Friday 18 October 2019


After the Halle attack, people being transported from the synagogue sing and dance.

Peter James Kuehlen18 October 2019 at 06:59 writes:

Turns out the happy lady on the shuttle bus is another Jewish reporter and was on site that day:

Antonia Yamin אנטוניה ימין (@antonia_yamin) | Twitter
 - Chief Europe Correspondent for @kann - Israeli broadcasting corporation. Berlin, Germany.

Michel Milewski

Peter James Kuehlen writes:

The best evidence for a media hoax is the presence of reporters on the scene before anything happened.

1) Michel Milewski, BILD - a few houses away from the Kebap shop.

Sports reporter Michel Milewski, working for BILD, Germany's biggest tabloid, was only a few meters away from the kebap shop at the time of the action (conducting an interview with a third division amateur soccer player) and was able to give live footage and an eye witness account from the scene immediately.

He managed to talk to the survivor of the kebap attack.

Halle: BILD-Reporter Michel Milewski erlebte den ... 

Christina Feist

2) Christina Feist, Freelance Journalist - inside of the Synagogue

Christina Feist usually visits a Synagogue every week in Berlin, but for this Yom Kippur she was in Halle and was able to give interviews to all networks.

Stephan B. – Der Attentäter von Halle lebte in zwei Welten ...

Christina Feist was also able to give us live images from the burning of Notre dame in Paris.

Brand von Notre Dame: Feuer über Paris |

Her twitter feed is full of terror related tweets going back many years.

3) Andreas Splett, camera man, ZDF (retired) - filmed the shootout with the police.

Andreas Splett, retired camera man of German state TV ZDF, and owner of a media production company lives and works right next door to the Kebap shop, that the shooter randomly picked to find his second victim.

Andreas Splett war 20 Jahre lang Kameramann bei 

Andreas Splett worked in North Korea and Israel - and must have gotten the needed Intelligence clearing from both sides for those trips.

Andreas Splett made a movie about Jews in Halle.

Andreas Splett's father painted Concentration Camp paintings for sale.

4) Rita Katz, veteran of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force), Owner of SITE Intelligence Group, was not on site, but managed to publish the event first.

"We know Rita Katz from previous hoaxes like the Foley beheading or the burning of the captured Jordanian pilot where she also had exclusive access to that material. Mossad Agent Rita Katz also released the fake Sotloff beheading video & the fake Bin-Laden videos."

Balliet and body double?

Alleged Neo-Nazis, such as Stephan Balliet, are not necessarily opposed to Israel.

Israel has armed Nazi groups, such as those above, in Ukraine.

Israel arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine / Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine 

German neo-nazis have been trained in Ukraine with the help of NATO and Israel.

US and NATO's Ongoing Support for Neo-Nazis in Ukraine / Ukraine Archives | The Grayzone

Jana Lange and her body double?

Jana Langewho lives in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, was reportedly killed in the Yom Kippur shooting.

Door of synagogue.

Stephan Balliet is alleged to have fired shots at the door of the synagogue in Hallet.

"Why didn't he just rush in instead of first firing warning shots, which allowed the reinforced door to be closed in time?

Attack on the synagogue Halle is very similar to yet another false-flag operation

'It is very coincidental that a perpetrator is filmed when he gets out of the car and opens fire.

"Coincidentally, the film maker does not vibrate once in shock."

Attack on the synagogue Halle is very similar to yet another false-flag operation

"Coincidentally, an excellent poster for the AfD is visible at this location.

"Coincidentally, the offender also films himself and streams it on the internet, so that he can be identified immediately."

Attack on the synagogue Halle is very similar to yet another false-flag operation

The AfD party?

In foreign policy, as of 2015, the party platform is pro-NATO, pro-United States, and largely pro-Israel.

Stephan Balliet captured.

"After his parents divorced Stephan Balliet reportedly went to live with his mother in Helbra, which is where he was staying at the time of the attack, although he routinely saw his father who lives in Benndorf, about a five minute drive away.

