Friday 1 May 2020


"The large corporations, the large monopolies - all bailed-out by you and me - will benefit by buying undervalued assets and bankrupted businesses."

Who are the bad guys?

Mossad trafficks Drugs -


A Colorado man was arrested and handcuffed in front of his six-year-old daughter for playing softball with her, which allegedly violated “social distancing” requirements.

Noteworthily, the police themselves were not wearing masks and violated social distancing in making the arrest.

 In Greece, Orthodox Bishop Seraphim Stergiulis was arrested for keeping his church open for worship.

COVID-19 Red-Pilled

Jared Polis, left, with his partner, Marlon Reis, and their son, Caspian Julian

"Colorado's gay, Jewish governor got emotional when asked about a Republican politician who compared his stay-at-home order to the Gestapo.

"Gov. Jared Polis (D) is Colorado’s first gay and first Jewish governor.

"He issued a stay-at-home order 'to help slow the spread of coronavirus'.

A Republican compared coronavirus measures to Nazis


"This upset Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville (R), who said in a talk radio interview that stay-at-home orders and other measures taken by local governments are, in general, part of a Gestapo-like mentality."

A Republican compared coronavirus measures to Nazis


(Hitler and his cronies were said, by some, to have been secretly gay and Jewish)

Brabantian 23 April 2020 at 02:10 -

Iain Davis at Off-Guardian:

"The WHO is a lobby group for the powerful globalists who own it.

In its 2017 report the WHO accounted for $2.1 billion it received from private foundations and global corporations, compared to just over $1 billion voluntarily provided by governments.

The third-largest single contributor in 2017 was GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation, they contributed nearly $134 million. GAVI are partnered with the WHO, UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank to sell vaccines globally.

The largest individual payment, by some margin, at nearly $325 million came from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

Among other beneficiaries of BMGF are the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium (VIMC) led by Professor Neil Ferguson, at Imperial College London, directly funded by the BMGF and GAVI, to provide statistical data analysis for BMGF and GAVI in order to sell more vaccines.

Prof. Ferguson led the team who created the hopelessly inaccurate prediction which the US and UK governments based their lockdown regimes upon

Ferguson also co-founded the MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling who worked with the WHO in 2009 to create ridiculous computer models predicting the H1N1 pandemic.

This resulted in billions being spent on very expensive pointless vaccines and unnecessary medication, benefting manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Novartis, among the largest contributors to the WHO in 2008/2009.

With an $84 million investment, Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche were the largest single contributor into the WHO that year. Sales of their unnecessary Tamiflu H1N1 medication rocketed to more than £3 billion following the WHO’s declared H1N1 pandemic. Which was just a coincidence.

From GAVI to the WHO and from the BMGF to Imperial College the response to the C19 pandemic has been driven by foundations and pharmaceutical corporations with considerable investments in vaccine development. Of course they would like to see global mandatory vaccination.

ID2020 is a globalist initiative which intends to provide everyone on earth with an authorised identity. GAVI, Microsoft, BMGF and the Rockerfeller Foundation are among the happy ID2020 alliance who will decide who you are allowed to be."

After the lockdown.

A new Hill-HarrisX poll confirms, as The Hill reports, "More than 7 in 10 US voters fear losing freedoms due to the coronavirus scare."

In total 74% are ultimately more worried about the US government taking away their rights amid the pandemic.

Bill Gates is not necessarily a nice guy?


Henry Makow@HenryMakow·1h

Danish law imposes forced vaccination.

Trump 'strongly disagrees' with Georgia governor's plan to end shutdown.

Henry Makow@HenryMakow 4h

Trump's failure to remove Fauci makes Trump an accomplice in all his crimes, shuttering the US economy being the greatest.

Boris Johnson.

