Sunday 28 May 2023



The BBC produced 'The Salisbury Poisonings' - about the 2018 incident involving the Skripals.

5 Facts BBC's “The Salisbury Poisonings” Forgot to Mention ...

Here are five key facts the BBC simply forgot to mention.



"Alison McCourt and her family were walking in Salisbury town centre when they came upon the Skripals convulsing quietly on a park bench in the early afternoon.

"There’s no reason for the BBC to omit this information.

"Except that Alison’s full name is Colonel Alison McCourt OBE. And she’s the Chief Nursing Officer of the British Army.

"Maybe the BBC thought that the Chief Nurse of the British Army strolling past during the (alleged) first-ever use of a “military-grade” nerve agent was just too unlikely to be believed.

"Novichok didn’t officially exist in the real world at all, until it popped up just yards away from one of the few people trained to deal with it.

"Weird the BBC wouldn’t mention it. But it gets weirder."

The Skripals.


"Toxic Dagger was a military training exercise involving the Defence Science Technology Laboratory (DSTL) and 40 Marine Commando Brigade.

"It trains special forces on how to deal with chemical, biological or neurological weapons.

"Toxic Dagger ran from February 20th – March 12th 2018.

"Sergei Skripal was “poisoned” on March 4th 2018.

"The DSTL headquarters is in Salisbury.

"That Russia should attempt to use a neurological agent to assassinate a former double agent right smack dab in the middle of a neurological weapons training exercise is unlikely.

"That it should also happen in the same city where the exercise is taking place apparently proved too much for the BBC to handle.

"Best to just ignore it."

The UK miltary's Exercise Toxic Dagger took place in the Salisbury area in March 2018.


"Pablo Miller is a former soldier in the Royal Tank Regiment, a diplomat with an OBE, and possibly current MI6 agent.

"He lives in Salisbury and was Sergei Skripal’s handler.

"Miller’s name was first mentioned in a report for the Telegraph in the days following the Skripal’s alleged poisoning, from which Miller’s name has now been totally removed.

"It was later revealed by a Channel 4 reporter on twitter, that the government had issued a D-notice on “Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler”:

alex thomson✔@alextomo

About the only decisive public move by the authorities has been to censor MSM via a D Notice last week from fully identifying Mr Skripal’s MI6 handler living nearby...

[For our international readers, a “D-notice”, is an act by which the government directs the media to not mention certain facts which they claim might somehow endanger national security. It is not censorship, they’re quite clear about that.]

"Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler being his next-door neighbour, and the subject of government gag, orders didn’t make it into the BBC’s drama either.

"And neither did…


"Which is weird, because Mark Urban is a BBC employee.

"He is their diplomatic editor, and personally fronted much of the coverage of the Skripal case when it was breaking news.

"As Craig Murray points out, despite the series’ regular use of real news footage, and despite it being a BBC production, Mark Urban is never seen once.

"He’s not even listed as a consultant despite literally writing the book on the case.

"What’s doubly strange about this, of course, is that Mark Urban was in the same Royal Tank Regiment as Pablo Miller. In fact, they joined on the same day, from the same officer training course."

"He revealed, months after the event, he had regularly been interviewing Sergei Skripal in the months and weeks before his alleged poisoning. He claimed it was “for a book”.

"The book in question was released in October 2018 under the title “The Skripal Files: The Life and Near Death of a Russian Spy”.

"What he would have called it, and indeed what it would have been about, had the poisoning not happened we’ll just have to guess. It would likely have been very dull, and not sold all that well.



"All the talk about Sergei Skripal has been he was a quiet retiree, living out his later years in sleepy Salisbury. Of course, that narrative is somewhat challenged by the facts his MI6 handler is his next-door neighbour, and he’s just a handful of miles from the UK’s military research laboratories.

"Mark Urban’s book gives us even more interesting details – such as the fact Skripal’s house was purchased for him by MI6, and he had a special phone he used to contact his “team” at UK intelligence.

"All of this paints a picture of a man still very much employed, or least kept on the back burner, by British Intelligence.

"The Blogmire has an excellent article breaking all this down, including asking the most pertinent of questions:

"How conceivable is it that the house purchase by MI6, for one of their double agents, did not have some kind of security measures in place, including CCTV cameras?

"Shouldn’t there be CCTV footage of the alleged assassins walking right up to the door and spraying/spreading/smearing the nerve agent on the door handle?

"Of course, the BBC don’t ask this question. They don’t mention any of this at all, despite it all being in a book written by their own diplomatic editor.

"Clearly, the makers of the program were given a brief: Take all these harsh angular facts, and force them together into some kind of coherence. Obfuscate where you can, invent when you must.

Their job is to spread a digestible story.

"As such, they leave out everything that could implicate the British state, or anything which challenges the story on even the most basic rational level.

