Saturday 20 November 2021


WaffleStaffel commented on "KYLE RITTENHOUSE"

'All 3 of Kyle Rittenhouse's "victims" were Jewish (Rosenbaum, Huber and Grosskreutz). 

'Kyle is alleged to be a white supremacist. 

'Why isn't the media calling him a Jew killer? 

'The first head of the US mint was a Rittenhouse. 

"The Rittenhouses are a prominent Jewish family with along history of wealth and influence.

Chicago lumber magnate Moses Rittenhouse and his nephew, same name, who made a mint in orchard sprayers. 

"Kyle Rittenhouse is from Antioch, IL, same place as the grandsons of Moses Rittenhouse." 

'The Rittenhouses were a prominent Pennsylvania family who became very wealthy running the country’s first paper mill. 

'Anyone familiar with the city of Philadelphia will have heard of Rittenhouse Square. 

'Why was this prominent prosecution tried by an assistant DA? 

'Why is an assistant DA 44 years old? 

'Why would a lawyer spend 1 years in private practice and then go to work at the DA's office? 

'Fake shootings, fake trial. 

'No one could approach police in the US with their arm resting on the rifle slung around their shoulder like Kyle did without being turned into hamburger.'


Masters of the Second Veil.

Unknown comments - Kyle Rittenhouse flashes white-power sign at bar while out on bond


Anger, disappointment, joy: US reacts to Rittenhouse acquittal


'Kyle Rittenhouse was accused of killing two men and attempting to kill a third. 

'He pled not guilty by reason of self-defense.

Rittenhouse’s alleged crimes were committed during intense protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year. 

'Blake, a Black man, was shot seven times in the back. He survived, but was paralyzed.

'Images and accounts of the ensuing protests show Rittenhouse, then 17, carrying a high-powered rifle and being friendly with police prior to the shootings. 

'Right-wing media and figures have portrayed him as an innocent child protecting the community from looters and vandals. They’ve heralded him as a hero.'



  2. Of course he's a hero, unlike George Floyd, the 2 who died in August & the paralysed one.

  3. Some may portray him as a hero. Many do not. He is innocent according to law that applies to his charges imo. Go here for good commentary from lawyers:

  4. Kyle is another symbolic lead-in to USA break up or civil war, the country is utterly polarised

    One side (roughly Biden voters) indulges Antifa / BLM protests and riots, but denounces Kyle and the 6 January US Capitol protest ... the other side (roughly Trump voters) is the opposite

    The yes or no, on schools teaching about 'racist white privilege' is another hot topic dividing these sides

    Big story just north of Texas, with the top General of the Oklahoma 'National Guard' (local army corps inside a state, mostly under state governor's orders) refusing the Pentagon vax mandate

    This is a fully armed local state militia opposing - and thus potentially ready to arrest and fight - federal officials ... with many in the national military also sympathetic

    Federal judges in Trump states just blocked Biden's vax mandate for private employers ... US Senators in Trump states openly talk 'future' secession

    Tho Trump himself shills the vax, his voters oppose the mandates

    Kyle-supporting, Trump-type people are physically relocating out of Biden states into more gun-friendly, more anti-vax Trump states ... which group together contiguous, the 'heartland'

    Polls show that it is now nearly a majority of USA Hispanic Latinos - conservative in family life and religion - drifting into the Trump-type camp, alongside populist whites ... Latinos and whites are heavily inter-marrying

    Whatever people think about them, those 'right-wing' Americans, might possibly be the last best hope for saving the world from the vaccine gangsters

  5. More theatre, like all televised trials in the US. Divide and conquer.

  6. Kyle Rittenhouse being acquitted on all charges, is an earthquake

    He is a hero to half of American youth, the videos of the gunfight played over and over with admiration

    The USA is still a different place, not like any other

    Maybe that spirit of fighting back there, is what will put a stop to this satanic vaccination machine that has already killed so many


    Don't see it in English yet, a young Berlin police officer just had a stroke whilst driving and crashed his car, and shortly after died ... 'unrelated to his vaccination' they no doubt will claim, 'Sudden Adult Death' again

    There is an ugly aspect in this case, people filming the officer having spasms in his car, but not trying to help him

    1. Just a shame it was another Hollywood 'straight to video' bad B movie with the usual actors, fake narrative and divide and conquer race baiting.

      The show trial and the public airing of the pre-determined verdict is pretty much expected.

      Same old, same old.

    2. Kyle Rittenhouse flashes white-power sign at bar while out on bond

      Some hero. Just another brainwashed, fatherless lost soul.

  7. Where's the live coverage of Ghislaine's trial. 🧐🤔

  8. All 3 of Kyle Rittenhouse's "victims" were Jewish (Rosenbaum, Huber and Grosskreutz). Kyle is alleged to be a white supremacist. Why isn't the media calling him a Jew killer?
    The first head of the US mint was a Rittenhouse. "The Rittenhouses are a prominent Jewish family with along history of wealth and influence. Chicago lumber magnate Moses Rittenhouse and his nephew, same name, who made a mint in orchard sprayers. Kyle Rittenhouse is from Antioch, IL, same place as the grandsons of Moses Rittenhouse."
    the Rittenhouses were a prominent Pennsylvania family who became very wealthy running the country’s first paper mill. Anyone familiar with the city of Philadelphia will have heard of Rittenhouse Square.
    Why was this prominent prosecution tried by an assistant DA? Why is an assistant DA 44 years old? Why would a lawyer spend 1 years in private practice and then go to work at the DA's office?
    Fake shootings, fake trial. No one could approach police in the US with their arm resting on the rifle slung around their shoulder like Kyle did without being turned into hamburger.

  9. Photo of Kyle Rittenhouse giving what seems to be the famous Masonic 'hidden hand' sign

    Along with illustration of this gesture from Malcolm Duncan's 1866 'Ritual of Freemasonry'

  10. The Rittenhouse event is faker than Covid, get a grip. We are being played like a fiddle with these synthetic news events.

    1. This fakeroni was spicier than the usual fare,
      I was caught hook, line & sinker because of
      it was in tandem with the BLM brouhaha.
      (brouhaha, kerfuffle... shenanigans!!)

  11. A 3 minute video showcasing the Masonic Master of the Second Veil.

    A great short video and must watch for anyone unfamiliar with this topic.

    1. Take it with a grain of salt. Seriously, any celebrity/person doing this sign is necessarily a mason? Unbelievable paranoia and stupidity!

    2. In and of itself, yes. But now the plot thickens.
      How much weapons training has mr. Rittenhouse had
      and how did that inform the way he held himself?

      Miles Mathis is a sobering presence, for which
      I salute him. I guess I will not be watching
      Tucker Carlson interview Kyle R. tomorrow.

  12. Watch the Rittenhouse videos carefully and tell me it wasn't Hollywood Rambo stuff. Special forces types regularly get citations for this type of close quarters action.....if they survive it. The fact that there was no police intervention before or after the event coupled with recently revealed FBI drone footage all confirm what Mathis is alleging through his background research. The show trial with him flashing Masonic hand signals clinches it for me.


  14. Nick from Newtown21 November 2021 at 17:40

    Havnt seen anyone else comment on this but, besides flashing the (((mafia's))) 666 handsign which is a pissmark he's in on it, but theres a pic if him in the street w his hand raised in the air w his finger pointed, and the other hand is pointing downward. Thats the tell for Baphomet, "as above so below."



  15. Neat-O, Aang.
    I put the wrong link for the last part. There's more info there.
    " Binger is very old to be an assistant DA. He is listed as 51at Instantcheckmate (not 45), while assistant DA is normally filled by much younger people. Youwould expect someone about 30. Lawyers do not consider assistant DA to be a prestigious job. Hisbio makes no sense, since we are told he worked with a private firm for nine years before joining theDA's office in 2014, at age 44. He has been at that job for seven years, but never got promoted to DA?So why was he picked to lead this important prosecution? Would you expect a nationally televisedshow trial to be led by an assistant DA? Did the Kenosha district attorney have something moreimportant to do? We find an answer to all that here:he was in the military for at least seven years."
    Dave McGowan exposed many things, but he was, in the end, a limited hangout. Miles Mathis' work finishes the masterpiece that McGowan began.

    1. District Attorney isn't a promotable position. Binger lost the prior election. It was given to the assistant DAs because the case was weak and the DA already has another ongoing case.

  16. Mass killing attack just occurred in Waukesha, Wisconsin not far from the Kyle Rittenhouse events in Kenosha, about 58 kilometres or so distance away

    Attacker in Wisconsin with a sport-utility vehicle killing at least 5 and injuring many more, is allegedly Darrell E Brooks Jr

    Brooks also has a sex offender record, like one of the people Rittenhouse shot dead

    Brooks does rapper music with the name MathBoi Fly, here is a video he made, with some satanic-type symbolism, and the death vehicle perhaps in the video

    Kyle Rittenhouse has just told Tucker Carlson 'I support the BLM movement'

    1. Just watched the truly pathetic 'plastic' rapper known as Mathboi Fly.

      Full of satanic symbolism as you correctly point out. Hand gestures doing 'il cornito' devil horn symbolism, likewise triple 6 gestures.

      The video colour scheme, one eyed symbolism and the vow of silence at the start.

      A true POS if there ever was one. A pathetic little song from a pathetic little rapper with pathetic bad boy lyrics.

      Good find though.

    2. **Update**

      Just watched the video of Mathboi Fly again. Allegedly the individual responsible for this week's attack is Mathboi Fly (Darrel E Brooks Jnr).

      Throughout the video Mathboi is periodically standing in front of a Ford SUV. It is the same colour and make used in the so called attack.

      I don't have my glasses on and am not 'up to speed on US style SUVs. Is there anyone can confirm it's the same vehicle???

      How odd.
