Friday 1 January 2021



  1. Has this hit a raw nerve ?

    Censored on Xmas Eve this ...

    You have reached the cached page for
    Below is a snapshot of the Web page as it appeared on 24/12/2020 (the last time our crawler visited it).

    The BBC’s Emily Maitlis has broadcast the interview she conducted with Prince Andrew about his relationship with the convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. It was billed as a ‘no holds barred’ interview. Unfortunately, Maitlis did not ask a single question about his relationship with the notorious child molester, Lord Greville Janner.

    Yet the Prince’s relationship with Janner raises as many questions as that of his friendship with Epstein.

    The British media has turned a blind eye to the Janner-Duke of York relationship.

  2. Are the CPS & IICSA being used to keep certain parties safe ?

    ...Whlst CPS dithers ...

    The Janner strand was intended to have opened in September 2016 but was moved to March 2017. It was adjourned again in the expectation it would be heard in 2018 but was then moved to a three-week slot in February 2020. It may now not proceed at all.

    Overall, the Inquiry proposes to conclude its hearing by November 2020 and publish a final report by March 2022. The threat of discontinuance of the Janner strand arises from the fact the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is considering whether or not to prosecute an unnamed individual on a referral from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). The Janner strand may not proceed while the CPS decides whether or not it will prosecute the individual. If the CPS decides to prosecute, the IICSA will have to wait until after the prosecution has been completed. By then IICSA may have completed its hearings. If there are further delays and or appeals, the IICSA may even be wound up by the time all issues are determined.

    Unfortunately, the CPS was not in a position to tell the IICSA when it will arrive at its decision.

    In the meantime, none of the 350,000 pages of documentation which have been amassed over the past four and half years by the IICSA have been released to witnesses such as Alan Kerr. They will never be released if the Janner strand is abandoned.

  3. LSE & the Beginnings of Psychiatric Social Work & Child Care (Occult Yorkshire 12)

  4. Like Covid this Epstein/Maxwell event is a hoax as well.
    Look here and not over there disinformation. Wealthy men do not need pimps or madams for appointments. They have access to the crem dela crem of escorts of any race and age.

    1. And Epstein was their access,it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it

    2. Pedophilia in this case is only part of the whole operation. There is a lot more to this case. I think they are using the pedophilia just to show how much control that have over the rich and powerful thru blackmail. This case goes thru all the society sectors from universities, entertainment, politics, non profits and so on. The entire system seem to be compromised and rotten to the core. And the erase all this dirty, we need...the Great Reset.

    3. It's a somewhat curious thing that (at least from the details that have surfaced) Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein do not appear to have trafficked any male youths. They seem to have specialised solely in trafficking and abusing girls and young women, at least from what we know so far.

      Maybe allegations around Maxwell and Epstein trafficking boys and young men will surface in due course.

      But if that doesn't happen, then I think we should assume that the job of targeting gay male VIPs for blackmail, and supplying them with trafficked young males, has been undertaken by other operatives.

      Quite possibly an individual, or individuals, whose name(s) is/are listed in the infamous little black book of Maxwell and Epstein.

  5. Security Cameras Reveal Pedophiles Routinely Abduct And Assault Children in #Jerusalem
    Security cameras installed in a Jerusalem neighborhood revealed pedophiles abducting children in broad daylight with seeming impunity. #CSA

    Rabbi Berkowitz breaks silence on abuse in community in #Israel
    “I couldn’t believe this was happening right around the corner from me...”

  6. Help Us Expose the Criminal Sex Abuse Networks in #India!
    Sheena Lakhani, an activist, artist, and actress who lives in India and is attempting to expose the crimes of a #pedophile network connected the Indian politicians, the Bollywood film industry. #CSA
