Thursday 14 July 2022


In February 2019, Macron said he would criminalise anti-Zionism.

Macron has just commited suicide?

A majority of the French hate Zionism?

(Israel digs up & destroys a water pipeline serving 12 Palestinian villages that took 4 months to build israel)

But, maybe now the Zionists will direct the Yellow Vests to gradually end their protests?

OR, maybe the attacks on France will continue.


Second from right, Christophe Castaner, France's Interior Minister. On the right, the previous Interior Minister, Gerard Collomb.

Israel prefers Le pen to Macron.

France has denounced "the indiscriminate firing by the Israeli army at demonstrators in Gaza"

France sharply condemns Israel: We oppose indiscriminate firing

Analysis: French bias against Israel unchanged under Macron - World Israel News-8 Dec 2018.

Maybe now the Zionists will direct the Yellow Vests to gradually end their protests?

Hayk Shahinyan, also known as Haik Sevane.

Hayk Shahinyan is one of the yellow vests TV "stars".

"He is on the news channels continuously, interviewed as a founding member of the Yellow Vests movement".

The news site Panamza revealed that the group of yellow vests - led by Hayk Shahinyan - is promoted by the Israeli-owned channel BFM TV.

Panamza revealed that Hayk Shahinyan had begun to secretly list his supporters through a site hosted in Israel.

On Europe 1 (radio station co-founded by the 'racist' Franco-Israeli Jean Frydman), Hayk Shahinyan announced the creation of a "citizen movement".

Gilets jaunes : des soutiens sont fichés depuis Israël - PANAMZA

Hayk Shahinyan has created a  page on Facebook.

Hayk Shahinyan and his fellow young socialists in Dieppe.

"Hayk Shahinyan (aka Haik Sevane) was born in 1989 in the Armenian capital of Yerevan.

"At the age of 3, Hayk moved to Moscow.

"Later, he lived in Ukraine, then in Warsaw, Poland.

"In October 2004, aged 16, he arrived in France.

Haïk Sevane a - Archive - Paris Normandie

"The far right want to see Paris burn."

Paris Yellow Vests protests ...

In France, the Yellow Vests appear to be being backed by sinister forces determined to weaken France.

Yellow Vests outside France appear to have had little or no backing from these sinister forces, and have had fewer supporters.

Yellow Jackets flop in Portugal

Sinister forces?

Freemasons and the Rothschilds are said to have organised the 1789 French Revolution.

"Soros NGOs fund and operate organizations and movements that are seen as [mostly] Left in nature but are, in reality, pro-capitalist ... organizations designed to ... change [cultures], install puppet regimes, and ultimately serve the purpose of the Anglo-American oligarchy," writes ATTAC.

Is Soros funding the "Yellow Vest" Riots In France?

Economist Cover 2017.

The term was registered on May 15, 2017 in the United States (just after the election of Macron and the day after his installation) 

Creation Date: 2017-05-15
Updated Date: 2018-11-24

Henry Makow‏ @HenryMakow

Yellow Vests - Spontaneous Revolt or Color Revolution?

The Yellow Vests

There are hidden forces at work?

"The first stage of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1791, was dominated by the Masons...

"The later stages of the French Revolution were controlled by the Jacobin-Illuminati with their radically destructive plans...

"Napoleon spread monarchy throughout Europe...

"The Emperor Napoleon published a proclamation in which he invited all the Jews of Asia and Africa to come and place themselves under his flag in order to re-establish ancient Jerusalem."


"Significantly less #GiletsJaunes on #ChampsElysees today. Couple hundred, fit on a sidewalk."

Saskya Vandoorne‏Verified account @SaskyaCNN Dec 14

#GiletsJaunes chapter 5. I’ve noticed fewer people than last Saturday at the same hour. 

The world's strongest economies 
2019  (prediction by PwC)
1. US
2. China 
3. Japan
4. Germany 
5. India
6. France
7. UK 
PricewaterhouseCoopers sees France overtaking the UK.

Does the US government see France as a rival which has to be weakened?

Roosh on Twitter: "Theory: yellow vests protest in France is a CIA op ...

7 Dec 2018 - Theory: yellow vests protest in France is a CIA-backed operation channeling genuine citizen anger to bring France and Germany back under the USA...

news_sense on Twitter: "The more you look at “Yellow Vest”, the more you see the CIA...

9 Dec 2018 - The more you look at “Yellow Vest”, the more you see a color revolution (made in Paris, designed in Langley) - CIA ...

The Yellow Vests tend to look like wealthy foreigners?

Will poverty in France be wiped out by the Paris Protests?

dognamedblue‏ @dognamedblue

"Everything remains the same. The poor are poorer and the rich are richer, all this with the consent of their corrupt governments and their corrupt laws..."

