Monday 9 December 2019


Anonymous 9 December 2019 at 02:59 writes -

The long list of shame: UK Conservative ‘achievements’ 2010-2019

The long list of shame: Tory 'achievements' 2010-2019 

More than one in three children live in poverty – more than 4 million
National debt has risen £1,400,000,000,000 from £850bn to £2.25 trillion
UK government and policies condemned by UN for inflicting needless poverty and misery
1 million poor, hungry children deprived of free school meals
43,000 NHS nurse posts unfilled
Student nurse bursary abolished
5 million bed spaces per year gone

Tried to show the picture of Jack Williment-Barr. The 4-year-old with suspected pneumonia forced to lie on a pile of coats on the floor of a Leeds hospital. The PM grabbed my phone and put it in his pocket:

Millions of cruel benefit sanctions
Millions left with no funds – intentionally – through Universal Credit system
Massive failed NHS privatisations
Massive social care crisis
Approximately 185,000 extra deaths linked to politically-driven austerity
10,000 fewer medical professionals
25,000 fewer bed spaces for mental illness

Almost half of people claiming disability benefits have attempted suicide
Food bank use up 2,400%
Homelessness up 1,000%
Rough sleeping up 1,200%
Left most of the Grenfell Tower survivors without a permanent home for years after promising to rehome them within three weeks
Bedroom Tax caused mass evictions
Evictions running at record highs

Massive cuts in school funding
University student fees up 300%
student debt has risen 150%

Forced academisation of schools against parents’ wishes
1,000 Sure Start centres closed
780 libraries closed
700 football pitches closed
Removal of EMA (education maintenance allowance) for poor pupils
Pound down appr. 15% versus EUR and USD

Johnson is an American citizen and is descended from a rabbi.

Manufacturing in recession
construction in recession
services close to recession
25-30% cuts to all govt departments
25-30% cuts to all councils, mainly centred on Labour councils in poorer areas
half of councils close to bankruptcy

21,000 fewer front-line police
20,000 fewer prison officers
10,000 fewer border officials
10,000 fewer firefighters

Boris Johnson and Greville Janner.

OECD calculate 3 million hidden unemployed, rate is really 13%
mushrooming insecure work: temporary, self employed, gig economy and zero hours contracts
only 30k full time work positions created.
almost half of workers are in insecure work: self-employed, ZHC, or part-time ‘precariat’

80% of the 5.3 million self-employed live below the poverty line
more than 1 in 3 self-employed only earn £100 a month
25% cuts for our disabled people
80% cuts to Mobility Allowance.
Remploy closed

40% of working households just one crisis away from destitution
70% of households have less than 10k savings
60% of households can only survive 2 months without a wage
household debt reaches new peak, despite emergency base rates
50% increase in hate crimes
150% increase in knife crime to 22,000 per year
teenage suicide up by 70%
suicides up 12% just in 2018
self-harm among young women up 70%

life-expectancy down – for first time in decades – by 3 years
lowest ever NHS satisfaction level
council-home building down 90%
200k social homes lost
ZERO starter homes built, despite Tory flagship programme
council home-building down 90%
one million families on council home waiting list

36,000 teachers have left the profession
multiple collapsed private rail franchises
collapsed building and maintenance giants leaving schools and hospitals in the lurch – that the government knew were coming and ignored

This is only a partial list. More will no doubt be added.


  1. Brits, keep listening to your State Rabbi who wants you to vote for BoJo.
    Yes, vote for more of the same. Soon, you'll be getting kicked out of your homes so immigrants can move in.

  2. When I look at it all laid out like this, it's no stretch of the imagination to wonder if there is a hidden agenda to destroy everything. Or is it just me?

    1. No, it's not just you. There really is an agenda. An asymmetric, multi generation plan to anhialate us.

      The plan is called 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'. Although discredited (apparently) in the late 1920s and considered a hoax/fraud, fast forward 90 years or so to the present day and see how accurate the 'Protocols' are.

      They are astonishingly accurate and mirror the world we live in almost to a tee.

      The plan outlines in exact, minute details how the 'take down' will be achieved.

      It describes destroying family life/unit, health, business, politics, culture, education and includes moral decline and many societal and social constructs.

      The Protocols also go into great detail how this will be achieved.

      In the 1920s the document could have sounded far fetched, fantasy and motivated by anti-Semitism.

      However, in the present day, is a horrifying blueprint of the world we appear to be living with.

      The Protocols are available on line.

      Peace to the humans.

    2. Our human story, our journey, is a thing of great sadness. It is a story of a species in the hands of a force of Evil that controls our actions and our interactions at every level in every way. Hierarchy, money, faiths, laws, governance derive from this Evil and shape our human society in its wicked image. We, our human species, live in an utterly false and inhuman reality.

      Something better awaits us.

      Where has it come from, this Evil?
      Not from the meek, not from the dutiful, not from the normal, not from the children we once were long ago before we were assaulted by fear, but from a small number of creatures that have dominated our world for centuries and whose actions can only be termed 'inhuman'.

    3. "Where has it come from, this Evil?" Heaven and Hell come from inside each and every individual? To get Heaven, we tune out of the selfish self and tune in to the Divine within us?

  3. Sounds like any nation where rampant population growth has crashed into globalized outsourcing.

  4. The whole thing is a soap opera, let the hoi polloi argue amongst each other, thinking their vote actually matters. Traditional divide and rule tactics by TPTB. You can be sure even if they do let Corbyn win, they'll find ways to slander him further and bring him down, ready for the next sacrificial lamb to take his place.

    All this in a so called democracy, where you mark your vote with a pencil. Nothing to see here, move along.

  5. Reality is a divisive construct, made by the powerful, used to make we human beings something less than we could be, than we shall be, than we must be if we are ever to make this world the place of beauty it should be. It is designed to weaken our billions, designed to prevent us from realising we can cast off the power as easily as we change our clothes. The slaves ALWAYS outnumbered the slave owners, thousands to one. They just had to realise their power, break the mind-chains that held them in place. This is true of humanity, and in that truth lies a great promise, the promise of a different, of a human-hearted future, of a world built on the foundations of human Love.

    This is our destiny.

  6. Couldn't have said it any better Olive Farmer