"They don’t explain how the most toxic substance in the world only affected 5 people in four months, despite contaminating a hotel room, a restaurant, a pub and at least two trains. They don’t explain why, even after one of their officers was taken ill, Salisbury police were guarding the Skripal’s house without any protective equipment.

"They don’t mention the ties to Christopher Steele and Orbis Security, or the original reports of fentanyl overdose being redacted after the fact, or that the bottle Charlie Rowley claims to have found was wrapped in cellophane (and therefore never opened). Or any of the other myriad details which render the “official version” obvious, absolute nonsense.

"We’ll never know exactly who at the BBC decided to omit all these details. But we can make a pretty good guess as to why."

In the above, there are clear signs that the photo of the Novichok suspects has been photo-shopped.

'Boshirov' , 'Chepiga' and 'Chepiga' (Bellincat). Three different noses (fat, thin, concave). Elena Evdokimova‏ @elenaevdokimov7

The 'patsies' are Ruslan Boshirov and  Alexander Petrov.

The Novichok suspect Ruslan Boshirov is Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, according to the 'spooky' internet site called Bellingcat.

Bellingcat has claimed that 'Alexander Petrov' is Alexander Yevgenyevich Mishkin, who trained as a navy doctor.

'Mishkin' (left) 'Petrov' (right).

A certain security service selected Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov to be the patsies.

Boshirov is not Chepiga and Petrov is not Mishkin.

Reportedly, the security service bribed Boshirov and Petrov to deliver something to somebody in Salisbury.

'Boshirov and Petrov are a gay couple who seem to be involved in something shady such as  steroids or human growth hormones?'

The Framing of Russia - American Herald Tribune / Elena Evdokimova in detail

Sir Mark Sedwill

Skripal reportedly fell ill on 4 March 2018.

"On the 1st of May, the UK's National Security Adviser Sir Mark Sedwill told MPs that the agencies he oversaw - MI6, MI5 and GCHQ - had no information on who was responsible for the attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter two months earlier."

The Framing of Russia - American Herald Tribune

General Leonid Ivashov

Retired Russian General Leonid Ivashov, a former member of the Russian Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that Russia's "Israeli lobby" is putting at stake Russia's sovereignty.

General Leonid Ivashov: The Pro-Israeli Lobby ...

'Mishkin' (left) 'Petrov' (right).

Bellingcat has claimed that 'Alexander Petrov' is Alexander Yevgenyevich Mishkin, who trained as a navy doctor.

They appear to have different noses?

"Only one anonymous alumnus of 'Mishkin's' alleged school was prepared to say that such a person with such a name had even attended there.

"All the other ex-students approached by Bellingcat claimed to have no memory of him at all."

Further down the rabbit hole with Eliot, Boshirov, Petrov, his grandma ...

Mishkin is a Jewish surname.

Have certain members of some Kosher Nostra infiltrated all the spy agencies?

Dmitri Mishkin

Saak Karapetyan 

On 3 October 2018, Russia's Deputy prosecutor-general Saak Karapetyan - a long-time ally of President Vladimir Putin - died in a helicopter crash, northeast of Moscow.

Reportedly, the pilot involved in the helicopter crash was found with two bullets in his body.

Karapetyan had been in charge of the Russian criminal investigations into the poisoning of Sergei Skripal.

He also led the investigation into the deaths of Putin foe Boris Berezovsky, and dissident Alexander Litvinenko - which both took place on UK soil.

Karapetyan has been linked to alleged offers of 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump's election campaign via the 'glamorous' lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, 43, who met with the Trump campaign in 2016.

Natalia Veselnitskaya met with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner in Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign.

There are claims that Karapetyan leaked information to the British, US and Swiss secret services.


The couple at the centre of the Novichok scare are a suspected drug dealer and a reported Mossad asset.

Anna Shapiro, the glamour model, "told friends recently that she was a 'honeytrap spy' tasked with seducing men for Israeli spy agency Mossad."

The Russian newspaper Kommersant has been anti-Putin.

According to a 'fake news' story in Kommersant:

"Locals in Berezovka, population 3,139, recognised Chepiga from pictures of his alias Ruslan Boshirov taken on his trip to Britain...

"'This is him,' confirmed a former female schoolfriend to Kommersant newspaper.

"'One hundred percent him. Eyes almost black,' said the ex-classmate who refused to be identified, as did other locals, fearing reprisals from the FSB secret service."


The Russian newspaper Kommersant is owned by Alisher Usmanov, who is alleged to be a Heroin Trafficker and Mafia guy.

Usmanov owns Sutton Place, the former Surrey home of the oil baron J. Paul Getty, as well as a £48million mansion in London.

'Colonel Anatoly Chepiga' left; 'Ruslan Boshirov' right.The noses are different.