"A neighbour said he was working as a broadcasting technician at the time of the attack."

"The first victim of the Halle shootings, Jana Lange, was  a 'warm and funny' 40-year-old who could not work for medical reasons and devoted her time to music and collecting autographs.

"She was killed when she scolded the gunman outside the synagogue, asking him: 'Is that really necessary while I'm walking past here?'"

Jana Lange. 2018. Lives in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt. From Halle (Saale) (Facebook)

Jana Lange, 40, killed outside the Halle synagogue, October 9, 2019 (Facebook)

"The second victim, Kevin S, was a football fan and painter and decorator who had been working at a building site near where he was shot dead", according to German media.

Stephan Balliet, or his body double? "Sorry guys. I’m a fucking idiot. I can’t kill shit," he tells his  video viewers in English.

Early reports indicated that there was more than one gunman.

"The attacker, named in German media as 27-year-old Stephan Balliet, was arrested after fleeing in a commandeered taxi."

"He drove around 40 miles away to Werschen.

"A collision with a lorry held him up and he was arrested."

Above, we see Mossad agent Ben Zygier, and Stefan Balliet.

A Stephan Balliet in US military uniform, 2017.

"Neighbours told Bild the suspect was an only child who lived with his mother and had few friends. 

"He had started studying chemistry but had been forced to drop out because of illness, they said."

 Yom Kippur gunman kills two people in attack

Stephan Balliet, 2019, the alleged Halle gunman. And Mossad agent Ben Zygier

Max Privorotzki, who heads the Jewish community in Halle, said the gunmen had attempted to enter the synagogue, but that security measures were able to 'withstand the attack'.

U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell says 10 Americans were inside the synagogue at the time'. 

"The gunman killed a man in a kebab shop".

Rita Katz‏Verified account @Rita_Katz 13h13 hours ago tweets -

"The similarity between this video and New Zealand attacker’s underscores that these are not isolated attacks by people merely holding similar beliefs. Today’s attack is another installment from a global terrorist network, linked together via online safe havens much like ISIS."

ISIS is said to be run by the Mossad and its friends.

"The gunman was wearing a helmet equipped with a camera."

Before he shot, the gunman spoke in English.

"Sorry guys. I’m a fucking idiot. I can’t kill shit," he tells his imagined video viewers in English.

"The Halle attack is the second livestreamed attack in 2019, following the March massacre of 51 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch, New Zealand, which was broadcast on Facebook Live."

Video shows one attacker dressed in black tactical gear and wearing a helmet firing on the street.

On 9 October 2019, in the German city of Halle, gunmen wearing military fatigues opened fire near  a synagogue and a nearby kebab shop.

Attacker outside the kebab shop.

"Shootings were reported outside the synagogue, and at a nearby Turkish kebab shop, and in a town around 10 miles away.

"Investigators said the perpetrators fled in a vehicle.

"The Halle incident started at around noon local time on Humboldtstrasse."

An attacker near the kebab shop.

'At least two people, including one woman, were killed in the attack and several more were injured.'

Police say they have arrested one man. 

Video shows one man dressed in black tactical gear and wearing a helmet firing on the street.

Jewish worshippers after the attack.

The attack happened on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, 'which is traditionally spent fasting and praying'.

Reinhard Heydrich, from Halle, is believed to have been Jewish.

Walter Schellenberg in his Memoirs (p. 207) writes: "Canaris told me after Heydrich's death that he possessed proof of Heydrich's Jewish ancestry."

"When Heydrich was a child in Halle, neighborhood children called him 'Isi' (Izzy), short for Isidor, a name with a Jewish connotation.

"When he served in the navy, many of his comrades believed he was Jewish. Some called him the 'blond Moses.'

"Others who lived in Halle have claimed that everybody believed that his father, the musician Bruno Heydrich, was a Jew.

"Half-Jew Alice Schaper nee Rohr, who took piano lessons from Bruno, claimed, 'We all knew he was Jewish. ...He looked just like a typical Jew.'

