Sunday 15 January 2023


Statue of Robert Burns in Dumfries in Scotland.

The famous Scottish poet Rabbie Burns accepted a job to help manage a slave plantation in the West Indies.

Should Burns' statue be removed?

(NB Nobody has actually suggested removing the statue. Aangirfan is opposed to the removal of any statues.)

"Burns had been nearly married to Jean but they had agreed to separate  - without knowing that Jean was pregnant with twins.

"Then Robert had fallen in love with 'Highland Mary' who died suddenly while waiting for him to come to her.

"Jean's father sought court proceedings to arrest him and so Robert needed to escape."

Robert Burns and Slavery 


Patrick Douglas was a friend of Burns with investments in an estate in Jamaica, an estate that used black slave labour.

Patrick Douglas's brother was the resident manager and had a vacancy on the staff of overseers.

Burns accepted the position.

Burns then published his poems to instant acclaim and decided to stay in Scotland.

What may save the Burns statue is that Burns was apparently bisexual, and a Freemason 

Can you spot Rabbit Burns, at the site of the Rabi Burns mausoleum?

Burns had a total of twelve children by four women, including nine by his wife Jean Armour. 

Seven of his children were illegitimate.

Burns wrote a poem for 'Andrew'.

Epistle to a Young Friend. May, 1786

Ye'll try the world soon my lad, 

And Andrew dear believe me, 

Ye’ll find mankind an unco squad, 

And muckle they may grieve ye.

Burns wrote: Address to a Haggis

Was haggis a metaphor for penis?

Burns wrote: My Harry Was A Gallant Gay

Rabbie Burns had his reputed homosexual relationship.

Burns wrote Auld Lang Syne.

Burns wrote: Whistle, And I'll Come To You, My Lad

There is said to be an underlying homosexual subtext in "Oh, Whistle."

O whistle, an' I'll come to ye, my lad,
Tho' father an' mother an' a' should gae mad,
O whistle, an' I'll come to ye, my lad.

But warily tent when ye come to court me,
And come nae unless the back-yett be a-jee;
Syne up the back-stile, and let naebody see,
And come as ye were na comin' to me,
And come as ye were na comin' to me.

O whistle an' I'll come, &c.

Statue of Burns in Dumfries, the Queen of the South.

At kirk, or at market, whene'er ye meet me,
Gang by me as tho' that ye car'd na a flie;
But steal me a blink o' your bonie black e'e,
Yet look as ye were na lookin' to me,
Yet look as ye were na lookin' to me. 

O whistle an' I'll come, &c.

Aye vow and protest that ye care na for me,
And whiles ye may lightly my beauty a-wee;
But court na anither, tho' jokin' ye be,
For fear that she wile your fancy frae me,
For fear that she wile your fancy frae me. 

O whistle an' I'll come, &c.


Burns was a Freemason.

Many of the political leaders in Scotland have 'come out' as gay. 
  • Ruth Davidson (Conservative leader).
  • David coburn.
  • Patrick Harvie.
  • Kezia Dugdale.
  • David Mundell.

The newspaper Scotland on Sunday has produced its annual Pink Scotland List

The Scots have always been pretty gay, or bisexual.

King James I (and VI) had a number of male lovers, including: Robert Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset, and George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham.

Sir Walter Scott liked gay characters.

In Redguantlet, Darsie writes, "my love for Alan Fairford surpasses the love of woman."

Darsie Latimer

R L Stevenson reportedly was very fond of boys.

Viscount Drumlanrig reportedly had a gay affair with the UK Prime Minister, the Earl of Rosebery. (Scottish Lords)

Field Marshall Douglas Haig was reportedly very fond of young men. (Military Leaders - Gays?)

Lindsay Anderson, the film director of Scottish descent, was gay. (Lindsay Anderson)

Cameron Mackintosh, producer of Les Misérables and The Phantom of the Opera, is gay. (List of gays.)

Ian McKellen, the actor, is gay. (Famous Gay Celebrities)

John Buchan - is suspected of being bisexual (A BOY IN A SCHOOL BLAZER)

Ian Fleming author of James Bond, was reportedly bisexual.

Compton Mackenzie, was apparently a boylover.  (CAPRI, BRONZED BOYS AND GRAHAM GREENE )

Edwin Morgan, Scotland's most famous poet, came out as gay at the age of 70. (Sadness, fear and thrill of national poet's secret gay life )

Rhona Cameron, the comedian, is gay (Famous Gay Celebrities)

Gordon Brown (Peter and Gordon) is alleged to be gay.