The Novichok suspect Ruslan Boshirov is Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, according to the 'spooky' internet site called Bellingcat.

Eliot Higgins's Bellingcat is backed by the Atlantic Council, a pro-NATO think tank.

Bellingcat has come up with 'fake' stories supporting the NATO line on Ukraine and Syria.

'Colonel Anatoly Chepiga' left; 'Ruslan Boshirov' right.

'Chepiga' has a concave nose. Are the ears and moles different?

How do we know that this is 'Colonel Anatoly Chepiga' ?

Only the picture on the left is 'Chepiga'. The two on the right are 'Boshirov's Russian passport application file', and the photo of 'Boshirov' issued by UK police.

Former ambassador Craig Murray refers to the photos of Chepiga and Boshirov.

Craig Murray writes:

", which runs industry standard software, puts the probability of them being the same person at 2.8%.

"By comparison it gives Craig Murray a 2.1% chance of being Chepiga."

"Chepiga has a snub nose and Boshirov something of a hook."

"Chepiga has a narrower mouth."

“Boshirov” is probably not “Chepiga”. But he is also not “Boshirov”

Bellingcat claims that Chepiga is Hero of the Russian Federation.

Craig Murray points out that "there is no Chepiga on the official list of Heroes of the Russian Federation, for the stated 2014 or for any other year.

"Bellingcat's other documents and anonymous sources are unverifiable."

BBC News at One 

On 27 September the BBC TV News ran the story showing only the two photos of 'Boshirov', which of course are the same person, and not showing the photo of Chepiga at all!

16 September 2018.

On 16 September 2018, in a Salisbury restaurant called Prezzo, a 'Russian' couple fell ill with symptoms similar to Novichok poisoning.

Wiltshire Police later confirmed that "there is nothing to suggest the nerve agent is responsible".

A source said: 'The symptoms of Novichok poisoning and particular types of narcotic abuse are very similar'.

Salisbury city centre sealed off .

The Russian-Israeli model at the centre of this latest Salisbury poisoning scare is Anna Shapiro, 30.

Her husband is Alex King, 42. 

Both fell ill while dining out at the Prezzo restaurant in Salisbury.

Alex King is a convicted criminal and once hoaxed Prince Charles.

Anna Shapiro is an Israeli citizen.

Shapiro worked as a £4,000-a-night escort and Alex King helped stage sex parties

Husband of Russian model

By pure chance, an army nurse was passing by the Skripals as they passed out.

By another pure chance, army-trained doctors were on duty at the Salisbury hospital at that same moment. 

"One message from @SkripalYulia shows an unidentified nurse."

A Twitter account, @SkripalYulia, claims to be Yulia Skripal, the daughter of Sergei Skripal.

'Yulia Skripal', according to the Twitter account @SkripalYulia, claims that she is living in the USA and has been 'pumped full of drugs' by Western doctors.

Yulia Skripal

These Twitter messages, to Yulia's relatives, are mainly in Russian.

One message said: 'They want me to lose memory!!! Rescue me!!!'

One message from @SkripalYulia shows an unidentified nurse and is captioned: 'My guardian angel.'

The badge of the registered nurse appears to be from New South Wales in Australia.


The substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, according to Swiss state Spiez lab.

The toxin was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.

Swiss Lab confirms "BZ toxin" produced in US

'The Skripals have been kidnapped by MI5.'

"The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has analysed samples taken from Sergei Skripal, his daughter Yulia and a British police officer

"An executive summary released by the OPCW does not name Novichok – or identify the source of the chemical."

The BBC says: Nerve agent inspectors back UK

The Daily Mail says: The Latest: Official: Source of poison 'impossible' to track

Hazmedic‏ @4azMedic

"So basically, the OPCW have not publicly confirmed that either a) nerve agent was used, or b) Novichok was used."

So the world has plunged into a new cold war over the murder of a cat and two guinea pigs. 
"The Skripals pet guinea pigs did die – along with their cat.

"From dehydration.

"The cat was 'distressed' and put down.

"The rodents – well the coppers forgot to give them water.

"A nerve agent which can be inhaled was smothered on their house and they died from lack of water."

The Skripals are alive but the guinea pigs are dead – the strange case of the Salisbury poisoning .

The precise source of the nerve agent used to poison the Russian ex-spy and his daughter has not been verified, says the head of Porton Down laboratory.

Gary Aitkenhead, chief executive of Porton Down, told Sky News they are not able to prove it was made in Russia.

Porton Down scientists CANNOT confirm nerve agent used on Skripals was made in Russia

Curiouser and curiouser: Yulia Skripal logged into VK while in a coma .

The 33-year-old daughter of Sergei Skripal, Yulia Skripal, visited her 'Vkontakte' page – sort of a Russian version of Facebook – on the morning of March 7th, three days after the “assassination” attempt that put her allegedly in a coma.