"In recent 'colour revolutions' we belatedly discovered that the entire demonstration 'production' was being paid for...

Yellow Vests = Perception Management + Crowd Control Drills + Coded Deceptive "Show of Ziofascist Power" at Greencrow As The Crow Flies

"There are some staged formats and archetypes inserted into the demonstration to subliminally 'message' Jewish propaganda... like the Zombie-like 'illuminati' women of 'Eyes Wide Shut' fame....

"We have been entertained, titillated and socially aroused by yet another staged and controlled public event...and, as always, ALL paid for by the simpleton taxpayers.

"No doubt some clueless sheeple were swept up in it and were genuine demonstrators...but it was conceived, bankrolled and controlled from soup to nutz by the usual suspects."

Yellow Vests = Perception Management + Crowd Control Drills + Coded Deceptive "Show of Ziofascist Power" at Greencrow As The Crow Flies

According to Professor Norman Gash, in 1789 France was the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful state in Western Europe.

Gash points out that in France, in 1789, "the climate of opinion was rational, liberal, and optimistic, the monarchy not averse to reform, the aristocracy itself permeated by ideas of the Enlightenment."

 Reflections on the revolution - French Revolution

As a result of the French Revolution, Napoleon came to power.

Napoleon was a fascist.

He attempted the total military domination of continental Europe.

He tried to have a New World Order, or as Gash writes "a new international order".

Certain things about the Paris protests seem fake.

Above - the scenes on the Champs-Élysées as France celebrated winning the World Cup. - 17 Jul 2018 . SFGate

This image of the Paris protest is illegal under the European Union GDPR regulations. Anyone caught sharing it has committed a crime. 👮🏿‍♂️

The above shows the celebrations after France won the World Cup, and NOT the Paris protests.

Katie Hopkins (2nd from right) in her beloved Israel.

French security researcher Baptiste Robert has analysed more than 250,000 tweets supporting the Yellow Vest protests.

His analysis of these tweets "points to a robust network of foreign misinformation-mongers."

One of these alleged misinformation Tweeters is Katie Hopkins, a Jewish 'far-right provocateur known for her controversial views on Islam'.

The Co-Opting of French Unrest to Spread Disinformation | WIRED

Some of the Yellow vests are opposed to immigration.

However, over many years, large numbers of white French people have emigrated to such countries as Canada, the USA, Argentina, Australia and Morocco. 

Almost 30% of the population of new Caledonia is French in origin.

About 5% of the population of France is from North Africa.

Tony Parker, basketball player

Among the immigrants to France are:

Tony Parker, basketball player
Johnny Hallyday, singer
Emma Watson, actress
Isabelle Adjani, actress
Edgar Degas, artist
Alexandre Dumas, writer
Nicolas Sarkozy, French president
Jean-Paul Belmondo, actor
Napoleon Bonaparte, statesman and military leader
Cardinal Mazarin, cardinal, dipolmat and politician
Yves Montand (Ivo Livi), actor
Edith Piaf, singer
Michel Platini, soccer player
Édith Piaf, singer
Paul Gauguin, artist
Marie Curie, physicit and chemist
Albert Camus, Nobel Prize-winning author
Eric Cantona, actor and footballer
Pablo Picasso, paintor and sculptor
Jean-Luc Godard, film director
Le Corbusier, architect

People Power movements are designed to wreck countries.

The new Tunisia.

As a result of the Arab Spring, Tunisia's unemployment rate has risen, Libya is in chaos and Egypt's economy is in a mess.

Robert Baer

When the CIA is instructed to wreck a country this is reportedly what happens:

1. The CIA recruits generals, politicians, police chiefs and media chiefs from the target country.

2. The CIA carries out acts of false flag terrorism.

3. The CIA organises People Power demonstrations.

4. The CIA topples the government.

Former CIA agent Robert Baer writes:

How we dismember a country 

"We landed on 12 January 1991 in Yugoslavia...

"Our mission was to alarm and spread panic among politicians...

"We were given money, a few million dollars, to fund various NGOs, opposition parties and various politicians who have inflamed hatred...

"The aim of the propaganda was to divide the republics so they would break away from the motherland Yugoslavia."

Macron has fallen out with Israel, the Pentagon, NATO and the leaders of the EU.


The economist Peter Koenig writes:

"NATO is a killing force for the (American) empire, and a huge trillion-dollar profit-making proposition for the US military industrial complex.

"So, when Macron called for a European army, he may have upset some very violent interest groups, those who literally make a killing from killing...

"Could it be that military industrial oligarchs want Macron gone?

