Monday 16 May 2022

Hello, We have re-evaluated your blog against Blogger Community Guidelines. Upon review, the blog has been reinstated.


Anyone know how to get the page back to normal?


  1. Thrilled to see you back, Aangirfan. Many thanks for all your work over the years, I have read you since 2014. Blessings to you.

  2. Glad to see you back here. Much prefer the layout here than to Gab. Only odd thing I see is the Blog Archive being repeated across the top of the page, as well as down the right side. Is there a setting somewhere to just hide the top one?

  3. oh i cant believe i am the 1st to post , followed you on Gab but was not the same , looks like prayers have been answered , did you have to re do the theme , take care ,

  4. For me is normal. The old link works perfectly fine. Everything is here.

  5. Welcome back Ang ! (so happy to see you back ! :-)

  6. Hello great lady Aang

    Your many old friends will be glad to see your blog back as we all find it again. Henry Makow has tipped off his readers.

    On the Blogger Help page, there is material on how to 'Change the design of your blog' and 'Use themes to change how your blog looks'

    Long ago I think you may have picked a 'theme' which was the long-running format of your blog, that theme is hopefully still there

    At the moment, on the right column on your blog, there are 'Edit Me' links that (at least for me) lead to the Blogger Help - pick a theme pages


    Jerusalem Post:

    « What are the Jewish roots of France's newest prime minister, Élisabeth Borne?
    Here are her Jewish roots: Borne, 61, was born in Paris's 15th arrondissement to Joseph (Borne) Bornstein and Marguerite Lecesne »

  7. Welcome back Aang! I've read you for years! I especially respect your coverage of SRA and the horrors of care homes for children world wide.

  8. Bravo! Happy you are back. Catholic school girls always the best!

  9. Hullo Aang, how lovely it is to have you back. I'm so glad I checked back in again. It wasn't the same without you.

    Sorry, I've no idea how to restore things. Frankly I'm amazed they reinstated you. I've been spending a great deal of time over on youtube and I expect that the rules here are like the rules there: deliberately impenetrable and obtuse.

    best etc etc