"The ‘lockdown’ imposed by the UK government has been enforced mainly through the Health Protection Regulations 2020 imposed under powers delegated by the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984

Recently Lord Anderson QCRobert CraigTom Hickman QC and others and Benet Brandreth QC and Lord Sandhurst QC have argued that the Regulations were or may have been ultra vires - acting or done beyond one's legal power or authority. (as the secondary legislation 'is beyond the delegated powers under Pt 2A of the 1984 Act'.)

A disproportionate interference: the Coronavirus Regulations ...

Above, we see Supporters of Gemma O’Doherty and John Waters - as the pair pursue their judicial review case over Covid-19 restrictions -

Henry Makow Retweeted

Gemma O'Doherty@gemmaod1

"The Gestapo State with their #fakenews shills are quaking in their boots! And rightly so. They know the game is up now and they have lost control. Well done everyone. We have them on the run! #LockdownIreland #Covid19"

Unknown 22 April 2020 at 06:36 writes -

I'm a Gravedigger in Suffolk; it's quieter than the same period last year! 

Where the the fuck are all the dead going!?

I appreciate Suffolk is allegedly not hit as badly as other parts of the country but I was expecting to be Stacking them but so so quiet.


Money is being transferred to the rich elite.


Fascist powers are being transferred to the rich elite.

The Powers-That-Be want to transfer lots of money and power to themselves.

And they want to kill off a lot of poor people.

Boris Johnson and Lord Rothschild.

Brabantian 22 April 2020 at 01:11 writes -

UK government announced that the information it uses to make coronavirus decisions is 'secret', and the membership of the body advising these decisions is also 'secret'

"The Government’s top team of scientific advisers will not publish key evidence used to advise Boris Johnson and his ministers through the coronavirus pandemic until it is over, it emerged today."

A World Food Programme director has warned that 'widespread famines of biblical proportions' could force millions in already vulnerable countries into starvation due to the Lockdown crisis.

The number of people suffering from acute hunger is projected to nearly double to 265 million this year, the UN's World Food Programme has warned.


How do the Powers-That-Be control governments?

Former UK Conservative activist Anthony Gilberthorpe said that he saw top UK Conservative politicians having sex with boys, and told Margaret Thatcher about it 25 years ago [see here].

He also procured “Rent Boys” (boy prostitutes) for top Tory politicians [see here].

A victim tells his side of the story [see here].

Child abuse a Requirement for Ruling Elite | Winter Watch

Politically Incorrect Daily - Politically Incorrect Humor

Ron Paul writes -  

"From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets.

"They are demanding an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu outbreak of 2017-2018.

"Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by “executive order” and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. 

"Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines.

"Last week the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause “hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths per year.”

"Many Americans have died this past month because they were not able to get the medical care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. 

"Meanwhile hospitals are laying off thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially empty."

Sarah, York, UK, writes - 

21 April 2020 at 08:08

The hospital I work in is the quietest it's EVER been.

We've closed wards, we've redeployed staff, we've cancelled surgeries, we've cancelled outpatient clinics and appointments, and we've told everyone else to stay away, all in preparation for this 'peak' we were supposed to get 3 weeks ago, then again last weekend. 

We have seen a dozen Covid patients and used no ventilators. 

Staff are struggling to find work to do due to there being no surgeries, no clinics or appointments, and everyone (apart from Covid) told to stay away. 

Everyone is starting to get fed up now. 

Sarah, York, UK, writes - 

We don't want this 'peak', but I (and many others) do not think we'll get it. 

Let's get things moving again. 

People don't stop having accidents,heart attacks, strokes, getting cancer, or having any other medical issue just because Covid has Made an appearance. 

Why should every other person be made to suffer on the off chance we have a 'peak' of Covids (which isn't going to happen.)

Web results

Anonymous 21 April 2020 at 04:34 writes - 

I am Romanian and one of my neighbours, a woman, mother of 2 boys, told me how a distant relative of hers, aged 85, and suffering from a lung disease, has died recently.

