Monday 6 March 2023


Unknown commented -

Uri Geller puts his English home up for sale

“Standing in the picturesque riverside village of Sonning On Thames, in Berkshire, the manse was built some 50 years ago … The Geller family has called the estate home since 1986 …

“[Geller said:] ‘Throughout history, this stretch of the Thames has always been considered as one of the most magical’ …

“Some lucky stooping … led to the acquisition of the stately fireplace in one of the drawing rooms, which Mr. Geller snapped up, with permission, from outside a ROCKEFELLER mansion that was being demolished in the city in the 1970s …

“On its 3.6-acre grounds, the property has … a helipad … and a glass meditation pyramid ….

“[Geller said:] ‘… [You] have to drive through two gates to enter [the estate]’ …”

Unknown commented -

Uri Geller in the scheme of things -

(Jeffrey Epstein, Matthew Freud, NSPCC, Bill Gates’ Microsoft, Lord Janner, Michael Jackson, Paul Boateng)

In 1999 Prince Andrew begun dining frequently with Peter Mandelson at the royal’s then home, Sunninghill.

Mandelson "then agreed to join Andrew’s ‘full stop' NSPCC campaign against child abuse, showing up to a series of fundraisers which the duke attended".

Very influential on the campaign at this time was Mark Weinberg, a friend of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and longtime business partner of Mandelson's close friend Lord Jacob Rothschild (cousin of Sir Evelyn).

Weinberg was the NSPCC's Honorary Treasurer 1983-1991; a Vice President until 2012 or later; and heavily involved with both the Centenary Appeal in 1984 and the Full Stop campaign from 1999 onward.

Bill Gates' UK chief, David Svendsen, served on the Full Stop campaign's board and steering group.

The board also included Ghislaine Maxwell's close friend Nick Mason, Richard Branson's wife Joan Templeman, and 'power couple' Elisabeth Murdoch and Matthew Freud - the Mandelson confidant whose FIRST CLIENT in the PR business, Uri Geller, will in 2002 astonish onlookers by accompanying Greville Janner, Paul Boateng and Michael Jackson on a tour of Parliament (three men who will eventually hit the press for all the wrong reasons).

In America in the same period, Bill Gates' closest Microsoft partner, Dr Nathan Myhrvold, was serving alongside Lynn Forester, the future Lady Lynn de Rothschild, and Dr Henry Kissinger on the board of directors of her company FirstMark Communications International.

Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold, Lynn Forester/de Rothschild and Peter Mandelson will all benefit from Jeffrey Epstein's largesse, including - for Gates, Myhrvold and de Rothschild - flights on the pedophile child trafficker’s private jet.

Kissinger, who is Lynn Forester/de Rothschild's acknowledged close friend, neighbor (The River House co-op), and business "mentor", shares Mandelson's interest in lifelong pedophile and alleged ritual abuser Sir Edward Heath; in October 2016 the two men will join forces in London for the inaugural Edward Heath International Lecture.

Unknown commented -

 Sarah Ferguson ‘has held talks with Daphne Barak, the Israeli-American known for her Amy Winehouse biopic who interviewed Ghislaine Maxwell in prison’

Earlier this week, Barak and the Duchess of York ‘met at a luxury hotel’

Daphne Barak has also produced television specials — “some of them with Elisabeth Murdoch”, the former wife of Matthew Freud whose first client in the PR business was Uri Geller.

Barak’s television specials have included ‘Our Son Michael Jackson’.

Michael Jackson was friends with Uri Geller, Greville Janner, Paul Boateng and David Blaine. Some say they had things in common.

Unknown commented -

OPINION: A good job for Jews in Westminster

We are 0.3% of the population, but have 3% of the MPs, reflects historian Derek Taylor

“Between 1945 and 1970 there were only two Jewish Conservative MPs, but there were more than 40 Jewish Labour MPs in the 1970s and Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet had so many Jews that Willy Whitelaw, the Deputy prime minister, said that they had more Old Estonians than Old Etonians. Leon Britton, Keith Joseph, Nigel Lawson, Malcolm Rifkind and David Young did sterling work in the 1980s”

According to reports, “Leon Brittan raped boys at the Elm Guest House child brothel in Barnes; attempted to smuggle child pornography through UK customs; raped a student; and buried a dossier of evidence supplied to him by Geoffrey Dickens MP that detailed parliamentarians and members of the royal household who sexually abused children at the Elm and elsewhere.”

Malcolm Rifkind (and Mark Ronson) are surviving cousins of Leon Brittan, whose closest friends and sometime-houseguests included William Hague.

William Hague’s wife served with both Ghislaine Maxwell’s alleged benefactor Lady Lynn de Rothschild, and Lady de Rothschild’s alleged ‘sex blackmail dupe’, Prince Andrew, when the three of them were simultaneously non-executive directors of Outward Bound Trust from April 2009.

1 comment:

  1. I recall reading a newspaper article - I’ll try to find it again - discussing an occasion on which Geller invited Jimmy Savile’s friend Frank Bruno to enter inside his pyramid on his Sonning estate. This was for purposes of ‘meditation’, I think the article said. Not long after this reported incident, and possibly quite coincidentally, Mr Bruno was reportedly admitted for psychiatric care.
