Sunday 1 December 2019



Britain's Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis does not want people to vote for Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party.

Chief Rabbi warns 'soul of nation is at stake' if Labour wins ...

Britain's Labour party is opposed to the sale of weapons to israel.

There are as many different types of Jew as there are different types of Christian.

Westminster voting intention: CON: 41% (-1) LAB: 34% (+2) LDEM: 13% (-) BREX: 4% (-1) via , 22 - 25 Nov

In Israel Mirvis studied at Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh from 1973 to 1976 and at Yeshivat Har Etzion from 1976 to 1978. He studied at Machon Ariel in Jerusalem from 1978 to 1980.

He  received certification from Yaakov Herzog Teachers College as a high school teacher in Israel.

In 1996, Mirvis was appointed rabbi at the Finchley United Synagogue. Mirvis is the founder rabbi and honorary principal of Morasha Jewish Primary School.

Janner and Mirvis.

When Mirvis was appointed as Chif Rabbi, Greville Janner's daughter, Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, said: "I look forward to working closely with him as a partner on areas of common interests to the Jewish and wider community."[8]

Greville Janner has been linked to child abuse rings.

Lord Janner faced allegations of abuse against 30 victims ...

Mirvis married Valerie Kaplan, in Israel.

Valerie was a Child Protection Social Worker until 2012.

Sir Greville Janner, a top Jew - JANNER PART OF WORLDWIDE RING?

35% of British respondents to a survey said they feel "especially unfavorable" towards Israel.

The only non-European country Britons appeared to dislike more - at 40 percent - was North Korea.

YouGov-Chatham House project

Your chief enemy is the Israeli elite; and their allies.

In 1947, Jews, working on behalf of 'Israel'', attempted to BOMB THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT.


Lord Victor Rothschild. Lord Victor Rothschild reportedly had friendly relationships with the KGB, MI5, MI6 and the CIA.

Do certain top Jews run the UK?


Reinhard Heydrich, the mastermind of the Holocaust, is believed to have been Jewish.

Walter Schellenberg in his Memoirs (p. 207) writes: "Canaris told me after Heydrich's death that he possessed proof of Heydrich's Jewish ancestry."


25 Christians were killed in Egypt in October 2012. Photo: EPA/KHALED ELFIQI

"For anti-Semitic, read anti-Christian."


A former Director of MI6 and two deputy directors, including Hayman above, have been named as child abusers. Hayman is believed to have been Jewish.

Aangirfan: How Israel creates/benefits from antisemitism

Aangirfan: Master race? Antisemitism?


Sir Leon Brittan, a Jew, formerly the minister in charge of MI5, has been linked to the top child abuse rings.


Aangirfan: BBC run by MOSSAD?


Your chief enemy is the Israeli elite; and its allies.

In 1947, Jews, working on behalf of 'Israel'', attempted to BOMB THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT.

According to Associated Press, in September 1947, the Paris police arrested a number of Jews after discovering six aerial bombs with which the Jewish the Stern Gang intended to bomb London.

08 Sep 1947 - JEWISH PLOT TO RAID LONDON Six Aerial Bombs.

To be completely accurate, the real enemy are the top Jews, top Islamists, top fascists and top mobsters, who are all in alliance.

This man (above) is one of your enemies, apparently.

David Dinsmore is editor of the Sun, which spews out lies on behalf of the criminal elite, reportedly.

Leo Strauss.

The 'religion' of the top Jews, top Islamists, top fascists and top mobsters is the religion of Leo Strauss.

Leo Strauss, who died in 1973, believed that in order to control the ignorant masses, the elite should tell lies.

Osama bin Laden, who worked for the Jewish Russian Mafia. His family are friends of the US and UK aristocracy.

Strauss believed that "those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right - the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."

Rulers need to go in for "perpetual deception."

The top Jews and top Nazis worked together during World War II.

In 1940, the Jewish Stern Gang (Lehi) proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany.

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ayatollah Khomeini, friend of Marc Rich and the CIA. "Mark Rich was a key figure in the .... creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."

Mark Rich Helped KGB Create Hidden Government

The real terrorists are people like the Jewish Irgun and the Jewish Stern Gang.

In 1947, two British soldiers, Sergeants Paice and Martin, were grabbed by Irgun.

Three weeks later their bodies were found hanging from a eucalyptus tree...

By 1948, some 200 British Soldiers and 90 British policemen had been murdered by Jewish terrorist gangs such as Irgun... Searchlight: Political Violence and Terrorism

Marvin Paice and Clifford Martin, the two british sergants who were hanged in Palestine, 1947, by the Irgun.

Irgun and the Stern Gang (known as Lehi in Hebrew) bombed the British Embassy in Rome.

Lord Moyne

In November 1944 Lord Moyne was murdered by members of the Stern gang in Cairo and there were plans to assassinate Government Ministers, including the Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevan.

In 1946 a female agent of Irgun planted a bomb at the Colonial Office in London.

Livni and friend

Tzipora Livni was Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

She is the daughter of Eitan Livni, born in Poland, and Sara Rosenberg, both of whom were members of the anti-British, Jewish terrorist organisation called Irgun.