At the hospital his family was offered money to agree for the fake Covid 19 to be listed as the cause of his death. The man's family disagreed.

"London hospitals - Half empty.

"Some wards have less than a handful of patients, some wards are closed. 

"Most staff have been moved to wards so are falling over selves. While their regular work goes undone.

"A&E very quiet. I’ve sent patients there who are seen immediately. The heart attacks, strokes and appendicitis cases are presenting too late."

The hospital I work in is so quiet | Mumsnet


Is there a plot?

Who controls our leaders, whether of the 'right' or the 'left'?

The large bailed-out rich elite will end up with the property of the non-bailed-out debtors.

The debtors are being pushed deeper into debt with “bail-out loans” and fees and penalties for missed debt payments.

Write-offs for the One Percent, and more indebtedness for everyone else.

Are We Brewing a New Feudalism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

Stanford Team Finds Evidence COVID-19 Mortality Rate is as low as 0.2%

Deaths from ordinary flu and ordinary pneumonia etc are being wrongly labled as Coronavirus Covid-19 deaths.

Who is bringing in fascism and starving millions worldwide?

Brabantian 20 April 2020 at 11:55 writes - 

"Coronavirus miraculously cures every other disease; no one dies of anything else when corona is in town"

Death rates are not overall increasing.

Small spikes in death rates?

Are these temporarily higher death rates, any greater than the typical flu-season temporary spikes in death rates?

(Are some old people dying from neglect?)


Brabantian 20 April 2020 at 11:55 writes - 

Perhaps chemical weapons like sarin gas could by deployed to help the Bill Gates team raise these numbers a bit?

Sweden is not on lockdown, and 'death rates' are lower than in many lockdown countries

"In the US, there are five states – Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota – that never issued orders for residents to stay at home. So far, these states have suffered from covid among the least of all in the US."

Coronaquest, reliable numbers

Seems as if it is now the turn, of the gang of some no-less-bribed-and-politically-corrupted 'medical doctors' to join many 'scientists' in the 'professional sell-out' rubbish bin

dognamedblue@dognamedblue 7h writes -

UK Ministers Knew Crisis Had Peaked Before Lockdown,

A leading UK professor of medicine from the University of Oxford, Professor Carl Heneghan, Director for Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, has revealed how the peak of the UK’s coronavirus ‘crisis’ actually came a full week before Boris Johnson initiated lockdown on March 23rd.

Gemma O'Doherty@gemmaod1 19 Apr

Street parties erupt in #Dublin last night as Gestapo Gardai admit #LockdownIreland has failed and the Irish are no longer falling for #plandemic. That’s what happens  @LeoVaradkar when you try to imprison free people. Well done everyone! Just keep the noise down tonight! #COVID19


8 MORE Experts Questioning the Coronavirus - OffGuardian

Dr John Lee, formerly clinical professor of pathology at Hull York Medical School, says:

If the patient had, say, cancer, motor neurone disease or another serious disease, this would have been  recorded as the cause of death...

Now Covid-19 has to be mentioned.

The distinction between dying ‘with’ Covid-19 and dying ‘due to’ Covid-19 is not just splitting hairs.

Dr. John Oxford, an English virologist and Professor, says:

We are suffering from a media epidemic!

Prof Knut Wittkowski, a German-American researcher and professor of epidemiology, says -

With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity.

About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected, or they had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are children. So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible.

Dr Klaus PĆ¼schel is a German forensic pathologist and former professor of forensics at Essen University

His office in Hamburg has started to differentiate between deaths with and from coronavirus, which has led to a decrease in 'Covid19 deaths'.

What he says:

The astronomical economic damage now being caused is not commensurate with the danger posed by the virus.

All those we have examined so far had cancer, a chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers or severely obese, suffered from diabetes or had a cardiovascular disease.

In quite a few cases, we have also found that the current corona infection has nothing whatsoever to do with the fatal outcome because other causes of death are present, for example, a brain haemorrhage or a heart attack.