"Could it be that the Yellow Vests protests, though starting on genuine premises of ‘enough is enough’, were gradually converted in an orchestrated effort to push public hatred for Macron to a point where he is no long a tenable leader."

The Macron Implosion – Will It Spread to Other EU Members?Global Research

Thank you to Kaivey for the link.

Bannon, Köppel und das Netzwerk der harten Rechten »

The alternative to Macron is Le Pen.

"Le Pen’s fans in Russia and the United States, as well as her sometimes gullible French supporters, should remember that the Front National ancestor, called Action Française, was the ideological force behind the rise of fascism in Germany and Italy in the 1930s.

"Older generations of French people will not forget that her father and former Front National leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, was on the side of the military junta that wanted to topple the French Republic in a coup during the war in Algeria."

Macron and Le Pen: Two Faces of the Same Con - Global Research

Does the mainstream media support Macron?


There has been a media campaign against Macron for some time.

The trolls, supporting Mossad and the CIA, have been campaigning against Macron.


Aangirfan has lived and worked in France.

"France's rail system is splendid ...Medicine is top drawer .... Streets are clean, highways in top shape...

"Pensions are generous and often available to those over 60.

"Education is ‘par excellence.’

"French high school graduates are often better educated than American university graduates."

Paris is Burning, by Eric Margolis - The Unz Review

Les Mureaux, west of Paris, France, 2017.

The head of the Grand Mosque of Paris called on French Muslims to vote for the centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 presidential election in France.

France's Muslims urged to vote for Macron in run-off - The Muslim News

Macron is not loved by Israel.

Analysis: French bias against Israel unchanged under Macron - World Israel News-8 Dec 2018.

Israel likes Le Pen.

'Mossad agent' Roger Auque and his daughter Marion Maréchal Le Pen. Révélations: Le père de Marion Maréchal-Le Pen . / The Israeli agent.

The Paris riots have not helped Macron.

Currently, "Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN), receives 23.5 per cent of support, while beleaguered Emmanuel Macron’s La Republique en Marche (LREM) has only 15 per cent of support."

Marine Le Pen has a massive lead over failing Macron in European ...

Marion Le Pen, Marine's niece, is reported to be the daughter of an agent of Mossad.

Marine Le Pen's lover is Louis Aliot, above, who is Jewish.

The site PANAMZA has stated that "just three hours after the Strasbourg attack, and well before the international press, an Israeli intelligence analyst based in Tel Aviv was the first to jointly disseminate the photo and the age of Cherif Chekatt the alleged perpetrator of the attack."

French geographer Christophe Guilluy refers to the rich parts of France and the poor neglected parts of France.


The Yellow Vests have reminded us about the problem.

The solution is to copy Switzerland.

In the neglected French towns, police stations, factories, shops, schools and post offices have been closed.

Christophe Guilluy refers to the neglected parts of France as being "Peripheral France".

He says that 60% of the population live in "Peripheral France".

"Peripheral France" includes the poor, neglected parts of Paris.


Yellow Jackets. Mark Almond, who has links to the security services, states, "People Power is, it turns out, more about closing things than creating an open society. It shuts factories but, worse still, minds."

Immediately after World War II, the US government believed that France, West Germany and Italy could be forced to follow the policies of the USA.

When there was a risk that some Italians might not vote for the pro-Pentagon parties, the CIA reportedly carried out acts of false flag terrorism in Italy.

Systemic Destabilization as "A Strategy of Tension"

Today, France and Germany disagree with the US government on such matters as:

1. A gas pipeline between Russia and Germany
2. Iran
3. Trade
4. Palestine

The toppling of President Suharto, reportedly by the CIA. In May 1998, gangsters were brought into Jakarta to burn and rape and murder. Soldiers were disguised as students. Helicopters directed the looters. The CIA chief had visited Jakarta shortly before the riots. aangirfan: SUHARTO - BIG DADDY

In May, 2018, Timothy Garton Ash wrote:

"France is back: vigorous, lucid, ambitious.

"Hurray. But who else is there to help get Europe going again? 

"Italy is having a nervous breakdown, Spain weighed down by trouble at home, Poland throwing a massive wobbly, Britain hovering near the exit, and Germany slumped on the sofa. Talk about a dysfunctional family...

"Macron has pushed through a whole raft of domestic reforms...

"France could not only have more growth but, crucially, more jobs...

"The inevitable protests have so far been modest by French standards."

Macron's plan to save Europe is compelling – but he's on his own


Above, we see some looting.


Lieutenant General Steven M. Shepro (left), Deputy Chairman of the NATO Military Committee visited France in May 2018.

The Yellow Vest Movement began in May 2018.

Macron has fallen out with the CIA, NATO and Mossad.