"In town, Bruno was called Isidor Suess behind his back. With such rumors going around, it was not surprising that Heydrich felt continually burdened by these allegations, especially when he served as an SS general."

- Bryan Mark Rigg, the author of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

Stephan Balliet, eller hans dubbelgångare? ”Ledsen killar. Jag är en jävla idiot. Jag kan inte döda, skit,” berättar han för sina föreställda videotittare på engelska .

HALLE – YOM KIPPUR FALSE FLAGG” – Bakom kulisserna

Tidiga rapporter indikerade på att det fanns fler än en pistolskytt.

”Angriparen, som i tyska medier benämndes som den 27-åriga Stephan Balliet , arresterades efter att ha flytt i en kommande taxi”.

”Han körde cirka 40 mil bort till Werschen”.

Stephan Balliet iförd amerikansk arméuniform

”En kollision med en lastbil stoppade upp honom och han arresterades”.

”Grannarna sa till Bild att den misstänkte var enda barnet som bodde med sin mamma och hade få vänner.

”Han hade börjat studera kemi men hade tvingats lämna på grund av sjukdom, sade de.”

Yom Kippur-pistolmannen dödar två personer i attack

Ovan – en Stephan Balliet iförd USA:s militäruniform, 2017. Och – Stephan Balliet, 2019, den påstådda Halle-pistolmannen

Max Privorotzki, som är chef för det judiska församligen i Halle, sade att skytten hade försökt att komma in i synagogan, men att säkerhetsåtgärder kunde ”motstå attacken”.

Den amerikanska ambassadören i Tyskland Richard Grenell säger att 10 amerikaner var i synagogan vid den tiden.

”Skytten dödade en muslim i en kebabbutik”.

Rita Katz

BREAKING: 35-mins of head-mounted camera footage of #Halle #Germany shooting was posted on video game site, showing first-person footage of his ammo and the shooting similar to that of NZ attack. Shooter says in English prior to shooting: The “root of all problems are the Jews.”

I det 35-minuters huvudmonterade kameramaterialet av #Halle # Tysklandskytten publicerades på videospelsidan, och visade förstahandsbilder av hans ammunition och skott som liknar den i NZ-attacken. Skytten säger på engelska före fotograferingen: ”Roten till alla problem är judarna.”

ISIS sägs drivas av Mossad och dess vänner.

False Flag?

Videon visar en angriparen är iklädd svarta taktiska redskap och bär en hjälm när han skjuter på gatan.

Den 9 oktober 2019, i den tyska staden Halle , öppnade skytten med militärutrustning eld nära en synagoga och en närliggande kebabbutik.

Attacker utanför kebabaffären

”Skjutningar rapporterades utanför synagogan och i en närliggande turkisk kebabbutik och i en stad cirka 10 mil bort.

” Utredarna sa att förövarna flydde i ett fordon.
”Halle-incidenten började vid lokal tid på lokal tid på Humboldtstrasse.”

En skytt nära kebabaffären

”Minst två personer, inklusive en kvinna, dödades i attacken och flera till skadades.”

Polisen säger att de har arresterat en man.

Video visar en man, klädd i svart taktisk utrustning och bär en hjälm, som skjuter på gatan.

Judar efter attacken

Attacken hände på Yom Kippur, den heligaste dagen inom judendomen, ”som traditionellt ägnas till fasta och bön”.


  1. Sounds familiar?

  2. Anonymous

    9 October 2019 at 07:00

    Get this into your heads, readers: There is really no discrimination, and no institutional/structural/systemic inequalities, affecting people of colour. Only very occasional, totally isolated, incidents here and there, involving only random knuckleheads... hardly worth mentioning or worrying about.

    Black people in the West, for example, are treated perfectly fairly and properly: by the police, the judicial system, the education system, the financial system and in employment. If blacks would just stop whining and complaining, the world would be a better place.

