Friday 22 October 2021



Unknown commented on "ERIC ZEMMOUR; FRENCH ELECTION 2022"

'Eric Striker writes about how there is a major new movement of Israeli-led 'Christian' 'conservatism',  - ranging from leading right-wing Presidential candidates in the USA, to Europe with people like Hungary's Orbán 

America's Most Important Right-Wing Conference of the Year Is An Israeli Influence Operation

Zemmour (above) fits perfectly into this framework.

Jewish Zemmour speaking for 'Christian France'. 

'The new and important 'Edmund Burke Foundation' - named after the eloquent British conservative (1729-97) - turns out to be run by Israelis.

"Oct 31 to Nov 2 2021, the mother of all right-wing intellectual conferences will take place in Florida ... hosted by an Israeli, Yoram Hazony, through his non-profit, The Edmund Burke Foundation ... a Zionist influence operation being directed from Jerusalem.


'According to The Edmund Burke Foundation tax filings, the group shares the same Israeli staff as the Jerusalem-based Herzl Institute: Yoram Hazony, Ofir Harvry, and Rabbi Raphael 'Rafi' Eis. 

'The Herzl Institute specialises in training Christian scholars to advance Israeli and Jewish interests.

'Burke Foundation employees not listed on the Herzl Institute site, belong to other pro-Israel activist groups like the Maccabee Task Force Yoram Hazony, low level Israeli academic ... mysterious ability to introduce intellectuals in Catholic and neo-reactionary groups to European leaders, American presidential contenders, and deep pocketed billionaires ... bound to undoubtedly influence their discourse on Jews and Israel" 

America's Most Important Right-Wing Conference of the Year Is An Israeli Influence Operation


  1. Well, start training some Christian Scholars to DERAIL Israeli and Jewish interests, then....

    Start from the indubitable truth that it was Jews wot murdered the great Redeemer of the Christian Church, Jesus of Nazareth....

  2. No wonder they borrowed the name of Edmund Burke, who had a lot of conscience -

    In Parliament, Burke conducted a long battle to defend people of far-away India against abuses by some colonial administrators ... for the 18th century it was remarkable

    Burke is 'conservative' from his argument that the French revolution was too radical, in seeking to wipe out monarchy, aristocracy and Christianity so drastically ... society was subtly constructed, he said, and one should do reforms without too much destruction of tradition ... he correctly predicted that terror and tyranny can result from such upheaval

    Maybe Burke's best quote:

    "The age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded ... "