Journalist Louis Heren (Media Lens Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote in The Times, 11 February 1992:

"The Irgun was a terrorist oganization, and a particularly nasty one."

At Deir Yassin - Jewish terrorists, called Irgun, massacred Palestinian women and children. The Jews who came in from New York, Russia and North Africa drove the Palestinians off their land, using terrorism.

Journalist Louis Heren wrote of Irgun:

"Even its defenders, who argued that the end could justify the means at decisive moments in history, were horrified by the massacre at Deir Yassin and the hanging of the British sergeants."

Irgun killed British people.

In The New York Times, 5 February 2006, Steven Erlanger (Israel's New Foreign Minister.) wrote:

"Tzipi Livni is ... the daughter of Zionist guerrillas who... blew up the British headquarters in the King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 people.

Jewish terrorists bombed the King David Hotel, killing many British people.

"Her father, Eitan, was the Irgun's head of operations, and on his gravestone is the map of greater Israel, extending over both sides of the Jordan River..."

Greater Israel

According to The Times Obituary, 5 February 1992:

"Eitan Livni was born Yerucham Bzozowitch in Gerodna, Poland, in 1919.

"Livni... in August 1947 was dispatched by Begin to organise Irgun's military activities against British targets in Europe..."

Jews tried to bomb the British parliament

The Stern gang (Lehi) tried to bomb the British Parliament.

The House of Commons was saved when French Police discovered members of the Stern Gang preparing to fly across the channel in a plane containing a large bomb.

Source: BBC - Radio 4 Document - A Laudable Invasion

Hamas, working for Mossad, the CIA and NATO.

The top people in Hamas are in alliance with the top Jews.

A. Peasant comments:

Hamas has been the inside enforcers for Israel, making lots of money shaking down the Palestinians and controlling the tunnels.

Gaza's Millionaires Funding the Hamas Regime through underground smuggling... / How Many Millionaires Live in the "Impoverished" Gaza Strip ...

The Palestinian millionaires have made their wealth thanks to the hundreds of underground tunnels along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

Hamas was created and supported by the Mossad and friends.

Newsletter on child abuse

Jean-Paul Votron, of Fortis, Maurice Lippens, of Fortis, Fred Goodwin, former CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), and Emilio Botin, of Santander. Maurice Lippens has been linked to the Dutroux Affair and Bilderberg.

The top people meet at Bilderberg.

Reportedly these are the people who run the child abuse rings and the Islamist terrorists.

Israeli Propaganda in India over Gaza Conflict | Bodhita.

Israel helped organise the terrorist attacks in Mumbai

aangirfan: MOSSAD IN INDIA



aangirfan: Mossad increases its control of India

aangirfan: Mumbai and the Anglo-American-Mossad-RSS ...




  2. Divide, distract, conquer


    It's the 40th anniversary of Roger Hodgson's best-selling album, Breakfast in America.

    The album cover depicts a fireball engulfing the Twin Towers, beneath the numerals 9-11.

    The viewpoint is from inside an aeroplane.

    (Lady Liberty is chuckling, though, so it's all just a joke.)

    To mark the 40th anniversary of his best-selling wheeze, Roger Hodgson has just this month made his debut in ISRAEL.

    Roger Hodgson went to Stowe School and is friends with Stowe School headmaster Dr Anthony Wallersteiner.

    Dr Wallersteiner is the son of Robert Maxwell's business partner.

    Here they are together: Roger Hodgson and Dr Wallersteiner:

    Roger Hodgson of Supertramp supports Sarah Ferguson's 'Children in Crisis'.

    Fergie has used 'Children in Crisis' and her other children's charities to support the victims of 9/11 and their families.

    Fergie had a miraculous escape from the aeroplane that smashed into the Twin Towers, as depicted on Hodgson's famous album cover.

    She was stuck in traffic.

    Perhaps Fergie and Wallersteiner can see the funny side of it.

    1. Great work (as usual). Worth noting too, the lettering on the album is inverted. Inversion being a central theme if occultism/satanism.

      Nothing is ever coincidence and I believe the album lettering is inverted on purpose.

      Peace to you.

  4. Anonymous

    3 December 2019 at 05:17


    Gus John:

    "What gives the Archbishop of Canterbury the right to endorse the Chief Rabbi's scaremongering about Corbyn and adopt such a lofty moral position in defence of the Jewish population?

    "I have often had cause to wonder how it is that Justin Welby was made archbishop of Canterbury, rather than John Sentamu [archbishop of York] ... it was widely expected – in some circles at least – that Sentamu would get that post.

    "Sentamu was a highly respected black senior cleric and had been a bishop since 1996 and archbishop of York since 2005."

    The media had responded to the chief rabbi's criticism "as if he were the pope, speaking for all British Jews as the pope would for all Roman Catholics. Secular Jews and those who do not hold with the views of Jews for Labour are considered not to matter".

    And, crucially:

    "No one section of the population of this nation has a monopoly on oppression, pain and hurt".