While in a coma: Yulia Skripal logged into her VKontakte page .


On 1 April 2018, Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Alexander Yakovenko said that the Skripal case is a false flag operation conducted by the UK secret services.

"This provocation has been carried out by UK secret services.

"We are not provided with any facts, they refuse to cooperate with us. 

Such a state of affairs brings us to the judgment that it is a provocation organized by secret services."

The diplomat said that the provocation has been caused by two reasons, including the need to hide the fact that London had accepted almost all the conditions laid down by Brussels in the Brexit talks. 

The second reason is the intention to be a leader in the so-called deterrence of Russia and the need to gain the support of both parliament and people.

Skripal Case 'Provocation' Carried Out by UK Intelligence - Russian Ambassador.

Sgt Nick Bailey

What is Mr and Ms Skripal's exact diagnosis and condition?

What treatment are they receiving?

Is that treatment the same as that provided to Sgt Nick Bailey?

Mr Bailey has been discharged, Yulia Skripal is getting better, but why is Sergei Skripal still in a critical condition?


Why are there no photos/videos confirming that the Skripals are alive and at hospital?

Through what methods did experts identify the substance so quickly?

Nerve agents act immediately. Why was it not the case with the Skripals?



Was a drone used to hit Skripal?

 The UK miltary's Exercise Toxic Dagger took place in the Salisbury area in March 2018.

"Troops from 40 Commando joined the country's leading experts in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear warfare."

"Exercise Toxic Dagger involved Public Health England, the Atomic Weapons Establishment and the government’s military labs, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory."

Toxic storm for Royal Marines in major chemical exercise.

Where is Skripal?

"The Skripals' extended family say that they have been unable to find out where exactly Sergei and Yulia even are.

'I would like to know how (Sergei and Yulia) are - where they are,' Sergei’s niece, Viktoria Skripal, said.

'We don't even know where he is': Sergei Skripal's Russian family

Vladimir Timoshkov, a friend of Sergei Skripal, says that Sergei Skripal had asked Vladimir Putin to be allowed back into Russia.

Russian spy: Being an agent 'messed up' Skripal's life


A top French Intelligence boss has revealed Operation Beluga - a US-UK plot to discredit Putin and destabilize Russia.

Sergey Kapchuk

Sergey Kapchuk, a Russian businessman who claims he is on a 'death list', has fled from London and the UK.

He says that the real threat to his life comes from the British secret services.

Russian 'on Putin's death list' flees UK saying threat comes from Brit spies -

He says: "The British secret service might organise some sort of provocation."

In the UK, his bank accounts and credit cards had been suddenly blocked.

Tony Rossini on Twitter.

It all looks like another false flag.

On 22 March 2018, in England's High Court, Justice David Basil Williams reports:

"Blood samples from Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal were analyzed and the findings indicated exposure to a nerve agent or related compound." 

Reportedly, military-grade nerve agents assure death in minutes at most.

The Unraveling False Flag Skripal Incident - Stephen Lendman

Russia's London embassy has said  that the UK authorities refused a request to grant consular access to Skripal and his daughter, Russian citizens.

No information about their condition or whereabouts was provided.


The Diligent Truth‏ @DiligentTruth

"NO Patient has experienced symptoms of Nerve Agent poisoning in Salisbury" - Stephen Davis - Consultant in Emergency Medicine Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust.

The three being treated are for the effects of poisoning - but NOT by a Nerve Agent.

Joanne Trueman‏ @trueman - "Why are these firemen standing at the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack with no chemical weapons protection clothing on?"  

The Telegraph reported that Sergei Skripal was in close contact with a security consultant who worked for Christopher Steele, the former British agent who worked on the Trump Dossier.

Poisoned Russian spy linked to Trump dossier author

Steele was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a Washington intelligence firm.

The 'Trump Dossier' claimed that Russia helped Trump to become president.

The dossier alleges that Trump has Deep Ties to Russia.

According to Rob Slane, at OffGuardianthe 'Trump Dossier' may have been written by Sergei Skripal.

Felix Sater has been linked to the Jewish Mafia. Mafia-linked figure association with Trump .

Trump's spokesman Michael Cohen received an email from Trump business associate Felix Sater saying 'Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it.'

Paul Gregory, Professor of Economics at Houston University, wrote:

"I can say that the dossier itself was compiled by a Russian, whose command of English is far from perfect and who follows the KGB (now FSB) practice of writing intelligence reports, in particular the practice of capitalizing all names for easy reference.

"It was written ... by a Russian trained in the KGB tradition."

There is a link between Christopher Steele and Skripal's MI6 recruiter and handler, Pablo Miller.

Miller and Skripal met regularly.

There is a direct link between Steele and Skripal dating back to the late 1990s.

