Saturday 7 August 2021


 Major General Alastair Bruce is a Falklands veteran, a royal confidant, a historical adviser on Downton Abbey, a descendent of Robert the Bruce, and a TV commentator. 

Major General Alastair Bruce was an equerry for Prince Edward, and is godfather to his son.  Lord Mountbatten was a family friend. 

Major General Alastair Bruce is the younger son of Lieutenant-Commander Henry Victor Bruce and Helen Vernon Wallop William-Powlett, daughter of Vice Admiral Sir Peveril William-Powlett.

In 2020, Bruce was appointed Honorary Colonel of 5 Military Intelligence Battalion.

Knott and Bruce

Major General Alastair Bruce is married to Stephen Knott.

Bruce and Knott have been together for 20 years.

Marrying my man is my crowning achievement

Hampshire Scouts
19s tFeSbarunprogncsraicrry uolfd2i0ru2fe0dd ·

Alastair Bruce - Hampshire Scouts Ambassador: “Wow, I am exactly where I want to be (watching Basingstoke Gang Show).

British soldier Wilfred Owen and a boy.

Wilfred Owen is the great war hero.

He wrote famous poems.

He died in the trenches during World War I.

He was, like so many famous soldiers, a pedophile.

'TOP BOY LOVERS' / Most military leaders prefer boys.

Dr Matthew Barry, author of Wilfred Owen, The Old Liereveals the truth about Wilfred Owen.


In 1912, Owen was a young 'lay preacher'.

He became attracted to a 13-year old boy and enjoyed a liaison with him in the woods where the two "lay in hawthorn glades".

Owen later wrote: "I fall in love with children, elfin fair."

One of his works was entitled Love Poem To A Child.

Eisenhower chatting up young boys in Germany.

Owen travelled to France to work as a teacher.

During a ten month period he wrote about "altar boys, boys playing in parks, boy scouts and boys in the YMCA."

In Bordeaux, he picked up lads for sex.

Field Marshal William Slim (above), the former Governor General of Australia, reportedly molested young boys.

Back in England, Owen joined the army.

Quite sensibly, during World War I, Owen did his best to avoid being on the front line.

During World war I, Owen spent time in various hospitals including Craiglockhart in Edinburgh.

Admiral of the Fleet Louis Mountbatten (above) liked boys in their early teens.

In Edinburgh, Owen befriended a seven-year-old boy.

And in Edinburgh Owen met Siegfried Sassoon.

Field Marshal Douglas Haig (above), who was reportedly gay, liked to have young lads around him.

Sassoon gave Owen a letter of introduction to his pedophile friend Robert Ross, a former lover of Oscar Wilde.

Soon Owen was introduced to at least seven other famous gay men.

Field Marshal Horatio Kitchener (above) was reportedly a pedophile.

Owen wrote salacious poems about boys.

Examples include The Rime Of The Youthful Mariner, Page Eglantine, Who Is The God Of Canongate? and I Am The Ghost Of Shadwell Stair.

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (above) had "romantic friendships with young boys" including the 12-year-old Swiss lad Lucien Trueb.

Owen spent time in Scarborough (later home to Jimmy Savile) before rejoining his unit.

Field Marshal Haig got promoted because he was a dear and close friend of the homosexual Lord Kitchener and the homosexual Lord Esher. Lord Kitchener: The Truth At Last - The Truthseeker / Earl Haig | Obituary


Read more: http://www.dailymail.

The top military.

13-year-old cadet

Many top military people appear to be secretly gay.

Field Marshal Douglas Haig liked to have young men around him. (Cached)

On 1 July 1916, Field Marshal Douglas Haig sent 19,240 young British soldiers to their deaths.

This was on the Somme, in Northern France.

The Battle of the Somme, from July to November 1916, produced 1.5 million casualties.


Haig never actually visited the main front line.

Some historians have pointed out that Haig repeatedly ordered tens of thousands of his young men to useless deaths during battles.