    And Muslims? Same thing. Life for them in Palestine, Europe, China, and North America is bloody wonderful, never better. Like the blacks, the Muslims should stop whining about "trivia", such as the perfectly justified, one-sided, military campaigns perpetually waged against Muslim-majority countries.

    Most of the Muslims are terrorists, anyway.

    In a similar way, refugees and asylum seekers almost never experience hardships of any kind. Anyone who says otherwise is a bleeding-heart crybaby. Most of those refugees and asylum seekers are thieves.

    Above all, the poor among us never suffer a reduced lifespan, substandard housing, inferior healthcare, and limited career and educational opportunities.

    By contrast to the above examples, ANTISEMITISM is the most common type of victimisation and hate crime against a minority group. By far. This is true both in the West, and around the world.

    It is absolutely everywhere, even in countries with no Jewish people. It happens every day, in every situation, even to people who aren't Jewish.

    And it is the main problem in society today: FAR more prevalent and significant than any other type of racism or -ism affecting other minority groups. Above all it is far more significant as a social problem than poverty.

    We trust that our editorial focus, our priorities as journalists and editors, and our reporting judgments and omissions, help to remind you constantly, on a daily basis, of these timeless facts.

  3. Interesting quotes from Daily Mail editor Geordie Greig regarding his friendships with serial paedophiles Ghislaine Maxwell and the late Lucian Freud et al in last Friday's Financial Times:

  4. Rita Katz - infamous for fake 'Bin Laden' videos promoted by her 'SITE Searching International Terrorist Entities' Institute -

    Is already tweeting about this incident in Halle Germany, and the apparent 35 minute video that alleged 'neo-Nazi shooter' Stephan Balliet livestreamed on video gaming site Twitch, Brenton-Tarrant-style, with music soundtrack just like Tarrant

    The attack on the synagogue apparently a 'failure', the attacker unable to get through synagogue doors, despite gunfire, and some explosives, which malfunctioned ... so the attacker, unable to kill Jews, killed a woman on the street and a Muslim shop owner begging for mercy

    The video apparently shows things going continually 'wrong' for the shooter, guns jamming, ammunition clips dropped, explosives not going off, the shooter accidentally shooting his own car tyre, the shooter continually fumbling as if somewhat unfamiliar with his equipment or his vehicle, not practiced or prepared ... and apparently admitting failure to his audience

    People on the 'Kiwi farms' forum have a long thread discussing the video as it is put up and taken down in various places, or viewed via torrents

    Apparently the shooter says something roughly translated as:

    "Hi, my name is anon and I think the holocaust never happened. ... Feminism is the cause of the decline of the west, which acts as a scapegoat for mass immigration. And the root of all these problems is the Jew. Would you like to be friends?"


    One recalls the Operation Gladio Stay Behind Munich Oktoberfest bombing of 26 September 1980, said to have killed 13 and injured 211

    German historian Andreas Kramer later confirmed that his father, John Kramer, wan officer in the German Intelligence Service (BND), coordinated the Gladio Stay Behind networks in Germany, Switzerland and the Benelux countries, this network having the guilt for what happened in Munich

  5. Regarding the Nazis -

    From within Anglo nations or countries that were 'Allied' in World War II, the Nazis are the big ultimate evil, as we are told

    However, if you spend time with people from multiple Eastern European countries, and you seem to be open-minded, many Eastern European nationals will privately tell you that their people are not so critical of Hitler and his armies, and they actually partly benefited from the Nazis

    Tho there is an understanding that one doesn't say this too openly, given the dominant EU etc framework that the Nazis are not just bad, but the worst people ever

    In 1936, Hitler's Germany and Japan, signed an 'Anti-Comintern' Pact, an alliance against Soviet Bolshevism ... many other nations were invited to join - even Poland! - and tho it is little discussed, much of Eastern Europe in fact did join, quite voluntarily in many cases ... many countries fearing Soviet Russian Bolsheviks more than Hitler ... and having 'authoritarian' governments of their own

    In some countries, people still quietly recall it was Hitler's Nazis who helped them to a brief independence ... which they did not win again until after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 ... hence the 'soft spot' for the Nazis people in these countries privately keep

    Hitler's Axis Alliance came to include:

    Italy under Mussolini
    Austria, many Austrians eager to merge with Germany in 1938
    Hungary under Admiral Horthy
    Slovakia, winning a few years of independence from Czechs, 'thanks to Hitler'
    Finland, fighting their long-time Russian oppressor
    Very briefly Yugoslavia joined the Axis, and then after a pro-Russian coup took place in Belgarde, Croatia split off and became an Axis partner, Croatians winning a few years of independence from the Serbs, again, 'thanks to Hitler'

    Also, to this day, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, see the Nazis as somewhat liberating them from the Soviet boot, after Stalin occupied the Baltics in 1940 ... Similarly, some of the Ukrainians ... and blood is still being spilled in Ukraine today, along these same WW2 dividing lines

    Even Poland was invited to join the Axis ... Poland's previous ruler Marshal Pilsudski got on well with Hitler before he died in 1935 ... but his successor, Marshal Rydz-Smigly, preferred the British-led alliance, and joined the anti-Hitler Churchill 'hard line'

    Many Slavs participated in Hitler's armies, as well as other non-Germans ... Hitler's targets were first of all the Czechs, seen as Soviet pawns, 'Czechoslovakia' having been imposed in 1918 as a pro-Moscow artifice suppressing Slovaks and others ... and then Poland, aligning with Churchill in the hard-line Western coalition

    But the fact remains, that much of Eastern Europe was 'Axis' in WW2 ... and the Soviet tanks rolling in after WW2 was over, left a feeling that 'Hitler was right' about Russian Bolsheviks

    1. But no Poles ever participaded...
      "Poland's previous ruler Marshal Pilsudski got on well with Hitler before he died in 1935 ."

      Word 'well' is an exageration, pls STOP writing crap, Brabantian.
      I am Polish bloke and don't like this nonsense.
      Our Marshal saved Europe from red flood in 1920, battle over Warsaw, but He wasn't liking Hitler whatsoever, nothing like that.

      Go to sleep.

  6. In his livestreamed video the Halle shooter apparently says in English, "No one expects the internet SS!"

    The young German shooter - or the security services scripting this event - are Monty Python fans? 'No one expects the Spanish Inquisition'?

  7. In the New Zealand shooter video
    There was no blood splatter or obvious large wounds or damage to wall. No cries of pain wailing or people reacting to being wounded.
    It looked like a first person shooter video game.
    It was Fake

    1. In the manifesto of the Australian shooter the word "MILQUETOAST" is used.This word is uniquely American English....even in America itself it is not that common.One thing is for sure NO AUSTRALIAN WOULD EVER USE THIS WORD.
      So.....WHO wrote the manifesto then?.

    2. Maybe MILQUETOAST is the code word for anything else?

    3. Hi Anonymous,

      That's an excellent observation.

      You can see on Google Ngram the historical usage of the word milquetoast here. This might suggest an author at least in their forties, probably older.

      Some googling also reveals odd similarities with this article by Philip A Klinkner, who was a Research Fellow at the Brookings Institution. You know, that institution largely responsible for much of the Zionist proxy wars of the past few years.

      Fortunately there are methods for investigating authorship of text. The name of this field is stylometry.

      A good example is the investigation into the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, inventors of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. This was by Michael Chon of Booz Allen Hamilton, a big NSA contractor.

      There are a number of online tools for stylometric analysis, so you can do-it-yourself.

      It certainly appears Tarrant's manifesto is yet more terrorism pantomime by the none-too-bright Zionist warmongers.

      And, yes, this attack in Halle in Germany also sounds like another instance of (((terrorism))).

      The Zionists are becoming ever more absurd.

      That's a made-up name. What's your real name?
        Ah... Lah'dees.
      Lah'dees what?
        Lah'dees Was'hruum.

    4. Umm, sorry. Where did that quote come from? Oh, I know:

      The most offensive movie ever made. It's in the Guinness Book of World Records. I think it's also got the record for most puerile.

      But there is one true gem in there...

      Why are you guys so anti-dictators? Imagine if America was a dictatorship? You could let 1% of the people have all the nation's wealth. You could help your rich friends get richer by cutting their taxes and bailing them out when they gamble and lose. You could ignore the needs of the poor for health care and education. Your media would appear free but it would secretly be controlled by one person and his family. You could wiretap phones. You could torture foreign prisoners. You could have rigged elections. You could lie about why you go to war. You could fill your prisons with one particular racial group and no-one would complain. You could use the media to scare the people into supporting policies that are against their interests. I know this is hard for you Americans to imagine, but please try.

      By the way, it seems more people died than I thought.

  8. Distraction, divide and conquer, u name it.... Routine....

  9. Rings any bell? U bet they were the planners of the ”event”:

  10. Hear, hear, folks! The same old record....

  11. "...The similarity between this video and New Zealand attacker’s underscores that these are not isolated attacks by people merely holding similar beliefs. Today’s attack is another installment from a global terrorist network, linked together via online safe havens much like ISIS..."...her subconcious talks and says the true..."...a global terrorist network..."...

  12. The public hearing into how allegations against Lord Janner were handled has just been POSTPONED UNTIL OCTOBER 2020. Is anyone really surprised?

    Additional postponements to - or wholesale abandonment of - the 'Janner strand' to be announced next year?


  14. More than clear that the Stephan Balliet in military attire is not the same person with the Stephan Balliet recorded on cam.

  15. Someone's happy

  16. "Sorry guys. I’m a fucking idiot. I can’t kill shit," he tells his video viewers in English...and almost all the shots fired to the door are very close to each other as we can see in the picture above and shot at a distance.

  17. After the Halle ff/hoax, now we have this in the UK:

  18. ROTHSCHILD wants to help Saudi BINLADIN Group restructure debt

  19. Childline co-founder Shaun Woodward -- whose Egyptian revival home is currently on the market for $9 million -- warns that Brexit will bring terrorism

    In 2001, Woodward's main residence was a country house in Oxfordshire complete with butler, where Peter Mandelson, the Prince of Darkness, was currently a guest





  24. Congresswoman Betty McCollum

    "Over the past few years, one member of Congress has stood up to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), denounced Israel's policies, which she likened to 'apartheid', and pushed laws that would place humanitarian conditions on US military aid to Israel ... Her name is Betty McCollum ...

    "[McCollum is] one of the most outspoken members of Congress on Israel and Palestine ...

    "The US currently gives Israel $3.8 billion a year in military aid.

    "Since World War II, it has received more US foreign assistance than any other country, according to the Congressional Research Service.

    "Most countries that receive US assistance are subject to extensive restrictions on how the aid is used. But for Israel, much of the money goes directly into its Ministry of Defense, with little American oversight ...

    "In 2017, McCollum introduced a bill to block US aid to Israel from being used to 'support the military detention, interrogation, abuse, or ill-treatment of Palestinian children in violation of international humanitarian law.' She reintroduced the bill in April ...

    "But [McCollum] knows the bill has almost no chance of making it out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, headed by the staunchly pro-Israel Rep. Eliot Engel ... much less becoming law ...

    "Last year, McCollum accepted an award from the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights. During her acceptance speech, she described Israel's nation-state law - which reserves the right to self-determination in Israel for Jewish people - as a system of apartheid.

    "For a sitting member of Congress to use the word 'apartheid' in reference to Israel is radical - almost inconceivable ...

    "[McCollum] goes out of her way to make clear that she is not attacking Jews or Israelis, but the policies of a government ..."

  25. The Halle synagogue was recently reinforced to forestall attackers, by the 'Jewish Agency for Israel'

    « Max Privorozki, the head of the congregation ... said that the heavy wooden door of the synagogue and the community center’s electronic security system had recently been upgraded with the help of the nonprofit Jewish Agency for Israel. »

    The official story is that this young German 'Stephan Balliet' spent months carefully using a 3-D printing device to manufacture home-made weapons

    Yet this young man cleverly developing weapons and explosive devices over months for his 'plan', did not research the related technical issue, of how to break through a security door?

    Is the '3D gun menace' - requiring massive universal surveillance - a major agenda item now?

    BBC, 19 Sep 2019:
    « 'Loner' university student has been jailed for making a gun using a 3D printer. Tendai Muswere, 26, from Pimlico, London, was jailed for three years by Southwark Crown Court for manufacturing the firearm. Police found the weapon during a drugs raid at the media student's home in October 2017. »

    Some of the Halle-Balliet synagogue attack guns were significantly plastic, others were greatly metal, metal more reliable given the small 'explosions' of gunpowder whenever a bullet is fired

    A metal 3d printing machine still costs some thousands. Mother with whom Balliet lived, did not notice what was going on with an expensive machine in her home?

    If home manufacturing of firearms is really so plausible, why aren't drug and crime cartels and insurgents and terrorists, doing this already all around the world, instead of still spending thousands per item to buy guns in black markets?

  26. Posted this article on Twitter and got a ban.

  27. The German Synagogue Shooting in Halle
    was most likely a Mossad Job.

    The best evidence for a media hoax is the presence of reporters on the scene before anything happened.

    Here are the placed reporters one by one:

    1) Michel Milewski, BILD
    a few houses away from the Kebap.

    Sports reporter Michel Milewski, working for BILD, Germany's biggest tabloid, was only a few meters away from the kebap at the time of the action (conducting an interview with a third division amateur soccer player) and was able to give live footage and eye witness account from the scene immediately.
    He managed to talk to the survivor of the kebap attack, who got away!

    2) Christina Feist, Freelance Journalist
    inside of the Synagogue

    Freelance reporter Christina Feist
    usually visits a Synagogue every week in Berlin, but for this Yom Kippur she was in Halle and was able to give interviews to all networks.

    Christina Feist was also able to give us live images from the burning of Notre dame in Paris

    Her twitter feed is full of terror related tweets going back many years.

    3) Andreas Splett, camera man, ZDF (retired)
    filmed the shootout with the police

    Andreas Splett, retired camera man of German state TV ZDF, and owner of a media production company lives and works right next door to the Kebap, that the shooter randomly picked to find his second victim.

    Andreas Splett worked in North Korea and Israel - and must have gotten the needed Intelligence clearing from both sides for those trips.

    Andreas Splett made a movie about Jews in Halle.

    Andreas Splett's father painted Concentration Camp paintings for sale

    4) Rita Katz, veteran of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force), Owner of the private security company
    of SITE Intelligence Group,
    was not on site, but managed to publish the event first.

    We know Rita Katz from previous hoaxes like the Foley beheading or the burning of the captured Jordanian pilot where she also had exclusive access to that material. Mossad Agent Rita Katz also released the fake Sotloff beheading video & the fake Bin-Laden videos.

    Decide for yourself if this was a real event!
    Please share!


  29. British teenager feared 'corrupt' police officer would kidnap and kill her

    "A British teenager accused of lying about being gang raped in Ayia Napa has told a court she feared a 'corrupt' police officer would kidnap and kill her as she was 'forced' to retract her statement ...

    "Her lawyers say she was told what to write by Cypriot police, led by Detective Sergeant Marios Christou.

    "'It doesn't make grammatical sense,' the teenager said.

    "''All the way through there isn't one sentence an English person would write.'


    "During the cross-examination, she [said] that she was being treated for possible infection to HIV following the gang rape and was taking eight tablets a day when she was called in for questioning ten days after the attack on 27 July ...

    "'In the police station and the way Marios [Christou] was approaching me and shouting at me to stop crying, I felt vulnerable.

    "'I felt like I was in danger because he wasn't going by the law, I wasn't allowed a lawyer.

    "'I immediately assumed corruption and conspiracy so I wouldn't put it past him, I wouldn't be surprised if at that moment he would have kidnapped me and killed me.'

    "The girl claimed that she was terrified that the British police in Cyprus might intervene and make things worse if she raised the alarm about how she was being treated in custody.

    "She said: 'I feared that if ... the British police [got] involved I would not be allowed out alive, because I was in fear of my life.'


    "The woman spent FOUR AND A HALF WEEKS IN PRISON before she was granted bail at the end of August, but cannot leave the island ...

    "The 12 YOUNG ISRAELI MEN arrested in connection with the allegations ALL RETURNED HOME after they were released."

  30. Cyprus Rape Case: Israel's Boys Struck at Dawn

    by Gideon Levy

    "Our forces went into action as night fell. There were 12 of them, each the salt of the earth ...

    "Your heart cries out to them. Just let them return home in peace. They're now under arrest, in the hands of Gentiles ...

    "What, after all, did they do? ... Let them have some fun. What's the problem? ...

    "Twelve Jewish kids under arrest in the Diaspora - do you realize what that means? They're children, obviously. If they were Palestinians, they'd be called young men.

    "The rape victim is a young woman, not a child, even though she's the same age as the perpetrators ...

    "The parents who told the media, as a mitigating circumstance, that their boys were about to join [elite army units] were oblivious to the irony: Some of them were about to serve in an army whose main mission is abuse ...

    "If they were suspected of raping an Israeli-Jewish woman, your heart wouldn't reach out to them the same way. But they're suspected of raping A FEMALE GOY, A SHIKSA, A LITTLE WHORE, and that's an entirely different story ...

    "Our children are always just - WE'RE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, always the victims.

    "It's the same solidarity shown with Elor Azaria, the soldier who shot an assailant who was already motionless on the ground, and with soldiers aiming for the head of a 10-year-old in the West Bank village of Qaddum, or with the ones who shot a 15-year-old climbing the separation fence near Bethlehem. The soldiers who shoot are perceived by most Israelis as victims, as are the suspects in the rape in Ayia Napa ...

    "Very little has been said in the Israeli media about the victim ... or about the Palestinian victims of another horrific mass rape, one that's been going on for years, the rape of the occupation ... The ones perpetrating these acts, in both cases, in Ayia Napa and in Qaddum, are our children, the purest and most innocent of all children. Just dare think otherwise."


    A searing opinion piece by a Hareetz writer.

    The article was written back in July, but it's worth re-reading, because recent events have taken an even darker turn, making the article itself even more prescient.

    This week, the British 'shiksa' (to borrow a revolting term) is herself on trial in Cyprus - accused of lying about being raped.

    Meanwhile, the Israeli alleged rapists have never faced a trial of any kind, and one suspects never will.

  31. In response to Halle

    why are Jews celebrating that much?
    singing and dancing like football fans?
    Because of a sucessfull operation?

    [google Translate]
    We are with the survivors of the synagogue. Three hours ago, the police secretly removed them from the synagogue and drove them to the hospital, where they checked and treated for signs of anxiety. Police are now escorting them to homes - after locking prayers and shofar blows in the hospital
    #Israel Lives

    and here with some subtitles

    Turns out the happy lady on the shuttle bus is another Jewish reporter and was on site that day:
    @antonia_yamin Chief Europe Correspondent for @kann - Israeli broadcasting corporation, Berlin, Germany

    [google translation]
    Germany: a terrorist tried to break into the synagogue during Yom Kippur prayers. The identity of the murderers is currently unknown. Germany assumes that this is neo-Nazi terror. Report of sending news here @antonia_yamin near the event scene

    Watch: Survivors of the Halle attack sing and dance

    She later justifies to German TV the dancing and singing with the claim, that the survivors were cut off from all news and did not even know about two fatalities. Hear her voice shake while lying!
