Tuesday 18 October 2022


The plan is to trash the UK Conservative Party and put Keir Starmer into power?

Who is, or has been, in the Trilateral Commission? Some examples -  

'Some conspiracy theorists believe the Trilateral Commission to be a central plotter of a world government.

'Luke Rudkowski interrupted a lecture by former Trilateral Commission director Zbigniew Brzezinski in April 2007 and accused the organization and a few others of having orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to initiate a new world order.[63]'

Who’s Really Running The Biden White House? The Trilateral Commission is the Gatekeeper of Modern Technocracy

'The Same Folks who’ve been running Every Administration Since 1976.'

By Patrick Wood - Global Research, October 18, 2022 - LeoHohmann.com 6 October 2022


'The Trilateral Commission was co-founded 50 years ago by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Trilateralists are pushing the war on carbon, the war on food and the coming world war between Russia-China and U.S.-NATO.' 

'The Trilaterals controlling Biden -  

'First, foreign policy is locked down by Secretary of State Tony Blinken and his Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman.

'Then there is Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

'Three of the most important ambassadorships are occupied by Trilaterals: Mark Brzezinski, U.S. Ambassador to Poland. Nicholas Burns, U.S. Ambassador to China. Ken Juster, U.S. Ambassador to India.

Poland is currently in talks with the US about hosting nuclear weapons 

'Susan Rice, director of the Domestic Policy Council, is the dominant force who creates and oversees Biden’s domestic policy. 

The vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors is Lael Brainard

'David Lipton, first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, is there to coordinate global monetary policy.

'John Podesta has recently been appointed senior advisor to the president for Green Energy Innovation and Implementation. 

Who’s Really Running The Biden White House? The Trilateral Commission is the Gatekeeper of Modern Technocracy

Anonymous said...

Some others who’ve been involved with the Trilateral Commission (non exhaustive list) include -

Jeffrey Epstein’s special friend Lawrence “Larry” Summers. 

Wolfgang Ischinger, who sat on the board of Deutsche Bank’s Alfred Herhausen Society with Josef Ackermann and Jeffrey Epstein’s close associates Peter Mandelson and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. 

David Rockefeller. 

Sir Martin Sorrell who helped to bankroll Peter Mandelson’s “Global Counsel”. 

David Miliband. 

Rory Stewart. 

Michael Bloomberg, who was a close colleague of Kevin Spacey and Peter Mandelson on the board of The Old Vic Theatre Trust. 

Michael Chertoff. 

The Economist’s editor-in-chief Zanny Minton Bedoes. 

And Jami Miscik, the former President and Vice-Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc.


  1. The fascinating career history of Jason Stein, who has today been suspended from his job as one of Liz Truss’s top advisers, reportedly.

    Based on the reports, Mr Stein would appear to have had a special loathing of, and contempt for, Sajid Javid, whose family background happens to be Muslim.

    “Stein, who is a special adviser to Truss, has been a fixture around Westminster for years.

    “He was a special adviser to Amber Rudd …

    “Stein subsequently worked … for Prince Andrew. Stein’s reputation survived the prince’s disastrous BBC interview …

    “Having formerly worked with Truss when she was a Treasury minister, Stein was an early fixture in her leadership campaign and led much of the communications strategy …”


  2. Some others who’ve been involved with the Trilateral Commission (non exhaustive list) include Jeffrey Epstein’s special friend Lawrence “Larry” Summers. Wolfgang Ischinger, who sat on the board of Deutsche Bank’s Alfred Herhausen Society with Josef Ackermann and Jeffrey Epstein’s close associates Peter Mandelson and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. David Rockefeller. Sir Martin Sorrell who helped to bankroll Peter Mandelson’s “Global Counsel”. David Miliband. Rory Stewart. Michael Bloomberg, who was a close colleague of Kevin Spacey and Peter Mandelson on the board of The Old Vic Theatre Trust. Michael Chertoff. The Economist’s editor-in-chief Zanny Minton Bedoes. And Jami Miscik, the former President and Vice-Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc.

  3. Hi Angefan been a long time Wanted to mention david jason and his superinjuction being lifted by a overseas paper dec 22 Alegedly