The UK Government placed a D-notice 'ban' on reporting on this issue.

Red Bag couple in Salisbury.

Rob Slane speculates:

"That Sergei Skripal had arranged to meet someone at around 3:45pm at the park bench in The Maltings.

"That this was something to do with his involvement in and possible authorship of the so-called Trump Dossier.

"That the people he met were the same people who were spotted on a CCTV camera in Market Walk at 3:47.

(A woman with blonde hair was seen on CCTV shortly before Skripal and his daughter were found collapsed. The footage showed the young woman, carrying a red handbag, walking beside an older man.) 

"That the red bag that one of them was carrying is the same red bag that was seen by witnesses at the bench.

"That it was in this bag that some sort of incapacitating substance had been placed.

"That both Sergei and Yulia Skripal became incapacitated after looking inside the bag.

"That the bag was later taken away, and probably subsequently destroyed..."


Salisbury Plain.

The Salisbury area is important to the UK military, and one would expect there to be Russian spies in and around Salisbury.

But, why did the two Salisbury Suspects travel to Salisbury, and who were they working for?

Reportedly, there is rivalry between the UK government and the Russian government over:

1. Syria

2. Trump

3. The sex trade

4. The drugs trade

5. Ukraine

Did the UK government organise the Salisbury event to make Russia look bad?

Spooky Igor Rusanov, of Azov Films.

Azov Films, based in Toronto, sold 'child porn' films to customers worldwide.

Azov-Films' were made in Crimea, Russia and Romania, by people including Igor Rusanov.

Vladik of Azov films.

Beginning in 2002, Igor Rusanov, from Ukraine, began working in collaboration with the American-influenced Christian Center for Science and Apologetics, which runs camps for children.


The spy services are said to have links to various competing mafias. 

One faction of the Russian Mafia is said to support Putin, and one faction is said to oppose Putin.

Donald Trump has had a business partner, Tevfik Arif, who was prosecuted for trafficking underage girls.

The prosecution came after a helicopter raid on a yacht off the Turkish coast.

In 2010, Tevfik Arif was charged in Turkey for smuggling underage girls into the country for prostitution.

Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine reportedly supplied young girls to Trump's close friend Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump has had business partners, Engin Yesil and Raoul Goldberger, who have been involved in the trade in Cocaine.

Donald Trump.

Osama bin Laden worked for the Jewish Russian Mafia.

The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported, 16/9/ 2001, that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.

Osama is from a billionaire family which has close ties to the Bush family and the Saudi royal family. (aangirfan: The bin Laden Family)

There is a lot of disinformation out there.

Trump could have been brought down by:

1. His pro-Israel stance
2. His links to child abuse
3. His criticism of Obama for not being tough enough on Putin over Ukraine
4. His criticism of Obama for not being tough enough on Gaddafi.

Hence, the stories from the trolls about:

1. Trump being about to reveal the truth about Israeli involvement in 9 11
2. PizzaGate
3. Trump wanting peace with Putin
4. Trump being opposed to the toppling of Gaddafi.

Hillary Clinton with Giovanni Gambino, the son of heroin kingpin Francesco 'Ciccio' Gambino and the cousin of Carlo Gambino, one-time head of the American Mafia's governing body. dailymail.

Below is what we wrote earlier:

Solntsevskaya Bratva is a Russian Mafia group known to have links to Semion Mogilevich, perhaps the world's, most powerful criminal.

Mogilevich is a Jew, born in the Ukraine.

Mogelivich is believed to have an Israeli passport.

Mogilevich, who lives mainly in Moscow, is said to be the "boss of bosses" of the worldwide Russian-Jewish mafia.

Mogilevich 'trades in drugs, nuclear materials and prostitutes.'

According to the "Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin" -

Putin's maternal grandfather was a Jew.

His other grandfather was a Jew from a Ukranian village.

Putin's friend Roman Abramovich stated in a 2005 interview that Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship if he wanted as an ethnic Jew.

In November 2017, Roman Abramovich's yacht arrived at the Port of Palm Beach, approximately eight miles away from Mar-a-Lago.

Donald Trump is Jewish, according to his own brother.

Trump's Older Brother Fred Joined a Jewish Fraternity.

Spy boss Sergei Naryshkin (left)

Mike Pompeo and his Russian friends are anxious to cover up the Kosher Nostra's rigging of the 2016 US election?

In January 2018, the heads of three Russian intelligence agencies traveled to the United States to meet with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

The Russian embassy in the US confirmed that Sergei Naryshkin, head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (FIS), was in the US to talk with Pompeo.

The Washington Post reported that accompanying Naryshkin during the trip were two other chiefs - Alexander Bortnikov, director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), and Colonel General Igor Korobov, chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).