Sir Knox Cunningham was reportedly fond of boys. (TONY BLAIR AND CHILD ABUSERS)

Alan Cumming, the actor, is bisexual (Alan Cumming - Wikipedia)

Ronald Selby Wright was reportedly fond of boys. (TONY BLAIR AND CHILD ABUSERS)

Steven Purcell, former Leader of Glasgow Council, has been revealed as gay. ( PURCELL, Stefan King.)

Tam Paton and one of the Bay City Rollers have been named as gay.

Patrick Harvie, the leading figure in the Scottish Green Party, is bisexual. (Patrick Harvie - Wikipedia)

The Pink Scotland List includes: 

RUTH DAVIDSON - Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party.

GORDON MATHESON - Leader of Glasgow City Council

DEREK OGG QC - former head of the National Sexual Crimes Unit.

NEIL MACGREGOR - Director of the British Museum

CAROL ANN DUFFY - Poet Laureate

CHRISTOPHER KANE - Fashion designer

DEREK MACKAY - Government minister

LAURIE SANSOM - Artistic Director, National Theatre of Scotland

GRAEME OBREE - World champion cyclist

SUSAN STEWART - former diplomat at the British Embassy in Washington.


CLAIRE BLACK - Newspaper columnist, Scotland on Sunday

SCOTT RENNIE - Church of Scotland minister

IAN PRICE - General Secretary
of the Scottish Labour Party

NEIL BAXTER - Secretary and treasurer of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS).

ALI SMITH - Author


JAMES CLARK - Former ambassador

SIR JONATHAN MILLS - Director of the Edinburgh International Festival


DAVID TORRANCE - Political writer

JO CLIFFORD - Playwright

LEE BEATTIE - co-owner of a public relations company

JACKIE KAY - Poet and novelist

CHRIS CREEGAN - Chief executive, Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability

EDDIE MAIR - Radio presenter


KELVIN HOLDSWORTH - Episcopalian clergyman

JEANE FREEMAN - Political consultant


RICHARD WILSON - Actor (Victor Meldrew)



MARCO BIAGI - Member of Parliament (MSP)

DR SHARON COWAN - Senior law lecturer, University of Edinburgh.


CALUM IRVING - Chief executive, Voluntary Action Scotland

JENNIE KERMODE - Journalist and human rights campaigner


CRAIG HILL - Comedian


  1. Robert Burns, National poet of Scotland. St. David's Lodge No. 174, Tarbolton.

    To give him his Masonic characteristics. Also connections with Lodge No 2 Canongate (same time as Erasmus Darwin) and Motherlodge, Kilwinning, Ayrshire.

    If you are a patriotic, haggis tossing Scot who just happens to hate BLM you may be aghast at the idea of any suggestions that Burns may be removed from his pedastle.

    The slave trade was a great way to see the world and earn some cash along the way (bit like a gap year) of its day.

    But why stop there? The Tobacco Lords made a 'killing' from selling powerful addictive drugs and have made trillions of dollars and killed hundreds of millions of poor people of ALL colours along the way.

    Edinburgh was built on slavery and Glasgow built on drugs (tobacco). Likewise Lord Palmerston made it government policy to use opium/heroin as a weapon to attack China and wreak havoc on an entire population. Fast forward to present day Afghanistan to see the industry in its current state.

    The damage that the Toxic Swamp known as Scotland has done to the world is truly staggering. Of course Freemasonry of The Scottish Rite is also another export of the Ginger Swamp.

    Before anyone labels me a racist, as a born and bred Leither, from the era of Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting (whom I worked for decades ago).

    I've grown to properly dislike my country of birth due to its legacy to the world.

    In terms of weight, Drugs, Slavery, Tobacco and Freemasonry cannot be outdone with a few good deeds, as it were.

    The question as to whether Burns or any Freemasons should remain idolised on a pedastle - the answer is no.

    The only truly sad part though, is no one had the balls to question this dichotomy sooner. BLM/Antifa or whatever rabble of tripe come along and get the credit for something we Scots should have done given the damage the aforementioned scumbags have done to us, our families and loved ones.

    Question, does anyone know of someone who has died of a smoking related disease?

    Unlike Covid the answer will be yes.

    Peace to the humans.

    1. But, there are many good Scots, just as there are many good Italians, good Jews, etc.

  2. In the Netherlands and France, Burka's and face covering masks are by law forbidden, but wearing Covidiot masks became mandatory in some cities. So if you combine the headscarf with the Covidiot mask you have exactly what the Islamists did previously.

  3. With quantum physics came the startling idea that observation or awareness mediates reality. Similarly, historical research reveals that without exception, the greatest figures of history have feet of clay - if they are real in the first place. However, knowledge of such flaws will have no effect on the identification and deification of heroes and saints - past and future.