Dr Alexander KekulĆ©  has held the Chair for Medical Microbiology and Virology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg since 1999.

What he says:

We can’t stay under lockdown for six months to a year. If we did that our society and our culture would be ruined.

People under 50 are very, very unlikely to die or get seriously ill from the coronavirus. We have to let them get infected so they can develop immunity.

Dr Claus Kƶhnlein is a German Internist.

What he says:

Half of [the positive tests] could be wrong.

And nowadays one doesn’t know how much of it is fake news. I have seen Italian doctors online, where I have compelling suspicions something isn’t right with what they say.

Dr GĆ©rard Krause is head the Department for Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection.

What he says:

We have to keep these serious social measures as short and as low as possible, because they could potentially cause more illnesses and deaths than the coronavirus itself.

Dr Gerd Gigerenzer is a professor of psychology.

What he says:

Millions of people die from malaria and tuberculosis each year.

And in the United States alone, hospital-acquired infections kill some 99,000 patients annually. Yet, these unlucky people get next to no attention.

Virus Guy

"The PCR test is a fraud. The CFR is a fraud. Euthanasia is mandatory behind the scenes and the deaths are being falsely recorded as SARS-COV-2 deaths. This is profoundly not just the old and sick. Not at all. Murder is happening under your eyes. Vast numbers."

8 MORE Experts Questioning the Coronavirus - OffGuardian



  1. BOOM!
    The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks.

  2. Even Meghan McCain agrees with us

  3. Also on the Lolita express, the biggest billionaire involved with covid-19

    "Bill Gates REFUSES to reveal why he flew on Lolita Express with Jeffrey Epstein four years AFTER his release from prison while the billionaire was still chairman of Microsoft

    Bill Gates and his spokespeople refuse to explain why he flew from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey to Palm Beach on March 1, 2013 with Jeffrey Epstein"

    Lolita expess flight log screenshot with Bill Gates name:

  4. I am Romanian and one of my neibors, a woman, mother of 2 boys, told me how a distant relative of hers, aged 85 and suffering of a lung disease has died recently and at the hospital his family was offered money to agree for the fake Covid 19 to be listed as cause of his death. The man's family disagreed. Also my neibor's elder son who is about 10, after several weeks of lockdown, when he finally got out for a little while, told his mom that he even forgot how green the grass is.....

    1. Many thanks for the comment.

      - Aangirfan.


  6. See this too:


  8. sarah, york uk, 36 minutes ago.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. The hospital I work in is the quietest it's EVER been. We've closed wards, we've redeployed staff, we've cancelled surgeries, we've cancelled outpatient clinics and appointments, and we've told everyone else to stay away, all in preparation for this 'peak' we were supposed to get 3 weeks ago, then again last weekend. We have seen a dozen Covid patients and used no ventilators. Staff are struggling to find work to do due to there being no surgeries, no clinics or appointments, and everyone (apart from Covid) told to stay away. Everyone is starting to get fed up now. We don't want this 'peak', but I (and many others) do not think we'll get it. Let's get things moving again. People don't stop having accidents,heart attacks, strokes, getting cancer, or having any other medical issue just because Covid has Made an appearance. Why should every other person be made to suffer on the off chance we have a 'peak' of Covids (which isn't going to happen.)


    1. Many thanks for the comment.

      - Aangirfan.






  14. John McDonnell MP:

    "It has been calculated that Labour came within 2,500 votes ... of forming a government in 2017.

    "If what is reported in the leaked document is true, that a group of senior staff undermined the chances of Labour going into government, it would represent the most shocking act of treachery against the party, its members and our supporters in Labour's century-long history ...

    "The report [appears] to document alleged attempts by party staff to fix the election of a new party leader, to manipulate parliamentary selections, and even to throw a byelection ..."


    5G From an installer.