Sergey Naryshkin is under U.S. sanctions according to the Treasury Department.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo Met Russian Spy Chief Behind 2016 election hacking...

Christopher Steele.

During his 2017 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Glenn Simpson was asked about sources for the Christopher Steele dossier, which Simpson's firm, Fusion GPS, commissioned. 

Responding, Simpson's lawyer, Joshua Levy, said: 'Somebody's already been killed as a result of the publication of this dossier.'

In December 2016, Gen. Oleg Erovinkin of Russia's State Security Service (FSB) was found dead in his car in central Moscow. 

Was This Russian General Murdered Over the Steele Dossier?

Carter Page, the son of Rachel Greenstein.

Steele wrote in his dossier that 'a Russian source close to Rosneft's Igor Sechin (de facto deputy of Vladimir Putin) had confided details of a secret 2016 meeting in Moscow between Sechin and Trump foreign-policy adviser Carter Page.'

In 2013, an agent from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, SVR, met Page in New York City and engaged in several communications with him as part of a recruitment attempt.

The Steele dossier mentions that Page also met on this same Moscow trip with Igor Diveikin, an FSB colonel.

Diveikin reportedly told Page about compromising material the Russians had on both Hillary Clinton and Trump, which Trump should consider in his dealings with Russia.

Page, in his 8 July 2016 email from Moscow to members of the Trump campaign, wrote that he had received 'incredible insights and outreach' from senior members of Putin's administration.

The arrests in December of high-level FSB officers responsible for cyber operations were widely assumed to be set off by Steele's revelations that the Trump campaign had colluded in the Russian cyber attacks against the Clinton campaign that were revealed by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Was This Russian General Murdered Over the Steele Dossier?.

Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov

The top Israeli 'mobster' Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov has been connected to a criminal operation that was run out of Trump Tower.

Seven months after the FBI raided this criminal organisation at Trump Tower, in 2013, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov was a VIP attendee at Donald Trump's Miss Universe 2013 contest held in Moscow.

The Russian crime organization that operated in Trump Tower

The Ukrainian-born Jew named Semion Mogilevich is involved in money laundering, according to a classified FBI report.

One of his companies is YBM, whose CEO is Jacob Bogatin, whose brother, David Bogatin, a top Russian crime figure, had five expensive Trump Tower apartments.

The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World


In November 2017, Roman Abramovich's yacht arrived at the Port of Palm Beach, approximately eight miles away from Mar-a-Lago.

Trump is planning to spend Thanksgiving (November 2017) at his Mar-a-Lago Club.

'Roman Abramovich is a gangster'.

Jared Kushner has met Abramovich one-on-one and with their wives on a number of occasions.

Starting in 1999, Putin got the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar.


The USA is controlled by the Jewish Mafia?

Trump's spokesman Michael Cohen received an email from Trump business associate Felix Sater saying 'Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it.'

Our boy can become president

Sater has been linked to the Jewish Mafia.

Mafia-linked figure association with Trump .

Christopher Steele

Steele's dossier says that Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov 'controlled' a dossier containing compromising material on Hillary Clinton compiled over 'many years'.

Steele believes his dossier on Trump-Russia is 70-90% accurate

Dmitry Peskov

Steele currently runs a private intelligence firm Orbis.

"In the case of the dossier, Orbis was not saying that everything that it reported was accurate, but that it had made a good-faith effort to pass along faithfully what its identified insiders said was accurate."

A lot of the Steele dossier has since been corroborated.

Trump and Felix Sater, who is said to be Jewish Mafia.

"According to the Steele dossier Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was responsible for Russia’s compromising materials on Hillary Clinton, and now we have reports that Michael Cohen had contacted Peskov directly in January 2016 seeking help with a Trump business deal in Moscow.

"This was after Cohen received the email from Trump business associate Felix Sater saying 'Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this.'"

A lot of the Steele dossier has since been corroborated.

"The Orbis report refers to the aim of the Russian influence campaign 'to swing supporters of Bernie Sanders away from Hillary Clinton and across to Trump,' based on information given to Steele in early August 2016.

"It was not until March 2017, however, that former director of the National Security Agency, in Senate testimony said of the Russian influence campaign, 'what they were trying to do is to drive a wedge within the Democratic Party between the Clinton group and the Sanders group.'

"A March news report also detailed that Sanders supporter's social media sites were infiltrated by fake news, originating from 'dubious websites and posters linked back to Eastern Europe,' that tried to shift them against Clinton during the general election."

A lot of the Steele dossier has since been corroborated.

Epstein and Trump.

Steele's dossier says: 'Trump's unorthodox behavior in Russia over the years had provided the authorities there with enough embarrassing material on the now Republican presidential candidate to be able to blackmail him if they so wished.'

