Saturday 2 October 2021

Extinction Rebellion - Depopulation - Fascism - WEF

David Rhodes -

'XR just happens to have the same goals as the World Economic Forum.'


  1. From fake reality to fake pressure groups like Extinking Rebellion

    I've sent you a link to a short video on the Fake Internet. An AI Trollbot world of broken hyperlinks and AI content.

    Worth a look.


  2. Guardian

    The very private life of Sir Chris Hohn - the man paid £1m a day


    Andrew Medhurst, a former trader at HSBC Holdings Plc and Lloyds Banking Group Plc, is in charge of donations for Extinction Rebellion and has revealed that the group has raised £2.5million since it was launched in October 2018.

    More than half of their donations have come through an online crowd funding campaign, Mr Medway said, and they have seen more then 6,000 people donate a total of more than £600,000 this week.

    Extinction Rebellion’s accounts show Furka Holdings, a Swiss asset management company, has also donated £50,000.

    The company is run by British businessman Alasdair Breach, who is also Independent Non-Executive Director of Bank of Georgia Group.

    The hedge fund manager earns Britain’s biggest salary. He also avoids meat, likes yoga and supports Extinction Rebellion

    The Independent
    Hold firms responsible for their role in climate crisis, says top British investor

    Sir Chris Hohn spoke of the ‘injustice’ of the climate crisis and urged businesses and banks to do more

    The British billionaire Sir Chris Hohn has called on companies to be held more accountable for their role in the climate crisis, which he described as the “single biggest challenge for future generations”.

    Sir Chris, the hedge fund manager who is reportedly Britain’s highest earner, said that he first became aware of the scale of the climate crisis around a decade ago through his philanthropy work.

    He described the climate crisis as an “injustice” issue that saw the world’s poor “feeling the effects of the pollution of the rich world”.

    “I think it’s widely understood now that climate change is the single biggest challenge of our generation and future generations, in particular for poor countries,” he told the Money Maze, a financial investment podcast.

    “Climate change doesn’t have equal effects on everybody. In poor countries, the soils are drying out, making it very difficult and every year harder to grow food, leading to malnutrition. So billions of smallholder farmers are feeling the effects of the pollution of the rich world. And there’s an injustice to that.”

    1. A stampeding herd of climate change elephants
      with rabies, that is what comes to mind
      when I consider NATO.

      If I were of a conspiratorial mind I would think
      it suspicious how aviation - F35 especially -
      technology is stalling and failing and
      NASA and ESA are basically still working with
      V2 rocket technology.

      Farcical nonsense. BS.

  3. A billionaire backer of Extinction Rebellion has been revealed to have a stake in Heathrow Airport.

    Sir Chrisopher Hohn has clandestinely built a 4 per cent stake in Heathrow parent company Ferrovial worth €730m (£630m), according to the Sunday Telegraph.

    Read more: Ferrovial makes bid to take trio of Britain’s regional airports

    It was reported in May by Spain’s Banco de Sabadell that Hohn had bought a one per cent share in the Spanish construction and services company.

    It has now been revealed that Hohn has bought a further three per cent share in Ferrovial.

    The billionaire hedge fund manager revealed this month he was the largest individual backer of Extinction Rebellion thanks to £200,000 in donations.

    The activist group organised mass protests over the past two weeks, some of which were aimed at London’s airports.

  4. Report from Iron Mountain: How War Will Be Replaced By Environmental Destruction To Traumatize Humanity

  5. sovereigntea commented on "Extinction Rebellion - Depopulation - Fascism - WEF"
    14 hours ago
    Who are Insulate Britain and what is their background? Insulate Britain is an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion (XR), the environmental activists who target the City of London in a bid to force real action on the climate crisis by the government. CHRIS HOHN Founder, Chair of Board, Founder Member Chris is the Managing Partner and Portfolio Manager of the London-based hedge fund, The Children’s Investment Fund (TCI). Before setting up TCI, he managed investment strategies for other hedge funds for almost a decade. Chris received an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BSc in accounting and economics from Southampton University. He was knighted in 2014 for services to philanthropy.