  16. Who decided to make the current crisis into a phantasmic apocalyptic narrative and why?

    "[Just] three years ago the USA experienced one of its most severe influenza outbreaks in recent memory. I am talking about the 2017-18 influenza that according to The American Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was associated with '45 million illnesses, 21 million medical visits, 810,000 hospitalizations'. By September 2018 CNN announced that as many as 80,000 were dead for reasons associated with the outbreak.

    "The number of flu cases that year in the USA alone was about 18 times higher than the current number of Novel Coronavirus cases worldwide (2.5 million so far). The number of hospitalized American patients was more than 4 times higher than those who have been hospitalised in the USA with Coronavirus symptoms (200,000 to date). The fatalities/hospitalized ratio that year was around 0.1, about the same ratio we saw in Northern Italy last month. And if all of that isn't enough, the number of American fatalities in 2017-18 was more than three times the deaths currently associated with Covid-19 ...

    "[Why] didn't America lock itself down amidst its catastrophic 2017-18 influenza as it has now? One may wonder why the CDC didn't react to the 'severity' of the outbreak that was at least three times as lethal as the current Novel Coronavirus health crisis.

    "[Even] more disturbing is the fact that despite the severity of the 2017 flu outbreak and its deadly impact, the enormous number of hospitalisations and the infectious rate, the World Health Organisation (WHO) didn't see the need to alert the world or to close the planet for business as it did this year. Peculiarly, the WHO didn't even bother to tag the American outbreak as an epidemic or pandemic. It was just an ordinary 'influenza' ...

    "In 2017-18 America was subject to an alarming health situation far more dangerous than the current coronavirus. But not many in America knew about it. It wasn't a news item ...

    "[Who] decided to make the current crisis into a phantasmic apocalyptic narrative and why? ..."

    1. Question well taken - but:
      1. If someone told you why, you might not understand the answer?
      2. You might not like to know the answer?
      3. And aanirfan perhaps would not really like to post it?
      You see - you might perhaps get a tad too close to the cabal?

  17. A "Magical Fraternity" with links to organised paedophilia/child trafficking...and certain Intelligence Agencies.

  18. Warnings of unrest mount as coronavirus hits food availability

    "Governments and international institutions are becoming increasingly worried about the growing constraints on access to food around the world as coronavirus disrupts economies and leaves workers without income for sustenance.

    "While GLOBAL STOCKS OF STAPLES including grains and pulses ARE DEEMED TO BE SUFFICIENT, supply chains are coming under pressure and workers in developing countries, with little in the way of a financial cushion, are losing out on earnings ...

    "The UN's World Food Programme warned on Tuesday that the number of people facing acute food insecurity could double in 2020 from the year before, to 265 million. The pandemic and lockdown measures combined with rising unemployment and limited access to food could lead to violence and conflict, the WFP warned."


    So... draconian restrictions on economic activity have ***inevitably and predictably*** resulted in massive disruption to food supply chains, plus mass unemployment, and soaring poverty levels. This in turn, ***inevitably and predictably*** is likely to result in famines and starvation, and uprisings, or civil wars.

    Crucially, this looming humanitarian crisis was NOT unavoidable. It was not a preordained act of God or nature. "GLOBAL STOCKS OF STAPLES ... ARE DEEMED TO BE SUFFICIENT".

    We are on the brink of a humanitarian crisis in the developing world (and perhaps in the developed world, too) ***because of the choices of Western governments and policy makers***.

    The sickos running the world will get the cull of 'non economically productive humans' they planned for?

  19. 'Hunger pandemic' fears grow

    "The United Nations warned Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic could trigger FAMINE in already vulnerable countries ...

    "The worst-case scenario could see famine in some three dozen countries ...

    "Elsewhere, there is fear over how the most vulnerable will survive lockdowns that breed their own dangers.

    "In many parts of the world ... weeks of confinement have seen a surge in calls to helplines for victims of domestic abuse.