Europe can no longer rely on US for security, says Emmanuel Macron Macron to Netanyahu: Jerusalem embassy move led to people dying /  Israel's Netanyahu, France's Macron disagree over Iran deal - AP News

Cherif Chekatt, the 'patsy'.

On 11 December 2018, at least two people were killed and another 12 injured after 'a terrorist', alleged to be Cherif Chekatt, opened fire at a famous Christmas market in Strasbourg, in France.

ISIS supporters, online, boasted about the attack being 'inspired' by them.

The gunman had been flagged as a possible extremist previously.

The market is connected to an al-Qaida-linked plot in 2000.

ISIS and al Qaida are believed to be run by the CIA and Mossad.


Above, we see the Strasbourg synagogue.

Most French Jews do not want to move to Israel.

Why the expected wave of French immigration to Israel never happened

Netanyahu appears to prefer Hungarian leader Victor Orban, a 'neo-fascist', rather than Macron.

Netanyahu is picking the wrong friends in Europe – POLITICO

In 1967, the CIA put the colonels into power in Greece. The CIA has been accused to carrying out regime change in Yugoslavia and the Ukraine. The CIA has been accused of carrying out acts of terrorism in such countries as Italy, Belgium and France.

Admiral Pierre Lacoste, who headed the French military secret service from 1982 to 1985, said that certain "terrorist actions" directed against de Gaulle had been the work of groups supported by the CIA.

Stay behind (Gladio) : 4 exemples de coups d'éclats du réseau ...

"Over the last 40 years there has been 'a malaise in villages and neighbourhoods'", says Macron.

France yellow vest protests: Macron promises wage rise

The problem has grown over many years.

"Social media, and in particular Facebook, is at the core of the demonstrations in France.

"According to broadcaster BFM TV, three Facebook groups - La France en colère (Angry France), Gilet Jaune and Gilet jaune - had the most interaction on Wednesday, when the fuel tax rise was scrapped.

"Users from across France post memes, images and text expressing their anger and denouncing the government."

France protests: The voices of the 'gilets jaunes' - BBC News


On 10 December 2018, Macron promised a minimum wage rise and tax concessions in response to the violent protests.

France yellow vest protests: Macron promises wage rise

The minimum wage will increase by €100 per month from 2019, he said.

A planned tax increase for low-income pensioners will be cancelled.

Overtime pay will no longer be taxed.

Employers will be encouraged to pay a tax-free end of year bonus to employees, he said.

Riots leading to regime change in Ukraine.

Macron says that the minimum wage will be increased by 7% - and the cost of this increase will be met by the government rather than employers.

The total cost of all the measures is likely to be between €8bn and €10bn.

Macron acknowledged that many people were unhappy with living conditions and felt they "had not been listened to".


Macron said that over the last 40 years there had been "a malaise" in "villages and neighbourhoods where public services have been diminishing, where living conditions had deteriorated".

There were many "people whose status in society had not been sufficiently well recognised. 

"In a cowardly way, we had got used to it and everything seemed to suggest that we had forgotten them.

"We must tackle the question of immigration," he added

France yellow vest protests: Macron promises wage rise

Second from right, Christophe Castaner, France's Interior Minister. On the right, the previous Interior Minister, Gerard Collomb.

France has a big problem with criminal gangs.

"French intelligence (SDECE) has competed with the CIA over the control of the world heroin trade."

SDECE - Wikispooks / Lucien Sarti and Jacques Mesrine

General Pierre de Villiers, friend of Israel and the Pentagon.

The Yellow Vests "ask that General Pierre de Villiers becomes French President."

Macron news: President may be replaced by Army General in right ...

Spooky Steve.

Marine Le Pen, the French far-right leader, has met with former White House strategist Steve Bannon and signaled her interest in his project to help European populist parties - parties which support Israel and Trump.

France's far-right says ready to work with former Trump aide Bannon ...

Club des Cordeliers (@cordeliers) refers to "the Gladio-flavored, proto-fascist Yellow Vest movement."

Yellow Jackets. Rioters work for CIAs Gladio.

In Paris, about 50 vehicles have been burnt.

Dozens of businesses have been vandalised and looted.

Yellow vest protests 'economic catastrophe' for France

Francois Asselin, head of the confederation of small and medium-sized businesses, says that the protests could cost his members €10bn.

France's Foreign Minister has told Donald Trump not to interfere in French politics.

Jean-Yves Le Drian told LCI television: 'I say this to Donald Trump, and the French president says it too: leave our nation be.'

France tells Trump not to interfere with country's politics

Security services tend to be one-sided / cia-mkultra

France, December 2018. 

Macron wants France to be less reliant on the CIA, and less reliant on US technology.

Macron Push to Drop CIA Code Quickens as Trump Calls EU Foe ...

France, December 2018.

There is a belief that the CIA wants to topple Macron.

The CIA has a long history of toppling leaders.


Reportedly, the CIA tried to assassinate President De Gaulle.

Priscillia Ludosky is the woman who started the protests against Macron. Her family is from Martinique, in the Caribbean.

In France, "household disposable incomes rose in 2017 and in 2018."

In France, under Macron, "economic growth has been solid."

Look at me

Fake images linked to France's 'Yellow Vest' protests /Fake images of France's 'Yellow Vest' protests.

There is a belief that the CIA, and its friends, are using fake images as part of their campaign to topple President Macron.

Certain anti-Macron forces claim that the above photo shows a victim of the Macron government.

However, this picture was taken at the protests for the independence referendum in Catalonia in 2017.

Certain anti-Macron forces claim that the above photo shows a victim of the Macron government.

However, this photo was taken in Spain on July 11, 2012.

Fake images linked to France's 'Yellow Vest' protests /Fake images of France's 'Yellow Vest' protests.

The CIA is alleged to have used Tunisian generals to topple Tunisia's President Ben Ali. Left to right: Général de Division Rachid Ammar (Chief of the Army, Tunisia) shaking hands with General Raymond Henault (Chairman of the NATO Military Committee). Reportedly the CIA has many assets within the militaries of many countries.

Reportedly, when the CIA topples presidents it uses snipers to shoot at both police and demonstrators.

In Tunisia, who were the mysterious snipers on rooftops who shot civilians and helped stir up discontent?

On 16 January 2011, Tunisia TV said that four people had been arrested with German passports

"Tunisian police arrested four people carrying German passports over a shooting incident near the headquarters of an opposition party in the capital on Sunday, state television said, quoting a security source."

Moscow, July 2018

In August 2018, President Macron called on the European Union to

1. Stop relying on the United States for defense,

2. And reach out to Russia to develop a "strategic partnership."

France Calls On EU To Not Rely On U.S. Defense, Reach Out To Russia

On August 27, Macron criticized Trump for being an "unreliable" partner and "turning his back" on the "multilaterism" built by Western powers since World War II with such actions as pulling out of  Iran's nuclear deal.

On August 27, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said: "Obviously, it irritates us when President Trump describes Europe as an enemy of the U.S.A in the same breath as Russia and China..."

Hence, Trump wants Macron to be toppled?

Paris protests 2018

France has denounced "the indiscriminate firing by the Israeli army at demonstrators in Gaza"

France sharply condemns Israel: We oppose indiscriminate firing

Trump and Netanyahu hate Macron?

Trump Hates on French President Emmanuel Macron in Twitter Rant

The CIA and MOSSAD have hijacked the protests?

The protests against Macron are understandable.

But, the protests may have been hijacked by Mossad and the CIA?

Daniel Cohn-Bendit. where-were-europes-figureheads-in-the-80s

Daniel Cohn-Bendit led the student protests that helped to shut down large parts of France in 1968.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit was born in southern France, to Erich Cohn-Bendit, a German Jew, and Herta David, a Polish-born Jew.

At one time, Daniel Cohn-Bendit taught in a pre-school.

"In his 1975 book Le Grand Bazaar, he noted how at the pre-school, he had participated in sexual activities with some of the children; several years later, in a magazine article he described the 'beautiful' experience of being 'seduced' by a six-year-old girl."

1945: Danny the Red


According to Israel Shamir (Danny the Blue & White):

"It is possible to see 1968 as the movement used and utilized for advancement of the Jewish cause.

"Indeed, in France it came after de Gaulle declared embargo on weapons to Israel; in the US it was the break point for the hold of the old elites and the beginning of the Rise of Jews.

"To a great extent, we can say the same about Russia in 1917."

ISRAEL SHAMIR MAY BE UNRELIABLE, but some of what he writes is presumably accurate?

'The Arab Spring was run by the CIA, NATO and Mossad.'

The Sisyphus blogger reminded us about Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Red Benny):

These riots nearly brought down the government of General De Gaulle.

In May 1968 the students were heard to chant "Nous sommes tous les juifs allemands" ("We are all German Jews").

'Cohn-Bendit is now co-president of the group European Greens–European Free Alliance in the European Parliament.'

In May 1998, the Indonesian generals (trained by the Pentagon and having close relations with Israel) 'organised the riots which toppled president Suharto (originally put into power by the CIA).

The Sisyphus blogger claims that:

1. Cohn-Bendit is Jewish, and 'an agent of Mossad'.

2. De Gaulle was hated by Israel, and by French Jews.

3. This was because De Gaulle had told the world that it was Israel which had attacked the Arab states in June 1967 and not the Arabs who had attacked Israel .

