITCHENS: Now we know for sure that our leaders lost their heads over Covid

'Our economy was wrecked, the national work ethic was destroyed, our liberties were shredded and the NHS crippled, probably permanently.

'Even now jobs are vanishing and businesses closing as a result. The education of the young was trashed and the lives of the old made so miserable many gave up and died...

'As for the ‘Opposition’ – everyone in it failed to do his or her job... 

'None of them, on either side, deserves to stay in Parliament, let alone to become the government.

'Could we perhaps start again, with a simple shame test for every parliamentary candidate at the next Election? Anyone who backed the hysteria should be disqualified.'




    For greater efficiency, the world’s Multinational Corporations, NGO heads and Oligarchical Overlords have announced that their main offices will henceforth be gathered in the following jurisdictions exclusively, according to specialism:

    1. NWO overall planning and oversight (greater Israel, one world government, great reset, agenda 21, democracy reversal)
    Tel Aviv, Davos, Bilderberg, Aspen, Vatican City, and Midtown Manhattan

    2. Disaster capitalism initiatives (strategy of tension, confusion and upheaval, disinformation and propaganda, false flags and regime change); plus political and social control operations (blackmail, child trafficking, global pedophilia, mindcontrolled sex slave and psychopathic killer training)
    Tel Aviv, Langley and Arlington, Vatican City, and Vauxhall.

    3. Predatory capitalism operations (tax avoidance, money laundering, insider trading, asset stripping, rentier capitalism, crony capitalism, oligopoly and cartel capitalism, corporate socialism, price fixing, price gouging and profiteering)
    Washington DC, Westminster, Wall Street, Zurich, and the City of London.

    4. Modern slavery, racial tyranny, and social stratification program development:
    Tel Aviv, Beijing, Dubai, and Doha.

    5. Outsourced terror operations (sweat shops, wage slavery and peonage, debt traps, sex slavery, and child exploitation)
    Manila, Hanoi, San Salvador, and Calcutta.

    6. Charles Darwin-George Orwell New Culture Development (‘survival of the fittest under constant surveillance’), with special emphasis on cult building, historical amnesia, critical-thinking prevention, and transition to virtual.
    Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzen, and Guangzhou.

    7. Mindless consumerism promotion.
    Dubai, Macau, Singapore, Dallas, Las Vegas, and Orlando

    Note, there will be some overlap in functions performed in the jurisdictions.
    (We extend our apologies to elites who may be compelled by these adjustments to relocate from their homes in Medina, Georgetown, Bel-Air, Waddesdon, Belgravia, Cologny, Silicon Valley, Palm Beach and elsewhere…)


    GMTV tripe. Some fake soul searching, fraudulent journalism and Clownworld pantomime.

    I wonder when they tell them about the HIV, Prion and Amyloid proteins and molecules.