    "Eighteen women have been killed by their partner or ex-partners during the first 20 days of Argentina's mandatory quarantine ...

    "Misery on the continent will be compounded by a looming economic recession, which a U.N. body says will spike poverty rates in the worst contraction in a century."

    Famines around the world... a global pandemic of sexual assault and diminished mental health... plummeting living standards... skyrocketing poverty rates... mass homelessness and reliance on food banks...

    Gee, the mad lockdowns are a great success, aren't they?

  20. I walked in on a conversation at work today in NHS procurement. The manager was moaning that they have to use this certain government software for all the data for the PPE that is used during Corona pandemic, such as masks and gowns.

    He was complaining the data is incorrect and he is being forced to go along with the orders. Basically the software adds 20 masks used when only one was used, apparently it works on averages.

  21. UK government announced that the information it uses to make coronavirus decisions is 'secret', and the membership of the body advising these decisions is also 'secret'

    But China is accused of hiding information about coronavirus?

    "The Government’s top team of scientific advisers will not publish key evidence used to advise Boris Johnson and his ministers through the coronavirus pandemic until it is over, it emerged today.

    Sir Patrick Vallance, the Goverment’s chief scientific adviser and chairman of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), made the announcement in a letter to MPs.

    The membership of the committee, which varies according to the nature of the emergency, is currently being kept a secret on security grounds amid claims that some suspected members had received threats."

  22. Coronavirus COVID-19 Freemasonic Hoax Exposed.

    Freemasonry, a j. operation from beginning to end.


    "Let´s hear that again... New vaccines, new vaccines, new vaccines, health care, reproductive nhealth services.. we could lower that number perhaps to 10-15 %...He admits that vaccines will be used to lower the population by 10-15%,…"

  23. It seems to me that the new 'protest movement' could have George Soros' name written all over it. He has been trying to cause civil unrest in the US since his ill fated BLM movement. BLM was designed purely to get black ppl to riot to bring about the need to get Martial Law into effect. Now he has the perfect environment for that, civil unrest and a dangerous deadly virus (killing everybody and no cure...) I wouldn't be surprised if we are watching more crisis actors getting us ready for even stricter lockdown measures. Either way, the end result is that we all end up taking the vaccine. There will be nothing that can be done about it. In my opinion, protesters in America have just taken them one step nearer to FEMA camps and forced vaccinations in the future.

    1. "Could have". Not necessarily. We may be sheeple, but we still genuinely protest at times.

    2. Very insightful. Agreed, the use of agent provocateurs is an age old strategy. You certainly couldn't rule it out.

      Give the bien peasant enough rope to hang themselves then the crack down.

    3. You give too much credit to George Soros. I have been around some of those people. He is part of the cabal, but there are bigger sharks. Those people have money but they have to follow a script. If they get off line they will lose all their money. People high up are all connected. Their fortune can disappear overnight if they do not follow the script.

    4. Anon.4:16, Crisis actors always appear when you need them - conveniently placed.

      Looting was to be expected in the US but they have largely behaved themselves. Something has to give-way before the full scale rounding up of sheeple can begin. It makes sense to vaccinate a large group of people at the same time, so martial law followed by FEMA camps is one way to achieve this. Predictive programming always shows us going into some kind of containment procedure during times of civil unrest.

      Don't take the mark of the 'Beast' / vaccination.

      Don't take it (and die) or, take it (and die for absolutely sure!). If Corona doesn't get you the vaccine will correct that oversight.

  24. Did u know about this poor lil boy?



  27. Days before he attended Event 201,this was announced. Seems Mr Gates will have a hand in the food insecurity as well.

  28. LOL, they are tangled in their own lies

  29. Look at this pls!



  32. Just in case..... Forced vaccination is a violation of the UNESCO 2005 Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights Article 6 Section 1 = Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.

