Friday 1 October 2021


The UK's Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has said the Labour party should be "very proud" of Tony Blair's record in government.

Sir Keir Starmer: Labour should be proud of Tony Blair's record

Blair supported the foreign policy of George W. Bush and ensured that the British military participated in the War in Afghanistan from 2001 and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The Powers That Be have decided that Starmer can become the UK Prime Minister?

According to the normally pro-Conservative Party Daily Mail

Labour now has a leader the Tories MUST take seriously

Peter Mandelson (right) with lord Rothschild.

Mandelson is reportedly helping Keir Starmer, leader of the UK's Labour Party.

Peter Mandelson with his friend Jeffrey Epstein.

Lord Jacob Rothschild's close friend Peter Mandelson has the job of getting the UK Labour Party's Keir Starmer appointed as Prime Minister of the UK?

Blair and Kissinger.

'The UK Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has suspended the former UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn from the party over his reaction to a highly critical report on anti-Semitism.


'The human rights watchdog found Labour responsible for "unlawful" harassment and discrimination during Mr Corbyn's years in charge of the party.

'But Mr Corbyn later said the scale of anti-Semitism within Labour had been "dramatically overstated" by opponents.

'Labour said he was being suspended "for a failure to retract" his words.

'Mr Corbyn reacted by calling the move "political" and promised to "strongly contest" it.'

Unknown commented

David Evans is the General Secretary of Labour's National Executive Committee (NEC). David Evans is so far refusing to answer NEC members asking him which rule was supposedly breached by Corbyn to warrant his (Evans') ruthless decision to expel him. 

So who is David Evans? Described as "a staunch Blairite", Evans worked for Labour under TONY BLAIR. 


Unknown commented 

JewishVoiceForLabour @JVoiceLabour - We are appalled that Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the Labour Party and the whip withdrawn. 

He has a proud record of fighting all forms of racism and antisemitism. This is an attack both on Jeremy and on the majority of party members. Do not leave, organise, fight back.


Jeremy's Suspension | Chris Williamson

Unknown commented 

Jewish activist Jackie Walker was expelled from Labour: "Last month, she wrote on Facebook that Starmer 'only talks to Zionist Jews and the Tories at synagogue.'"

Unknown commented 

After Corbyn, UK Labour elects Keir Starmer, Zionist with Jewish wife, as leader ... 

"His wife, Victoria Alexander, comes from a Jewish background and through her he has extended family living in Tel Aviv. 

"'My wife’s family is Jewish. Her dad is Jewish, their family came over from Poland. The extended family live in Israel,' he told Britain’s Jewish News in February. "He has never been to Israel but 'we're in regular contact with them and we've got various visits planned, basically to take our kids for the first time.' 

"He said he has attended Shabbat dinners with his wife's relatives on numerous occasions and visited London synagogues to attend family bar mitzvahs and weddings. "During a campaign event organized by the Jewish Labour Movement, other party leadership candidates said they were 'Zionists' while Starmer was hesitant. "'I do support Zionism,' he later told Jewish News ..." ...

Unknown commented 


"This year, Sukkot marks exactly six months since I became Leader of the Labour Party." 

Sukkot "commemorates the 40 years of Jewish wandering in the desert after the giving of the Torah atop Mt. Sinai ... 

"Just as Passover is tied to the Exodus from Egypt and Shavuot is associated with the giving of the Torah, Sukkot has come to reflect the experience of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. The 40 years of wandering in the desert prior to entering the Land of Israel ..." 

Sir Keir has come to lead the Jewish people out of the Wilderness, and into their own Promised Land?

Unknown commented

"Ok three years ago my MP @Keir_Starmer and I met at a fundraiser at a local synagogue to raise money for homeless. He was adamant that Corbyn would be over soon ..."

Unknown commented 

@OfficeGSBrown speaking on ‘The Challenges of a Fast Changing Society’ at the West Hampstead Synagogue. With attendees including Keir Starmer and Ian Austin



  2. Nicolas Sarkozy: France's ex-president sentenced to jail

  3. Starmer should go to Iraq and invite those whose children were murdered to express their verdict on Tony Blair using guns. He will line up to receive their verdict.....
