Wednesday 9 October 2019


Lynn de Rothschild.

Who is pulling the strings?

MintPress News‏ @MintPressNews Oct 3

It should be noted that as of today not a single associate of  Epstein's including Ghislaine Maxwell has been brought up on charges for the enterprise's gross abuse of children and that the corporate media continues to black out this story.

Kirby Sommers‏ @KirbySommers Sep 24

Lynn de Rothschilds owned Ghislaine Maxwell's house...

The person who owned 116 East 65th Street before Ghislaine Maxwell lived there and before it was "owned" by Jeffrey Epstein was Lynn F De Rothschild.

The house where Ghislaine ...

Rédac FranceCulture @ FC_actu

October 2018: Steve Bannon, former advisor to Donald Trump, meets Marine Le Pen. 

He then stays in Paris with Jeffrey Epstein, on Avenue Foch.  

Dame Alun Roberts‏ @ciabaudo Feb 20

The UK spy service GCHQ has had long-standing links to persons affiliated to PIE  - the Pedophile Information Exchange.

PIE member Keith Harding, the friend of reported child abuser Lord Leon Brittan, was leader of the GCHQ freemason lodge. 

Geoffrey Prime, the spy, was also PIE member: 

David Blunkett (centre) with his Jewish lover Kimberly Fortier (Kimberly Quinn).

Anonymous7 October 2019 at 18:23, writes about top UK politician DAVID BLUNKETT.

David Blunkett has attacked the child abuse whistleblower Carl Beech (Nick) and attacked the police who believed Carl Beech.

Police probe over VIP child abuse

1. David Blunkett was the government minister in charge of MI5 on 9 11.

Blunkett introduced a number of 'emergency' authoritarian measures curbing civil liberties. 

These measures backed the Blair Cabinet's message (amplified by the media) that 9-11 was done by Muslims.

2. David Blunkett is a member of Labour Friends of Israel.

Heidi Kingstone, close friend of Israel and close friend of David Blunkett.

3. According to Dr Sally Baker, David Blunkett very likely "knew all about" the child abuse exploits of radical Zionist Jimmy Savile in Yorkshire, as he (Blunkett) served as the Leader of Sheffield City Council from 1980-87.

The Big Questions - Dr Sally Baker

4. "In 2002, a union official wrote to then-Home Secretary David Blunkett ... to make allegations about the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London.

"It was ten years before a formal investigation was launched."

David Blunkett was warned about Elm Guest House

5. Today, Lord Blunkett is a director of the "anti-Corbyn group Labour Tomorrow funded by a former Blair spin doctor, Benjamin Wegg Prosser, who runs Peter Mandelson's consultancy firm"

(Mandelson is very close to Lord Rothschild)

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Steve Rodhouse, who is the Director General (Operations) of the National Crime Agency and was a former deputy assistant commissioner (DAC) at the Metropolitan (London) police.

1. In the UK, Deputy Assistant Police Commissioner Steve Rodhouse investigated the evidence from childabuse whistleblower Carl Beech (Nick).

The alleged child abusers, such as Greville Janner and Leon Brittan, did not go to jail.

2. Steve Rodhouse oversaw Surrey Police's 'mishandled inquiry' into Jimmy Savile.

Savile did not go to jail.

Telegraph / Police chief

3. Steve Rodhouse was in charge of the police division that closed an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein's British links.

Met police chief shut case on tycoon | The Sunday Times

To be fair to Steve Rodhouse, he may have wanted to take strong action against Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Savile and other friends of Israel, but may have been overruled by 'the Kosher Nostra'.

Jennifer lived in Telford, near Birmingham, in the UK.

Jennifer was raped by 500 men, starting when she was aged 11.

But the UK police chose to prosecute her, rather than the rapists

Abuse victim was raped by 500 men from 11 - but cops prosecuted her.
 -  5 OCT 2019

Jennifer was gang raped, often in her school uniform.

She was trafficked and held at gunpoint. 

One rapist battered her and shoved gravel in her mouth to silence her cries.

Jennifer claims that police refused to intervene and repeatedly arrested her.