  33. Dr Rashid Buttar. Legend. Very inspirational and worth watching.






    New coronavirus vaccine trial starts this week in the UK

    What just the other day they were saying 18 months to get a vaccine

    Like the saying goes hit while iron is hot

    The vaccine is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus.
    So a corona virus to protect against a novel corona virus.
    roll up your sleeves
    or maybe pull down your shorts and take it in your arse





  44. What is the REAL death rate of COVID-19? Antibody testing studies suggest mortality rate is up to 70 TIMES lower than official figures

  45. Omg!

  46. The photo of Black eyed Fauci is photoshopped,do a google image search.
    Its all about making researchers look bad. We have been scammed.

    1. Check out:

  47. Iain Davis at Off-Guardian:

    "The WHO is a lobby group for the powerful globalists who own it.

    In its 2017 report the WHO accounted for $2.1 billion it received from private foundations and global corporations, compared to just over $1 billion voluntarily provided by governments.

    The third-largest single contributor in 2017 was GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation, they contributed nearly $134 million. GAVI are partnered with the WHO, UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank to sell vaccines globally.

    The largest individual payment, by some margin, at nearly $325 million came from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

    Among other beneficiaries of BMGF are the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium (VIMC) led by Professor Neil Ferguson, at Imperial College London, directly funded by the BMGF and GAVI, to provide statistical data analysis for BMGF and GAVI in order to sell more vaccines.

    Prof. Ferguson led the team who created the hopelessly inaccurate prediction which the US and UK governments based their lockdown regimes upon

    Ferguson also co-founded the MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling who worked with the WHO in 2009 to create ridiculous computer models predicting the H1N1 pandemic.

    This resulted in billions being spent on very expensive pointless vaccines and unnecessary medication, benefting manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Novartis, among the largest contributors to the WHO in 2008/2009.

    With an $84 million investment, Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche were the largest single contributor into the WHO that year. Sales of their unnecessary Tamiflu H1N1 medication rocketed to more than £3 billion following the WHO’s declared H1N1 pandemic. Which was just a coincidence.

    From GAVI to the WHO and from the BMGF to Imperial College the response to the C19 pandemic has been driven by foundations and pharmaceutical corporations with considerable investments in vaccine development. Of course they would like to see global mandatory vaccination.

    ID2020 is a globalist initiative which intends to provide everyone on earth with an authorised identity. GAVI, Microsoft, BMGF and the Rockerfeller Foundation are among the happy ID2020 alliance who will decide who you are allowed to be."

  48. My god!



  51. Proof the US C19 mortality rate is a big fat lie.
    Hot Mic picks up comments from WH:

    "So it was a hoax?"

  52. Same tired and criminal rhetoric







  59. The real death toll of the 'Covid-19' scam - and it's only just begun: 'Thousands missing out on cancer diagnosis'



  62. See it?

  63. As expected and also like I said




  67. SS Scamdemic is a sinking ship. Watch the rats hit the water.

  68. After 8 days of radio silence, Bill Gates re-surfaces on twitter advertising an interactive computer science classroom for kids.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

    No mention of the deadly virus turning hospitals into war zones, Bill?

  69. Check Out:

    Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci, Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates & W.H.O.



  71. UK drops support for Palestinian Authority

    "An explosive internal memo released through a Freedom of Information request has shown that the British government's stated support for the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian state-building has been quietly DROPPED in the past year ...

    "In January honorary president of Conservative Friends of Israel Lord Polak ... urged the Government to 'look closely' at following the Netherlands in CEASING UK aid.

    "The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has been approached for comment."

  72. Check out:

    GULAG logo at:

    (quite cartoonesque)

    At the end the ventilator is discussed, indeed we do live in times that the shit hits the ventilator.....(meant as a s.o.s. alarmclock)


  74. Stand for Health and Freedom:

    Ask your officials to NOT roll out 5 G

    (The WHO listed mobile phone in 2011 in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform. And that was only 4 G)


    In fr:
