Monday 25 October 2021



Jacinda Ardern.




Rio Tinto driving ecological destruction in the Jadar Valley

Review: Incubus of Intervention - Inside Indonesia

Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops: Opium, Synthetic Cults and the Haunting of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

'Top Boris Johnson aide to lead new vaccine drive. 

'Dr Emily Lawson is returning to the NHS to oversee a booster campaign. 

'In April, she told the JC that her sense of “Jewish responsibility” had grown more important to her over time.

Unknown commented -

Something newsworthy from Melbourne, Australia, which has the dubious honour of world's most locked-down city... 

The Age newspaper has just definitively proven it is unworthy to host Michael Leunig's cartoons

For those who don't know him, Leunig's benign cartoons are often about the innocent Mr Curly facing overwhelming, inhumane and insane forces. 

The Age have just removed him because of a cartoon comparing resistance to forced jabs with Tank Man. 

There was also Leunig's recent 'fascist epiphany' cartoon: The God of Science grants politicians  the divine right to enforce mass medication.

The management at The Age really are contemptible...

Unknown commented - 

Keir Starmer calls for schools to be protected from anti-vaccine protests "Councils should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools, Keir Starmer has said ... Starmer said: 

"It is sickening that anti-vax protesters are spreading dangerous misinformation to children in protests outside schools. The uptake of vaccines among children is far too low ..."


  1. I am oldskool (51): words have meaning.
    So an INJECTION is a medical procedure, and is neither
    a poke, nor a jab, or even a prick (as in 'needlecraft'
    a la Thomas Sheridan).

  2. Deleted Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves to “Conform”

  3. Pfizer, Moderna will rake in a combined $93 billion next year on COVID-19 vaccine sales: report

    If you think Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are making a fortune on COVID-19 vaccine sales this year, just wait for 2022.

    The messenger RNA shot producers are projected to break the bank next year, generating combined sales of $93.2 billion, nearly twice the amount they are expected to rake in this year, says Airfinity. The health data analytics group puts total market sales for COVID-19 vaccines in 2022 at $124 billion, according to data seen by The Financial Times.

    Pfizer vaccine sales will reach $54.5 billion in 2022 and Moderna’s will hit $38.7 billion, Airfinity predicts. The estimates blow the consensus figures of $23.6 billion for Pfizer and $20 billion for Moderna out of the water.

  4. Aha-erlebnis: the hockey-stick does not apply
    to climate change, but to money printing (tadaa).

  5. The political managerial class will be converging
    on Scotland for COP26.
    To facilitate this, roadblocks and hospital treatment
    cancellations have been announced.
    If it looks like a lockdown, sounds like a lockdown
    and works like a lockdown, then it is.

  6. A closer look at warfare between range capable opponents,
    part 1 and 2.

  7. "I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that we maximise the number of people who see this truly harrowing documentary about the serious and fatal adverse events caused by mandatory vaxx policy in Israel.

    This film has already been banned from the Israeli media because the testimony it so diligently documents is simply incontestable, on the basis that it focuses on the witness statements of the survivors and the family members of those who have died shortly after being vaxxed."

  8. Blimey ... that Jacinda Ardern video. What a horrible woman. Hold the phone ... I'm being sarcastic. Ardern looks tired, and didn't even register what was happening. The interpreter moved out of the way. It's absolutely nothing. Typical right wing nonsense. And honestly if that's the best you can come up with, you are an incredibly sad person.

    I actually live in New Zealand, and Ardern is doing the best she could possibly do in the circumstances. If the right wing National party were in power, it would have been 1000 times worse than it is at the moment. We're getting about 100 cases a day at the moment, only in Auckland, thank god ... but if the right wingers had the power, god there would be so many more dead. Thankfully, only a small number want the National party in power ... so we've got the best government we could have for what's happening at the moment.

    So please ignore the stupid, idiotic, right wing propaganda, aangirfan. There is a lot out there, and Ardern isn't any kind of monster. The right wingers are (look throughout history ... it's always the right wingers!!)

    1. Sunny side up: we can have it both ways.
      Ms. Ardern is a horrible person that serves
      an agenda instead of the NZ population.
      (enlightened anti-humanism trending and winning)
      And the optics in this clip are not that horrible.

      Anyway, since then Ms. Ardern has made it public
      segregation is a good thing, viva apartheid.
      So much for diversity and inclusivity. Oh well.

  9. Belgium's national covid commissioner Pedro Facon, inadvertently exposed that the professor heading the Belgian government's expert advice panel, had lied on Belgian television about 'unvaccinated' being the majority in hospital

    Facon publicly admitted that the majority of 'covid patients' in Belgium were in fact vaccinated, exposing the falsehood by the professor 'expert' who herself receives all key statistics, and who had falsely claimed the opposite

    Prof Erika Vlieghe chairs the Belgian expert advisory group 'GEMS' guiding covid decisions of the Belgian prime minister and government:

    « Erika Vlieghe had lied on the television program 'De Afspraak' about current hospitalised Covid patients, claiming they were "unvaccinated". When asked who was currently mainly in the hospital, Vlieghe had replied: "Most of the cases are people who have not yet been vaccinated."

    The moderator asked what percentage "Is it a quarter or is it 90 percent?" "No, that’s, uh, that’ll be, uh, depending ..." replied the stammering official.

    Most new hospital admissions were vaccinated against Covid-19; last week 55 percent of the cases were vaccinated, Belgian Corona Commissioner Pedro Facon admitted at a Sciensano press conference. Sciensano is the national public health institute of Belgium.

    Facon is the first [official government] scientist to admit the failure of the vaccine campaign. He kicked off the press briefing with another noteworthy warning: "We are not 100 percent protected with the booster shot either." »

  10. 100,000 NHS staff could soon be fired in the UK after Sajid Javid suggests they will soon require a compulsory COVID19 vaccination

    Protect the NHS
    Lets fire 100.000 of them
    We all know what this is about folks…power and control.

    This is how you know there isn’t a pandemic. How the hell could you fire 100,000 healthcare workers during a “pandemic”

    You mean the same NHS staff who worked through the pandemic last year without a vaccine and were called heroes will now be unemployed?

  11. HPrice....Yes Ardern is doing her best to force NZers to have the injection by coercion and threat.....and sanctions....that will come.
    Its always the left who favour coercion "for the benefit of da people".
    No doubt thats what Uncle Joe Stalin was thinking when he created the holodomor...

    There IS a housing crisis in NZ and it has been entirely created by Arderns mass alien immigration prices are astronomical and food too,as a result of the cosy duopoly that has been allowed to take hold.....
    National Party wouldnt be much of a difference.....controlled by the same cosy elites.
    Arderns pay is HIGHER than Boris Johnstein....if National gained power would they cut back the absurd pay of M.Ps...NOT A CHANCE IN HELL....
    NZ is confronting problems experienced in most other English speaking democracies....ordinary people are being completely ignored in favour of top down elite imposed dictats.