"Not one of her abusers has been brought to justice despite multiple reports to police." 

The Sunday Mirror's special investigation in March 2018 - Telford sex abuse victim 'told to take her child to see her rapist or face JAIL' A Sunday Mirror probe in 2018 revealed up to 1,000 Telford girls could have been sexually exploited over four decades. 

Jennifer was targeted by an older man who 'put her on the streets.'

"Jennifer says the man was known to the police for sex trafficking and her mum told officers she was in his clutches.

"But she says the abuser was still able to drive her around the country, forcing her into sex with other men."

Jennifer says: "I was driven to a town in the Midlands and made to watch as an older girl was sold for sex."

Jennifer says she was sold to anyone, White or Asian, willing to pay.

Do the security services keep an eye on Telford?

Sir Michael Hanley, former boss of MI5, was reportedly a key figure in the child abuse ring that tortured and killed children. 

Hanley's family say that the police have not spoken to them about any alleged child abuse by Hanley. dailymail.

The police's Operation Midland was supposed to be inquiring into Hanley and other members of an alleged child abuse ring. According to Hanley's family, the police say that Operation Midland does not exist. dailymail.

It has been alleged that Lord Victor Rothschild headed the spy ring which reportedly included Michael Hanley, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, Guy Liddell, Roger Hollis and others.

Fermanagh, in Northern Ireland. 

In Fermanagh, "alleged victims have told their disturbing stories of abuse that spanned all areas of Fermanagh, a rural community; Protestant and Catholic backgrounds, rich and poor, men and women.

"So far 60 people have come forward, naming more than 60 alleged perpetrators."

How paper revealed child abuse secrets... 

Top police are reportedly involved in child abuse.

Top politicians are reportedly involved in child sexual abuse.

Operation Yewtree is a police investigation into child sexual abuse by Sir Jimmy Savile and others.

There is a belief that the security services protect the child abuse rings.

Whitby, near Scarborough.

Carl Beech (Nick) named as child abusers a number of people linked to Scarborough, and nearby Whitby, in the UK.

These include Sir Jimmy Savile, Sir Edward Heath, Sir Leon Brittan and Harvey Proctor.

The GCHQ Scarborough spy base in Scarborough

GCHQ is the largest UK spy agency.

GCHQ Scarborough's job includes 'preventing' human trafficking and child sexual exploitation.

GCHQ Scarborough - Wikipedia

Sir Jimmy Savile lived in Scarborough.

Sir Jimmy Savile organised a number of child abuse rings, supplying top people.

"Sir Jimmy Saville was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud..."[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen

Sir Jimmy Savile in Israel in 1975. There is a belief that Savile's many child abuse rings were being used to help the Kosher Nostra to control the UK spy services. "Savile had dinner with ... Admiral Sir Michael Boyce (Chief of the Defence Staff)..." (

GCHQ Scarborough runs a work experience scheme with schoolchildren.

'GCHQ Scarborough hosted the first ever week-long placement for a group of eight 15 to 17-year-olds from Scarborough TEC college and secondary schools in the town'.

See inside Scarborough's secret GCHQ spy base - Yorkshire Post

Robert Hannigan (right)

A former head of GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, 'resigned from his post after it emerged he gave a character reference to a paedophile priest who went on to reoffend'.

GCHQ spy chief quit after he helped a paedophile Catholic priest 

Above, we see former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath (left) meeting Peter Jaconelli who was part of a child abuse ring in Scarborough, Whitby, and the surrounding area.

Jimmy Savile; Jaconelli; Dr Who; Elm Guest ..

Jimmy Savile operated his child abuse activities openly in Scarborough and Whitby with Peter Jaconelli the Mayor.

Savile - North Yorks Enquirer

"Witnesses have spoken of an extended child abuse ring capitalising on their connections to Savile and Jaconelli, plying young girls with money, alcohol and drugs before renting them out to pre-booked clients in motor-homes that travelled to Middlesbrough, York and further afield.

"Including to a hidden location convenient to Queen Elizabeth II Barracks, Strensall, where they were reportedly clandestinely filmed in a caravan, with the resultant hard-core pornography exported to Holland and beyond."

North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

Sir Jimmy Savile claimed that he had never visited Haut de la Garenne childrens home on the island of Jersey. BUT, above, we see Savile at Haut de la Garenne.

"One witness has stated that Police cars were provided to convey Jaconelli to County Hall in Northallerton, then on to Leeds for casual liaisons..."

"The ring that Conservative Councillor Peter Jaconelli led in Scarborough was known to North Yorkshire Police from at least the 1970’s, some sources say since the 1950’s and was involved in trafficking..."

North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

Above, we see "Leon Brittan at a staff party at Larpool Orphanage, Whitby in 1955. His family were staff."

Leon Brittan became the Member of Parliament for Whitby in 1974.

Private Eye alleged that Leon Brittan was the unnamed senior member of the Thatcher government said to have sexually abused two teenage boys.

One of the victims was said to be from the North East, which would appear to indicate Scarborough or Whitby.

"The police once raided Leon Brittan's home after a young boy staggered in to the street half naked, and, when police asked what happened, he told them about Brittan and his friends, and took them to the house.

"When they called in to report what happened, they were ordered to take everyone in, and when they got there there were 2 officers from the security service waiting.

"The boys were paid off, and a short time later, Leon Britton was summoned to meet his fellow MP, William Hague on the beach in Brighton at 5.45 in the morning, where he was told that he was to be made EU Commissioner for the UK..."

leon brittan named.

Leon Brittan (right) was the government minister responsible for the spy service MI5.

Leon Brittan is said to have frequented the Elm Guest House boy brothel.

According to police intelligence reports, Savile took 'girls of all ages' to his Scarborough flat.

Jaconelli and Savile were known to cruise over to Whitby in Savile's pink Rolls Royce in the early 1970’s and to pick up youths of both sexes from the burger bar in full view of Whitby Police Station, then take them away to be abused and paid off.

Savile - North Yorks Enquirer.

Harvey Proctor is a former pupil of Scarborough High School for Boys.


The Lord Fox was an illegal drinking den with a room where punters could be strung up from a metal frame chained to a wall.

Terry Dwyer, who ran the den, "happily boasted about his time in London supplying rent boys to Harvey Proctor."

Read more: hulldailymail.

"Barry Haddon, a pimp, told us that for two years he supplied young lads to the MP he knew as Keith Proctor...

"Harvie proctor would stretch the boys out on his bed and handcuff them by their hands and sometimes their feet. Then he’d really let them have it...

"And in March, a naked Arab youth seen by a security guard sneaking into Proctor’s ground floor room at a hotel in Agadir, Morocco, was found hiding under his bed...

Harvey Proctor

John Allen (Mr X), who ran children's care homes in Wales, and who supplied young boys to top child abusers in London and in Holland.

Certain police officers and certain VIPs were part of a child abuse ring sexually abusing children from care homes in Wales.

"At least 12 children formerly in care homes covered by the inquiry are dead.

"One witness, who alleged that policemen used him for sex, has complained of a campaign of intimidation, including the destruction of his home and repeated harassment."

- The Times 4th October 1997

Carl Beech says that he was sexually abused by Sir Jimmy Savile.

Carl Beech

Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile's child abuse ring was smuggling child abuse images out of Yorkshire to the Netherlands, for onward sale in the Dutch sex industry..

"It is obvious that they were completely protected by Scarborough and Whitby Police.

" The BBC Investigation brought this out perfectly."

MI5, Special Branch, Prominent Paedophiles Cover-up

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the murderous Dutroux child abuse gang. Regina Louf witnessed the murders of children. guardian.2002/dutroux

The English police are said to be somewhat corrupt.

"Two former detectives have been jailed for sabotaging child abuse investigations.

"Sharon Patterson, 49, and Lee Pollard, 47, forged documents, concealed evidence and lied about investigations."

Essex Police child abuse officers jailed for misconduct

Commander Wally Virgo accepted bribes from Soho gangster Bernie Silver.

Kenneth Drury, commander of the Flying Squad, was the chief bent copper.

Corrupt cop who was paid a fortune in bribes

Northumbria police shooting |Martin McGartland "It was Northumbria police, the CPS and MI5 who setup Martin McGartland to be murderd by the IRA after they took the 1997 malicious prosecution against him."

Northumbria Police were asked to investigate Carl Beech.

The allegedly corrupt Northumbria Police found Carl Beech's story to be 'totally unfounded'.

1. Northumbria Police deputy chief constable David Warcup was given the job of investigating the child abuse on the island of Jersey.

There then appears to have been a massive cover-up.

2. In Northumbria "Seventeen police employees are suspended on full pay for allegations including assault, burglary, deception and being drunk and disorderly...


3. Northumbria Police ran Operation Rose which saw more than 200 people investigated but in the end only six convicted.

"There were 558 claims of assault, rape and other sexual abuse from 277 residents or former residents of 61 child care homes.

Cached How Operation Rose began / cover-up-of-child-sexual-abuse


Mayor of Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Shaukat Ali and Colonel Simon Newton

Yorkshire in the UK, has links to the military, false flag terrorism and pedophile rings.

The three go together.

1. Rotherham, in Yorkshire, has links to the military

In 2009, Rotherham, in Yorkshire, presented the 'Freedom of the Borough' to the Yorkshire Regiment.

London Bombings 'ringleader' Mohammad Sidique Khan photographed by Yorkshire Police in 2001.

2. Yorkshire has links to terrorism.

In 2001, Yorkshire police filmed a terrorist camp, in the North of England, attended by some of the 7/7 'bombers'.

These bombers were not apprehended, and it is assumed that they were working for MI5/MI6 when they were involved in the 2005 London bombings.

There is a belief that UK military intelligence recruits Moslems and trains them to carry out acts of false flag terrorism.

In 2009, five Moslem community workers accused MI5 of waging a campaign of blackmail and harassment in an attempt to recruit them.

Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims.

The men claim they were given a choice of working for the Security Service or facing detention and harassment.

3. Yorkshire is linked to powerful pedophile rings, reportedly protected by government agencies.

Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile, whose main base was Yorkshire, worked for the intelligence services.

Reportedly, Savile was able to abuse children at a Royal Marines Commando base, and get away with it.

Jimmy Savile in sex assaults at Marine base.

There has been massive child abuse in the town of Rotherham, in South Yorkshire.

"A dossier of ... intelligence reports shows that agencies in South Yorkshire were aware that vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted."


Were the security services running the Pakistani pedophile rings in Rotherham?

Reportedly, the CIA, MI5 and MI6 do run pedophile rings.


An investigation has now found that, in the town of Rotherham in South Yorkshire in the UK, at least 1,400 children were sexually abused over a period of 16 years.

For 16 years, the police and social services turned a blind eye.

Sometimes the police harassed those who were whistleblowers.

Reports on the child abuse, by various officials, were suppressed.

Cliff Richard has been quizzed about an alleged sexual offence in South Yorkshire.

People associated with Rotherham include the notorious William Hague (formerly responsible for MI6) and the notorious Denis MacShane (Denis Matyjaszek) a Jewish former government minister.

So, between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 children were subjected to "appalling" sexual exploitation in Rotherham.

"Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated...

"Children were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".

It sounds like an exercise in CIA/MI5 mind control?

"Rotherham Council and the police knew about the level of child sexual exploitation in the town, but didn't do anything about it."

Rotherham child exploitation report 

Jimmy Savile and a Yorkshire police inspector.

Five Pakistanis from Rotherham were jailed for sexual offences against girls in 2010, but the report said that the police "regarded many child victims with contempt".

The majority of the child abusers referred to in the Rotherham report are Pakistanis.

Gangs of Pakistani men have been convicted of child abuse in Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, and Shropshire.

MI5 and MI6 are said to recruit Pakistanis.

Mohammad Sidique Khan, who was involved in the London Bomb attacks, is of Pakistani origin.

Governments... love child abuse...

No other criminal activity... gives such control over those who commit it. 


British Moslems are recruited by MI5 using sex?

Might the UK security services have used sex to recruit UK Moslems to fight in Iraq, Kosovo, Pakistan, Libya, Syria...


Denis MacShane (Denis Matyjaszek) was the member of parliament for Rotherham and a leading figure in Labour Friends of Israel

Young girls were trafficked from Yorkshire to Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Dover and other cities.

Similar child trafficking gangs operated in other parts of the UK.

Many people complained to the police and many girls gave evidence to the police, but prosecutions did not follow.


Police were summoned to a house outside which a father was demanding the release of his daughter.

The young girl was being held by a group of men of Pakistani origin. The police found the girl, who had been drugged.

The police arrested the father for racial harassment and arrested the girl for assault.

The police left the Pakistanis at the house with two more girls.


Two girls from South Yorkshire were dragged into a car and driven to Bristol to be used for sex as part of a drugs deal.

When the girls managed to escape, the South Yorkshire Police did not question them about the incident.

After neighbours heard screaming, a 13-year-old girl was found at 3am in a house with a large group of men.

The men had given her vodka. Police arrested the girl for being drunk and disorderly but did not question the men.


"Asian sex gangs were able to groom, pimp and traffic girls across the UK for more than a decade while authorities failed to publicly acknowledge the problem was happening, confidential documents reveal.


"A dossier of internal police, social services and intelligence reports shows that agencies in South Yorkshire were aware that vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted."

On February 5, 1999, in the U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci said that he had been ritualistically abused by Lawrence E King, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment.

On February 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."

During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch gave the court sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring. 

Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his early-morning newspaper deliveries.

Reportedly, the British security service MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to children's homes in North Wales, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly film them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.

Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths'." 

North Wales paedophile ring, top people, the police and the security services

For years, MI5 was aware of a child abuse ring operating within the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William McGrath, a notorious homosexual.

"McGrath had been employed by MI5 since the mid 1960s.

"MI5 allowed the ill-treatment and sexual abuse of residents at the Kincora Boys Home to continue..."




Child Abuse Rings protected by police: ex-cop




  2. Guess who was promoted last year to the leadership team of the 'British FBI' - otherwise known as the National Crime Agency:

    Wonder how much this role pays??

    "Ta very much for your work 'serving the vulnerable', Mr Rodhouse. Here's your reward, 30 pieces of silver...."

  3. Great information. Robert Hannigan cover up of VIP pedos. Obama / Hannigan request Boris to continue Project Fulsome spying on Trump. HSBC / MI5 cover up for Saudi ARAMCO IPO etc.

  4. Let's face it...Britain is riddled with Belgium.....Both countries have large populations of Jews....both open and crypto Jews.The media is run by them.Ffom game show hosts to individuals like Paxman.Crypto jews ate particularly evident on the boards of media companies.

  5. London Bombings 'ringleader' Mohammad Sidique Khan photographed by Yorkshire Police in 2001.

    2. Yorkshire has links to terrorism.

    In 2001, Yorkshire police filmed a terrorist camp, in the North of England, attended by some of the 7/7 'bombers

    The photograph was taken at a Outdoor holiday camp in Wales
    The photograph has been cropped and colour plus quality reduced to look sinister like a cave in Afghanistan. The time stamp is fake there is no leading zero on the month.
    7/7 alleged terrorist were referred to The Stepford four
    The definition of Stepford is a term used to refer to someone that is so obedient and perfect that he or she seems almost like a robot.
    7/7 alleged terrorist are said to have committed suicide but there has never been an inquest into there deaths.
    The Inquest into the other victims presented evidence of multiple large holes in each of the train carriages. So not single backpacks brought on by alleged terrorist as in the governments anonymous narrative.



    I don't believe for one second that the selection of a Paul Gadd song for this film was any kind of "oversight"; it surely must be intentional.

    But why? To highlight - and implicitly condemn - the sick & depraved elements of contemporary society (like "American Psycho" was supposedly intended to do)? In other words, artistic commentary?

    Or, rather, to glorify & celebrate those elements... and perhaps encourage them (the brainwashing effects a movie can have on vulnerable minds)?

    I strongly suspect the latter at this point, but will try to withhold further judgement until I hear an explanation from someone behind the movie for the inclusion of this song...

  8. Police probe over VIP paedophile claims by fantasist 'Nick' is a whitewash thicker than two coats of paint, writes former Home Secretary DAVID BLUNKETT



    David Blunkett was in charge of MI5 on the day of the September 11 massacre, and for the three year period subsequent to it.

    During his tenure as Tony Blair's Home Secretary (2001-04), Blunkett introduced a number of 'emergency' authoritarian measures curbing civil liberties. These had their greatest deleterious impacts on law-abiding Muslims, as well as refugees and asylum seekers.

    The 'optics' of these measures served to underscore the Blair Cabinet's message (amplified by the media) that 9-11 was to be understood by White people in terms of Muslims - all Muslims - burning with murderous hatred for the West and people of Judeo-Christian heritage.

    And that to be a Muslim or an immigrant in Britain was to be a potential terrorist, requiring extreme monitoring and containment.

    Coincidentally, David Blunkett is a member of Labour Friends of Israel.

    According to Dr Sally Baker, David Blunkett very likely "knew all about" the paedophile exploits of radical Zionist Jimmy Savile in Yorkshire, as he (Blunkett) served as the Leader of Sheffield City Council from 1980-87.

    Coincidentally, "in 2002 a union official wrote to then-Home Secretary David Blunkett ... to make allegations about the Elm Guest House ... According to the report, Mr Blunkett replied personally to the letter in November 2002 after it raised concerns about a 'brothel on Rocks Lane' in south west London. He is said to have referred the matter to the Home Office in his reply. However, the allegations were then passed from to the Local Government Ombudsman - which passed responsibility again to the police. It was a decade before a formal investigation was launched. A spokesman for Mr Blunkett told the Sunday Express he made every effort to have the claims investigated, but they were 'extremely difficult' to deal with because the union official did not want Richmond Council to know about them."

    Today, Lord Blunkett is a director of the "anti-Corbyn group Labour Tomorrow funded by [a] former Blair spin doctor [Benjamin Wegg Prosser] who runs Peter Mandelson's consultancy firm"

    Fortunately, this still leaves the kindly Lord Blunkett with sufficient free time to write for the Daily Mail, condemning the victims of VIP paedophiles as (supposed) fantasists and liars.

  9. Pls make a post on that:

    Top Model Turned Whistleblower Exposes Elites




  13. Looool....

  14. Another one fell....


    Get this into your heads, readers: There is really no discrimination, and no institutional/structural/systemic inequalities, affecting people of colour. Only very occasional, totally isolated, incidents here and there, involving only random knuckleheads... hardly worth mentioning or worrying about.

    Black people in the West, for example, are treated perfectly fairly and properly: by the police, the judicial system, the education system, the financial system and in employment. If blacks would just stop whining and complaining, the world would be a better place.

    And Muslims? Same thing. Life for them in Palestine, Europe, China, and North America is bloody wonderful, never better. Like the blacks, the Muslims should stop whining about "trivia", such as the perfectly justified, one-sided, military campaigns perpetually waged against Muslim-majority countries.

    Most of the Muslims are terrorists, anyway.

    In a similar way, refugees and asylum seekers almost never experience hardships of any kind. Anyone who says otherwise is a bleeding-heart crybaby. Most of those refugees and asylum seekers are thieves.

    Above all, the poor among us never suffer a reduced lifespan, substandard housing, inferior healthcare, and limited career and educational opportunities.

    By contrast to the above examples, ANTISEMITISM is the most common type of victimisation and hate crime against a minority group. By far. This is true both in the West, and around the world.

    It is absolutely everywhere, even in countries with no Jewish people. It happens every day, in every situation, even to people who aren't Jewish.

    And it is the main problem in society today: FAR more prevalent and significant than any other type of racism or -ism affecting other minority groups. Above all it is far more significant as a social problem than poverty.

    We trust that our editorial focus, our priorities as journalists and editors, and our reporting judgments and omissions, help to remind you constantly, on a daily basis, of these timeless facts.