Steele wrote that Trump, while in Russia, asked prostitutes to urinate on a bed at the Moscow Ritz Carlton, because Barack Obama once slept there

Steele has told friends his report is '70-90% accurate.'

Steele believes his dossier on Trump-Russia is 70-90% accurate

Trump and Felix Sater

Felix Sater is linked to the Mafia.

US election: Trump's Russian riddle

Felix Sater, an ex-convict, identified himself a "senior advisor to Donald Trump".

"Sater has mafia and Russian criminal ties, as well as a 1998 racketeering conviction."


Felix Sater's father "is a Russian Organized Crime boss."


The Miami Herald reported that the CIA helped Felix Sater conceal his conviction for securities fraud while using him as a spy in his native Russia.



The Chabad movement was founded in Lithuania in 1775.

Starting in 1999, Putin got the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar.

The Federation's purpose was to undermine the Russian Jewish Congress, led by oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky, a potential threat to Putin and President Boris Yeltsin. 

Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich are Chabad's biggest patrons worldwide.

Leviev, Donald Trump and Jared Kushner visited together the holiest site in Chabad Judaism.

Kushner and Ivanka Trump are also close with Abramovich’s wife, Dasha Zhukova

1. The Novichok suspects Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov state that they are in the health nutrition business.

The suspects stayed at the City Stay Hotel, on Bow Road, in London E3.

Steroids are said to be traded illegally in East London, and beyond.

Amateur bodybuilder sells steroids from living room / Up to a million Britons use steroids for looks not sport  / National Crime Agency - Man charged

The muscular suspects are suspected of having gay links.

"The use of steroids and other Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIED's) is quite normalised amongst LGB&T communities, and their use is most often associated with health fitness."


2. Did the suspects travel to Salisbury in connection with steroids?

The UK miltary's Exercise Toxic Dagger took place in the Salisbury area in March 2018.

Are there any laboratories in making steroids? I am told Britain is the second biggest producer of banned steroids in the world after America. If the two suspects came over to find out about that stuff everything falls in place.



The Novichok suspects, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, have been interviewed by RT.

They say that they were just tourists.

The Salisbury nerve attack suspects say they were tourists visiting the cathedral / Skripal suspects: 'We were just tourists in Salisbury'

"The British media already told us that the two had been executed by Putin to stop them talking ever again."

The suspects say that they did not have a perfume bottle.

"Isn't it silly for decent lads to have women's perfume?" Boshirov said.

"The customs are checking everything; they would have questions as to why men have women's perfume in their luggage. We didn't have it."

The suspects say that they go to places in Europe for their sports nutrition business.

When asked about recent trips to Switzerland they said that they were just looking for innovations.

Russian Poisoning Suspects Say They're Sports Nutrition

"A number of illegal laboratories are manufacturing bootleg steroids to feed the UK's growing habit for muscle-building drugs, Sky News has learned."

Inside The UK's Illegal Steroid Laboratories

'Myra Forde operated a world famous boy brothel in Winchester'. Winchester Crown Court heard that Forde trained runaway children as prostitutes. The court was told that one 15-year-old, controlled by Forde, had sex with five men at once. One 13-year-old would go straight from school to the brothel. Read more: http://www.dailymail

RT said to the Salisbury suspects: "On the (CCTV) video you are shown always together. 

"You were together, lived together, walked everywhere together. What does in fact connect you?”

Boshirov replied: "Let's not pry into our private lives."

Salisbury Novichok 'assassins' may be LOVERS


Republican State Senator Richard Black of Virginia has said that the West is planning a false flag chemical attack

"We knew about four weeks ago that British intelligence was planning to work to stage a false flag chemical attack to pretend that it was the fault of Syria and to blame it on Syria and then to come to the rescue of Al-Qaeda."

'Ex-GRU officer', Ivan Tarasov, claims that the Skripal event was too amateurish to have been the work of a professional.

Ivan Tarasov told Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper that professionals would have done it 'quietly, without fuss, and brought him to Russia in a mail bag, and no one would have known where he had gone'.

Russia asks Britain for help in identifying two assassins

Fontanka, an independent Russian news agency, reports that the Novichok suspects' passports were issued in 2016 and that they travelled to Amsterdam, Geneva, Milan and went several times to Paris before their trip to Salisbury, but offers no confirmation for the claim.

Novichok suspects

Were photos of the suspects made in 2017?

Russia Novichok spy visited Britain 'exactly one year before Salisbury'

Visitors to Milan and Paris. 

This false flag looks very careless.

In the above, there are clear signs that the photo of the Novichok suspects has been photo-shopped.

Note the blurry bits.

And, there is no sign of the snow that hit Salisbury around that time.

Salisbury 4:50 PM - Mar 3, 2018 LIVE: Snow in Salisbury

The Novichok suspects event seems to coincide perfectly with the Idlib offensive in Syria?

