Monday 27 February 2023

I felt the most wonderful feeling of love and peace

Ginger M NDE 2/27/2023. NDE 9544. 

I felt the most wonderful feeling of love and peace that surrounded me. 

I never wanted this feeling to end. 

I walked out onto a beautiful garden, where my great-grandmother was waiting for me. 

She was young, but I knew it was her. 

She talked to me for a long time. We walked in that beautiful place and she told me that it was her garden. 

Then we walked to a huge, jeweled gate. I could see golden shimmers beyond the gate.


  1. A Tony Blair lackey is celebrating Rishi Sunak’s new proposed legal agreement (‘The Windsor Framework’j with the European Union.

    “Sunak deserves credit for showing pragmatism,” crows Anton Spisak of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, an NGO with an Orwellian moniker that speaks to Blair’s sickening vanity and his anti-democratic globalist agenda.

    If Blair is cock-a-hoop, it may be assumed that the interests of democratic national sovereignty have been undermined.

  2. Why are people afraid of ‘15-minute cities'?

    “More than 2,000 protesters went out into the streets of Oxford, England earlier this month to express their hostility to the controversial concept …

    “[Scepticism] about 15-minute cities stems from … humanity's experience with the Covid pandemic …

    “What started off as ‘15 days of lockdowns to flatten the curve’ … turned into what many feel was a marathon in prison living …

    “[Sceptics] see 15-minute cities as a continuation of the [Great Reset], a part of the unsettling formula of 'You'll own nothing and you'll be happy’ …

    “Even if a self-contained neighborhood is ultimately able to maintain stable access to all the wants and needs of its residents, opponents of the idea have gone so far as to compare it to a gulag …

    “‘The idea that neighborhoods should be walkable is lovely,’ Dr. Jordan Peterson [wrote]. ‘The idea that [bureaucrats] can decide by fiat where you're allowed to drive is perhaps the worst imaginable perversion of that idea’ …”

  3. Dr Naomi Wolf: Have the ancient gods returned?

    “[I have] looked at the events of the past two and a half years using all of my classical education, my critical thinking skills, my knowledge of Western and global history and politics; and … using these tools, I [can not] explain the years 2020-present.

    “[I can not] explain them in ordinary material, political or historical terms at all …

    “[None of the] fracturing or mismanagement of normal history took place in the global rush to ‘lockdowns’, the rollout of COVID hysteria, of ‘mandates’, masking … of legacy media lying internationally at scale … of thousands of ‘trusted messengers’ parroting a single script, and of forced or coerced mRNA injections …

    “… [Human] agency alone could not coordinate a highly complicated set of lies about a virus, and propagate the lies in perfect uniformity around an entire globe …

    “What we have lived through since 2020 is so sophisticated, so massive, so evil, and executed in such inhumane unison, that it cannot be accounted for without venturing into metaphysics … And I speak as a devoted rationalist …

    “Then I heard of a Pastor named Jonathan Cahn, who [has] written a book titled ‘The Return of the Gods’ …

    “… [His] improbable, and yet somehow hauntingly plausible thesis is that ancient dark and metaphysically organized forces, ‘the Gods’ of antiquity, have ‘returned’ …

    “… [The] ancient ‘Gods’, or rather, ancient pagan energies … have seen an ‘open door’, and thus a ready home to re-occupy, in us …

    “… [Spirits], powers or principalities were worshipped in the pagan world in many guises — from the fertility god Baal to the goddess of sexuality Ashera or Ashtaroth; to the destructive idol, Moloch … [The] ancient world was everywhere consecrated to these dark or lower entities, [and] worshippers went to the point of sacrificing their own children to propitiate these forces … [The] gods of the Old Testament world descended in updated guise into Greco-Roman life, taking on new names: Zeus, Diana, and so on ..

    “… [These] negative but potentially powerful forces have been dormant for two millennia … [These] are ‘the Gods’ whose acceptance of child sacrifice — a real thing, a barbaric, culture-wide practice that continued for centuries … was supplanted by animal sacrifice …

    “The sheer amoral power of Baal, the destructive force of Moloch, the unrestrained seductiveness and sexual licentiousness of Astarte or Ashera — those are the primal forces that do indeed seem to me to have ‘returned’. Or at least the energies that they represent …”

    [continues …]

  4. Dr Naomi Wolf: Have the ancient gods returned?

    [continued …]

    “A Temple of Baal archway was [expensively] reconstructed from its original in Syria, and moved to appear at a major thoroughfare in London, and was now unveiled in Washington DC and in New York.


    “A bizarre opening ceremony in a new train site in Switzerland, at which European leaders were present, included a horned entity (‘an Ibex’), the upholding of a symbolic lamb, the appearance of a terrifying angel, and the writhing of nearly naked men and women …


    “Katy Perry’s performance in 2015, in which she performs astride a massive mechanical lion, directly echoed the symbology of Ishtar/Ashera, down to her iconic stance.


    “Sam Smith’s ‘Unholy’, bathed in lurid red light, with its Satanic imagery, takes the Grammys …


    “A terrifying animated bull figure with glowing red eyes, is apparently worshipped by scantily-dressed male and female dancers, at the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in Birmingham …


    “A statue has been erected to honor the late Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Inexplicably, it has horns and tentacles.


    “I could go on and on … The elite don’t waste time and money creating images, rituals, or themes that have no purpose …

    “… [Pagan] forces may indeed once again have gained a foothold again on our planet …”

  5. More anti-Nato, pro-peace, demonstrations in France

    “Multiple mass protests against France’s NATO membership and its continued support of Kiev were held on Sunday in the capital Paris and at other locations across the country …

    “Protesters marched through the streets of Paris, carrying a large banner reading ‘For Peace’.

    “The marchers called for the withdrawal of France from both the US-led Nato and from the EU, and urged a halt to supplying Ukraine with weaponry.

    “The protesters also took jabs at the incumbent French president Emmanuel Macron, chanting ‘Macron Get Out’ …

    “France has been among the top supporters of Kiev in the ongoing conflict … [It] has actively supplied assorted weaponry to Ukraine, including armored vehicles and advanced self-propelled howitzers.”

  6. Republicans race to stop Biden from giving the World Health Organisation power over member states when it declares a pandemic

    “Republican senators are pushing back against an accord that would give the World Health Organisation (WHO) power over member states if it declares a pandemic.

    “The accord, which is legally binding on all member states, will be finalized in Switzerland this week.

    “The accord will give the WHO power to declare pandemics and require member states to give the WHO the ‘central role’ as ‘the directing and coordinating authority on international health work’ in areas like medical supply chains, treatments and lockdowns.

    “[The] WHO also wants more power over surveillance and controlling ‘disinformation and fake news’ when a pandemic is declared.

    “17 senators, led by Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson, have introduced the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act’. The bill states that the accord should be called a treaty. As a treaty, it would require approval by two-thirds of the Senate …

    “However, some legal experts believe the legislation will not stop President Joe Biden from signing the accord as the accord was drafted to bypass Senate approval …”