(De Gaulle had also declared an embargo on weapons to Israel)

5. While De Gaulle was on a state visit to Romania, Mossad, with the help of Cohn-Bendit, orchestrated the Paris riots against the French government.


According to Israel Shamir in 'Danny the Blue & White':

Cohn-Bendit "tells of his meetings with the ‘boys’ – his new friends, the War party in Washington.

Perle and Wolfowitz shared with him their plans for the Middle East, he says.

"They want to give Iraq to a Hashemite ruler and to push Palestinians into Jordan to create a Palestinian state there.

"Then, the Jews will get the whole of Palestine.


"Danny has a better, much better plan: give a state to Palestinians, and bring Israel into NATO and the European Union. Make Russia, China, everybody declare their support for the Jewish state, the best and the only democracy in the Middle East.

"If the Americans go along, he can deliver European support for the American occupation of Iraq, he says...

"He (Cohn-Bendit) promoted the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. He supported NATO’s bombing of Serbia into submission. But the Jewish cause occupies much of his time and effort. He is proud that Germany supplied Israel with the nuclear-capable submarines at the expense of the German taxpayer..."


Trump does not like President Macron of France.

"The CIA is suspected to have been involved in supporting the student riots against Charles DeGaulle to retaliate against his withdrawal from NATO and his Francophile policies." CIA activities in France - Wikipedia

In 1968, in France, there were riots and demonstrations against President de Gaulle, 'an enemy of the USA'.

In 1947, France's Interior Minister Edouard Depreux revealed the existence of a secret CIA army in France codenamed "Plan Bleu".

The aim of this army was to carry out false flag operations, in order to promote the agenda of the CIA.

By 1949, NATO had various secret armies, all part of the CIA's Operation Gladio.

The former director of France's spy service DGSE, admiral Pierre Lacoste, said in a 1992 interview with The Nation, that certain elements from the network were involved in terrorist activities against de Gaulle.

In 1966 President Charles de Gaulle denounces the secret terrorist warfare carried out by the Pentagon and expelled the European headquarters of NATO.

NATO commander General Lyman Lemnitzer then ordered various terrorist attacks on de Gaulle.

In 1992, Admiral Pierre Lacoste, in a 1992 interview with The Nation, reported that certain elements from the CIA's 'Gladio' network were involved in the terrorist activities on de Gaulle.

Operation Gladio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2018 we find rioting in France.

Is this an inside-job by the French security services to discredit the protestors in France?

Is this an American false-flag designed to hurt Macron?

Macron has angered Trump by saying Europe needs its own army and by listing the US along with Russia and China as a threat to European security?

Is this an Israeli false-flag to punish Macron?

Macron recently said: “What will allow solving the crisis between Israel and Palestine?… Not ignoring the legitimate right of Palestinians to obtain durable peace…”

Is this a psyop?


Agudath Israel congratulates President Trump on the nomination of William Barr (right) as U.S. Attorney General

Trump has nominated William Barr to be the USA's next Attorney General.

"According to former Bush-CIA black ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was part of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs and was involved in many high-level political assassinations, including those of the Kennedies, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, and dozens of others. 

"Trump has just nominated a man who represented the Bush CIA drug cartel, both within the CIA itself (1973-1977) and later when he served as “Opium Poppy” Bush’s Attorney General."


the Nice Attack: Anatomy of a Farce.

30 Nov 2018 - Scottish Mafia Groups Using Kids for 'Reconnaissance' Missions ... ...


  1. As it usually happens, these protest were hijacked, infiltrated. Who did it and why, theres no need to ask.

    1. True !

      As always, when there smth genuine, and big, they cannot destroy it se they ("elites) infiltrate it...

  2. Lots to evaluate in this major situation in France

    Generals are involved

    Retired French General Christian Piquemal (born 1940) - who has been arrested and deprived of military benefits for anti-Islamic protesting - is supporting the yellow vests

    General Pierre de Villiers (born 1956) - himself an object of Macron's wrath, who resigned his position as military head - is said to be a possible replacement if Macron leaves office ... an echo of General De Gaulle

    French police have removed their helmets to show solidarity with the yellow vests

    French military are passing around photos and videos of the yellow vests guarding the unknown soldier tomb memorial

    Once the security services go with the people - 80% of whom are polled as supporting the yellow vests - it is possible there will be 'regime change' from this 'colour revolution'

    The yellow vest protestors have been at the core, mostly white French people ... it is commonly said that the 'fuel prices' objection, tho genuine, is also cover for anti-multi-cultural, anti-Islamic, and anti-African sentiment ... "can't go to prison for 'hate speech' if your crusade starts over 'high fuel prices'"

    There are significant anti-Jewish statements & dimensions, e.g., a poster against 'le racket Judéo-Macroniste' picturing Macron as a Rothschild puppet on strings

    Here are French interrupting a live BBC broadcast to call Macron a whore etc, the voice at end saying "Macron pute à juifs" (Macron whores to Jews)" - 30 seconds:

    1. "Is this an inside-job by the French security services to discredit the protestors in France?"

      of course, but presenting macron as 'good' person is very naive : this a den of snakes, they cesspit, so the secret secu like DSGE, and socs play these puppets against each other...