Richard Hipkin‏ @rhipkin Sep 5


There have been warnings that the UK and its allies will carry out a chemical attack in Idlib in Syria.

Channel 4 TV

Above, we see a photo of the Novichok suspect in Salisbury for the 'poisoning' of the Skripals.

Did the authorities get the date wrong? 

The Skripals went to hospital on 4-3-18

Bryan MacDonald on Twitter

The suspects in Salisbury, shopping for vintage coins.

"The Skripals, and poor Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley, all managed to achieve almost complete CCTV invisibility in their widespread movements around Salisbury at the key times.

"In contrast the suspects, Petrov and Boshirov, managed to be frequently caught in high quality all the time during their brief visit."

Skripals - The Mystery Deepens - Craig Murray

Theresa May in Salisbury, after the alleged Novichok attack.

"Theresa May is four points down in the polls.

"The antisemitism attacks haven’t ousted Corbyn. Boris is about to launch a leadership bid. Her Brexit policy is a shambles.

"So what does she do? Ratchets up tensions with Russia still further. It’s all so transparent."

Neil Clark‏Verified account @NeilClark66 Sep 5

The Novichok suspects.

Does this seem like a different jacket and shoes for the guy in blue?

Lee Stranahan‏Verified account @stranahan

"Why did BBC Newsnight correspondent Mark Urban keep secret from the licence payers that he had been having meetings with Sergei Skripal only last summer."

Skripals - When the BBC Hide the Truth - Craig Murray

Pictures show Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov separately walking through gates at the UK's Gatwick airport.

But the images are timed at the same moment - 16:22:43.

Russia accuses Britain of altering CCTV Gatwick images .

"It would appear that the UK lets in anybody from Russia without any form of careful screening."

"It is impossible that the police do not know what kind of visa they were travelling on."

Novichok suspects' hotel in London.

In March 2018, the Novichok suspects, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, stayed at a London hotel which reportedly became contaminated with Novichok.

"Guests have been staying in the hotel room used by the suspected Salisbury poisoners for months unaware that it was contaminated with a deadly nerve agent.

"Police have confirmed that traces of novichok, the poison used in the attempted murder of the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, lay in the City Stay Hotel in east London...

"Even when the police found the substance in early May 2018 they decided not to close the hotel or contact those who had stayed in the room since 4 March 2018, when Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov checked out."

Police didn't warn novichok suspects' hotel after allegedly finding novichok

5 September 2018 - London declines to provide fingerprints of suspects in Skripal case ...

The British Ambassador to Moscow has stated that London will not provide the fingerprints of the two male suspects in the Skripal case.

London has also declined to share any other information related to the case, including the suspects' ID numbers, and their personal information.

Moscow knows no passport numbers, no visa numbers, no extra data.

Britain's military chemical laboratory at Porton down has failed to identify the origin of the substance that poisoned the Skripals.



"An executive summary released by the OPCW does not name Novichok – or identify the ... Poisoning of Sergei Skripal is a False Flag Operation ..... one weapon that would instantly identify the Kremlin as the number one suspect in the case?


It is understood that police suspect fentanyl, a synthetic opiate many times ... 'Novichok survivor' Charlie Rowley has been rushed to hospital after 'going blind' ..






  3. Is Putin a crypto jew?....stupid question.Of course he is a jew.....So that means he is in "good" company.Johnson,Macron,Trump,Trudeau and Morrison (Australia) AND THERE WILL BE PLENTY MORE TOO.
    Just for example Finlands relatively new leader (a woman)....shes a dead cert.
    OR...what about Iceland...a fairly obscure country....third world immigrants are moving into Iceland but are forced to adopt Icelandic names.THIS sort of stuff is characteristic of countries ruled by the Jews.
    Next step....check ownership of the media......AND what ethnicity heads up the secret police.....they are NOT called secret police of course....not yet anyway.

  4. Dr. Meryl Nass has uncovered a hornet’s nest of government sponsored Hydroxychloroquine experiments that were designed to kill severely ill, Covid-19 hospitalized patients. On June 14th Dr. Nass first identified two Covid-19 experiments in which massive, high toxic doses – four times higher than safe of hydroxychloroquine were being given to severely ill hospitalized patients in intensive care units.

  5. If they're dramatising a supposedly real event, you can bet more likely than not that the 'real event' is also fiction.


    Bill Gates spend "6" billion in contact tracking software "6" months before the plandemic Corona hoax. Who benefits?
    Follow the tracks. Sure that it's all planned long before. He also had the patent "6" months before and even the "vaccine" was ready (to be sold). But no, the "solution" to the fabricated crisis is not yet available.
    How many more "crisis" are they cooking?
    Some even suggest that Corona together with the 5 GHz web will sterilise humans. That would fit to the warcriminal's intentions.
