Tuesday 7 March 2023



Anonymous  - 

Matt Hancock’s plot to block funding for disabled children if MP opposed lockdown



Anonymous  - 

‘Lockdown Files’: UK health officials used ‘guilt’ and ‘fear’ to control public behavior

“Private WhatsApp messages … reveal how UK health officials, including former health secretary Matt Hancock, made Covid-19 policy decisions based on political expediency rather than science …

In a message, Hancock asked his adviser, ‘When do we deploy the new variant?’

“Early in the pandemic, on January 29, 2020, Hancock sent a long message to an aide explaining to him how he could use ‘a crisis of this scale to propel [himself] into the next league’ …

“In November 2020, on the cusp of the UK’s second lockdown, Hancock told Department of Health and Social Care special adviser Allan Nixon to warn a Conservative member of parliament intending to vote against the lockdown that funding for a new center for disabled children in his district would be withdrawn if he did so …”


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