      As always.

      Looks like army is divided for being pro and anti macron.

      If there can be any good coming out of it, let it happen !

      "he yellow vest protestors have been at the core, mostly white French people ... it is commonly said that the 'fuel prices' objection, tho genuine, is also cover for anti-multi-cultural, anti-Islamic, and anti-African sentiment"

      I like the way you thinhk, Brabantian but :
      although around 30% french supporting FN, this is STILL not open conflict white vs "new french" :
      and somebody will play this cart of possible civil war. This is like labyrinth, back doors, traps etc.



  3. More as to why white French refrain from framing or expressing anti-migrant sentiment

    "Media reporting that is not sufficiently pro-migration cannot be tolerated"
    - Andrew Gilmour, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights

    "Dutch politician and European Parliament member Marcel de Graaff has issued a dire warning about the United Nations’ frightening vision to criminalise opposition to mass migration ... an extension of 'hate speech' ... Criticism of migration will be a criminal offense ... Media outlets that give room for criticism of migration, can be shut down.

    "In Marrakech, Morocco on Dec. 11 and 12 the U.N. Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is to be signed ... it is meant to establish the groundwork for an Orwellian campaign to cement mass migration as a human right legally above any and all criticism."

    1. ...look at Guterres the UN Master Guru a former traitor to the portuguese people, an ignorant, a servant of the Elite, and having a luxurious flat in Swiss Cottage - London, among other things...


  5. The Strategy of Tension

    The Tavistock institute or the science of mass manipulation through crisis creation

    Macron (crypto-jew?)is fishy, said he will reign as a Jupiter king and make vaccines mandatory. Hestood right under the Louvre pyramid after being elected.

    1. Absolutely! Just look at his numbers!
      EMMANUEL(33) macron(22)

      See Jewish "Lucky 13" here:

      "Macron (crypto-jew?)is fishy, said he will reign as a Jupiter king and make vaccines mandatory. Hestood right under the Louvre pyramid after being elected. "

  6. Hullo Aang,

    I only just realised you're back. Very good. It just wasn't the same with my first go-to website missing. Anyway, lovely, lovely.

    best etc.

  7. Your point of the EU being used to isolate America from our traditional allies was predicted in the Boston Bombing Qabala rituals
    short after that false flag op.

    It was vlogged here with evidence of your and Sweden's, planned take down.

    Followed up with corroborative evidence here:

    Glad to see your back, regardless of that vewy, vewy waskowi false flag!



  9. Yes, Aanir, glad to sse you back !
    Just wondered what happened...

    But PLS do backups of Yours Site !

    About France : this is psyop, false flag, political porn, smoke and mirrors (" poudre pour les yeux" ) you name it...

    thanks for comeing back ! :-)



  10. "In France, "household disposable incomes rose in 2017 and in 2018 In France, under Macron, "economic growth has been solid."

    NO ! This is v e r y naive, and not truth.The opoposite for most of the society. French were played with Macron, he was losing popularity quite fast. French govt tries to buy time now.

    BTW : New expression gains popularity : Democrature...
    ( Yes, democracy mixed with dictature, haha )

    Pls avoid taking sides. Try another way of understanding why this happens in France.

    Rest of article makes sense. Greetings,



  13. cretins, of course

  14. European news is carrying stories agreeing there is foreign incitement of French riots

    But media sez that France and the UK agree it is the Russians wot did it not CIA US & Nato ... fake news about the fake news?

