Saturday 19 November 2022

Rishi Sunak meets Zelensky

Where has all the money gone?


  1. To be laundered

  2. Sunak is the errand boy working towards Net Zero. The samction induced energy crisis is part of that agenda a bonus would be the overthrow of Putin and looting of Russia.

    If you put the big three asset management firms together being BlackRock, Vanguard and StateStreet, they control a collective of $15 trillion dollars. That’s roughly 70% of the United State’s GDP.

    Larry Fink - CEO Blackrock
    “We focus on sustainability not because we’re environmentalists, but because we are capitalists and fiduciaries to our clients,” he wrote in his annual letter to CEOs,

    An estimated $125tn of investment is needed globally by 2050 to reach net zero, including over $4tn per year compared to $1tn per year currently, according to the Glasgow FInancial Alliance for Net Zero, a body launched launched in April 2021 by UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance Mark Carney.

    BlackRock said today that the market shocks of the war in Ukraine had also given added impetus to the need for energy security in the past few months.

    Blackrock Exposed As The Company That Controls The Market, Politicians, Ad Agencies, The Corrupt Media - Zionist Larry Fink's Agenda Exposed - It's All For Israel And World Control


    BlackRock is an investment firm with 10 Trillion dollars in asset management and are using your pension funds to implement their NWO! BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is a board member of the WEF. And who owns BlackRock? The Global Elite; BlackRock (China), The Vanguard Group (Rothschild), State Street Corporation (Rothschild, Rockefellers) Fidelity (Desmarais).