    1. XR & the insulate offshoot are a classic example of a well funded intel controlled front group. Such disruptive seditious activities with an obscured or indirect political agenda are often disguised as philanthropy. Hence the many well meaning useful idiots that tag along.
      The World Economic Forum organises its Global Shapers Community by means of hubs – there are more than 400 of these in some 150 different countries.

      The Shapers in all these hundreds of hubs are effectively working for the likes of WEF boss Klaus Schwab, Chinese Big Pharma billionaire Eric Tse and David Rubenstein of the war-profiteering CIA-linked Carlyle Group.

      This is a world of “social impact investing”, of lucrative human and natural “capital”, a world of blockchain, robotics and AI, of equity funds and pharmaceutical businesses, a world of exponential profit and exploitation hidden behind a rhetoric of “inclusivity”, “sustainability” and “systemic change”.

      Their agenda is nothing less than the acceleration of global corporate control to a level we can barely imagine, the imposition of a full-on techno-tyranny in which freedom is abolished for 99.99% of humanity and in which future generations are reduced the status of digitally-farmed cattle for the profit of the parasitical elite.

  6. XR the real leadership ?

    To describe Mark Carney as a member of the global financial elite would be an understatement. He spent 13 years working at Goldman Sachs. From 2008 to 2013, he was governor of the Bank of Canada, and from 2013 to 2020 he was governor of the Bank of England. From 2011 to 2018, he was chair of the Financial Stability Board.

    As director of the Bank of England, Carney was a director at the Bank for International Settlements. He’s a member of the Group of Thirty and he’s on the board of trustees of the World Economic Forum.

    Here’s a quick overview of Carney’s work over the past year relating to the climate crisis:

    Carney sits on the board of Bloomberg Philanthropies. In January 2020, Curtis D. Ravenel, founder of the Sustainable Business & Finance Group at Bloomberg LP, joined ClimateWorks Foundation as a distinguished fellow.

    In 2015, Carney set up the Financial Stability Board Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Revenel co-led the TCFD and Michael Bloomberg was chair. Bloomberg was then the UN special envoy for climate action.
    Chris Hohn and his ex-wife Jamie Cooper set up The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. Hohn is the managing partner of the London-based hedge fund, The Children’s Investment Fund (TCI). (While the company TCI Fund Management Limited is registered in the UK, the corporate structure is complicated. TCI manages a series of funds in the tax haven of the Cayman Islands. The parent company is The Children’s Investment Fund Management (Cayman) Ltd.)

    In November 2020, Carney backed Hohn’s campaign to force companies to submit their climate change strategies to annual shareholder votes. The first company to do so was Spanish airports operator Aena. Shareholders voted in favour of a plan to make Aena’s airports “carbon neutral” by 2026 with a target for “net-zero emissions” by 2040. Reuters reports that “the carbon compensation mechanisms [are] yet to be decided”.

  7. DFID, Gates foundation & Hohn's Children's Investment Fund Foundation. Does a curious focus on health get them in through the back door ?

    House of Commons
    International Development
    Private Foundations
    Thirteenth Report of Session 2010–12

    Peter McDermott,
    Managing Director, Children's Investment Fund Foundation

    Peter McDermott: In Bihar, we based the programme
    out of Patna. We have just undertaken, while I was in
    India last week, the annual review for that programme
    in our first year of operation. The Gates Foundation is
    working on the private sector for diarrhoea. CIFF is
    supporting the Government of Bihar in the public
    sector and, again, DFID has provided a real chapeau
    around the health-services strengthening in that state,
    so there is a good alignment.
    The third area where we have had a very good recent
    relationship with DFID is in our work with the
    Government of Ghana, where we have started a
    randomised control trial to improve educational
    outcomes for children in Ghana. Again, DFID’s
    longstanding support for the education sector in
    Ghana has helped us to navigate entry into that
    country. There are a number of other countries I could
    happily give evidence of, but they are the ones that
    are most pertinent.