Reportedly, "Haig owed his Staff College admittance through his frienship and more with the homosexual clique at Court, people like Lords Esher and Kitchener, and that he replaced French through his constant sniping and intrigues behind his superior's back,with the full support of his homosexual buddies Esher, Kitchener, Robertson (CIGS) and King Edward." (Cached )

Edward VII on the right, George V on the left, Edward VIII and George VI in the middle.

"Four of Britain's best known military chiefs - Admiral Mountbatten and Field Marshalls Kitchener, Haig and Montgomery - were posthumously outed (as gay).

"The statue of Haig in Whitehall was draped with a pink feather boa and that of Mountbatten on Horse Guards Parade had a placard slung around his neck reading: 'For Queens & Country!'". (Art of Activism)

General Duroc, alleged lover of Napoleon.

"In Frank Richardson’s Napoleon: Bisexual Emperor (1973), the author, a British medical doctor, points out that Napoleon always surrounded himself with inordinately handsome young men, most of whom were given extraordinary military promotions. 

Evangeline Bruce, whose biography is titled Napoleon and Josephine: An Improbable Marriage (1995), refers to a note written by the emperor during his exile on St. Helena, an island a thousand miles off the shore of Africa. 

Bruce relates that Napoleon confided that whenever he met a handsome man, his admiration was felt “first in the loins and then another place I will leave unnamed.” 

Bruce’s volume also explores the gradual reversal of roles in the marriage between Napoleon and Josephine. 

Keith Stern (Queers in History, 2009) mentions that Napoleon was particularly inclined toward same-sex love with his fellow soldiers, and that many of his aides were notoriously effeminate. 

General Duroc, who served as Grand Marshal of the palace, was widely rumored to be the emperor’s lover. 

As well, Gaspard Gourgaud*, one of Napoleon’s aides/lovers, jealously guarded access to his master.

Gay Influence


Are they all working for the Cabal?

'Peter Earle (left) was the chief crime reporter for the News of the World when he revealed that showgirl Christine Keeler (right) had simultaneous affairs with both Secretary of State for War John Profumo and Soviet naval attache Yevgeny Ivanov

'He reported to his handler that an arrest warrant had been issued for a ‘gay man’ in Lisbon who allegedly ‘provided underage cadets and girls, among other things, to [Labour] MPs [Tom] Driberg, [Marcus] Lipton (only girls) and one Conservative MP’.'

How reporter who rocked British Establishment by exposing Profumo affair was a secret Communist: Official files also reveal he spilled UK secrets to same Czech spy who ran Labour grandee Geoffrey Robinson

Wrexham has beem the scene of massive child abuse, 'involving top people'?





  3. In Frank Richardson’s Napoleon: Bisexual Emperor (1973), the author, a British medical doctor, points out that Napoleon always surrounded himself with inordinately handsome young men, most of whom were given extraordinary military promotions.

    Evangeline Bruce, whose biography is titled Napoleon and Josephine: An Improbable Marriage (1995), refers to a note written by the emperor during his exile on St. Helena, an island a thousand miles off the shore of Africa. Bruce relates that Napoleon confided that whenever he met a handsome man, his admiration was felt “first in the loins and then another place I will leave unnamed.” Bruce’s volume also explores the gradual reversal of roles in the marriage between Napoleon and Josephine.

    Keith Stern (Queers in History, 2009) mentions that Napoleon was particularly inclined toward same-sex love with his fellow soldiers, and that many of his aides were notoriously effeminate. General Duroc, who served as Grand Marshal of the palace, was widely rumored to be the emperor’s lover. As well, Gaspard Gourgaud*, one of Napoleon’s aides/lovers, jealously guarded access to his master.

  4. 5 Military Intelligence Battalion appears to be functionally equivalent to the Stasi in East Germany. It's been obvious to anyone not brain dead that the UK is a rabbit warren of Stasi-like informants and has been since time immemorial.

    These people will be peepshow perverts hacking domestic PCs en masse to obtain information they have no right to obtain. I've flushed a few out in my time and it was highly amusing to see them at work having been flushed out. There's nothing more laughable than a peepshow pervert talking about morals, is there?