    True as anon notes above, the 'household income rising' statistics are quite misleading

    They mean 'total households' including the über-wealthy ... so most people can be getting poorer but household income is rising because the 1/10th of 1% has boatloads more money

    Leon Trotsky said long ago, 'impoverishment of the petite bourgeoisie' is part of the core plan

    The real earthquake that is underway now in France, somewhat unspoken out loud, is people beginning to think that the reason the middle class is poorer, and taxes etc are too high, is because of all the money going to migrants and non-native-French ethnics who don't work

    It is partly unspoken not only because of fear of getting caught in the 'racist hate crime' dragnet ... but because almost any 'solution' is very difficult to frame without great trepidation

    And people further are beginning to opine, that elites along with a certain ethnic group of you-know-who, are the ones who fostered sending in the migrants to now-10-per-cent-plus Muslim France

    There is a gnawing feeling there is no 'fix' ... things will just get slowly, and sometimes more rapidly, worse



  17. Colombian police arrest 6 Israelis over running child sex network

  18. France's former interior minister, Gérard Collomb, mentioned above, is famous for his interview saying that multi-culturalism has not worked, there is increasing violence in relations with France's 10% of population that is now Muslim

    And that perhaps within 5 or 6 years, the situation will be irreversible and head toward civil war and the possible partition of France with secession of Muslim areas. Collomb said:

    « Relationships between people are very hard, people don’t want to live together ... Communities in France are fighting each other more and more and it’s becoming very violent ... Yes, we have five, six years to avoid the worst. »

    Article with interview of Collomb by Abdelhamid Kaddour:


    Steve Bannon, seeks to unite Europe's right-wing and nationalist parties, in 'The Movement' under Israel-linked Jewish leadership.

    'The Movement', headquartered in Brussels, was actually founded in 2017 and remains headed by, a prominent Belgian Zionist Jewish politician and lawyer, Mischaël Modrikamen, a central figure in Belgium's Jewish community and in Belgian ties to Israel


    The Jewish connections of major politicians keep on expanding. In the USA there is great excitement over the youngest USA Congresswoman, 29-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, flamboyant and pretty socialist follower of Jewish Bernie Sanders

    Ocasio-Cortez just publicly announced she too has Jewish roots, she is descended from Sephardic Jews in Spain, like Cuba's Fidel Castro

  19. Ehhhhh Hello. Is that you? The Real You?

    Nice to have you back.

    Peace to the humans!

  20. Clearly France has social issues from migrant ghettos to marginalised working classes. The shadow of the guillotine mentality and a militancy that other parts of Europe appear not to possess. It is easy enough to mobilise numbers and populism rules supreme.

    However, the usual agente provocateur and shadowy security services are providing the Hegelian dialect.

    France is clearly ripe for false flags (Nice, Bataclan etc) and with it the imposition of the state of emergency when the glove fits.

    Whilst the majority of those on the streets have a genuine grievance, the violence and trouble is clearly organised by the 'usual nefarious sources'.

    Vive La France and peace to the humans.

    1. Good comment, and today we have Strasbourg to distract divide etc.
      The good people protest, and the spooks in disguise vandalize the historical sites of Paris. Our scummy media lie about it and the beat goes on. But these protests may be a game changer??


    2. In Canada the police 'vandals' were caught wearing the same boots as those 'arresting them'.

      The good news is these suckers are NOT the sharpest knives in the block and we can outsmart them if we put our heads together as we are!

      There will be peace, les mon amis!

  21. The Jewish community of France is speaking loudly against the yellow vest movement

    The Grand Rabbi of France has asked French Jews to pray for the French Republic 'with a special intensity' against the yellow vests

    Ben Judah tweets, « Uncomfortable fact for excited leftists — the Gilets Jaunes online world is riddled with antisemitic memes and statements. 'Macron is the President of the Jews,' is a pretty major theme there »

    Leading French political Jew Bernard-Henri Lévy, major promoter of the war that destroyed Libya, killing tens of thousands including Qaddafi, has called for support for the 'forces of order' against yellow vests whom he sees as far-right-radicalised

    The Union of Jewish Students of France have declared their hostility to the gilets jaunes

    The Jewish Chronicle writes -
    « France's gilets jaunes protests scrutinised as antisemites take part in demonstrations ... An image of a notorious antisemitic essayist, wearing the characteristic hi-vis jacket, was featured on the cover of Paris Match magazine »

    The above refers is one of the leading French citizens convicted of 'anti-semitic crimes', Hervé Ryssen, who has been wearing a yellow vest and is seen on video and in photos amidst the demonstrators

    1. While 'semites' commit crimes that are unmentionable, they're protected by this 'antisemite' laws of Stalins day.

      Same old crime network with the same 'best defense' is a good offense garbage!

      Btw, these 'people of the Bible' are HABIRU criminals and this is well proven here:




  25. meanwhile in Brazil....


  27. Brexit: Son of Czech Jew, Dominic Raab, frontrunner to be PM if May ousted

  28. Good catch; just saw his nose profile today!

    Big mistake that!



  31. Why have the neo-con Jewish interests declared large-scale war upon China?

    Has Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson become stupid or crazy?

    Two articles on this appearing in the last few hours

    On Henry Makow:
    Neo-Con Jews Behind Chinese Tech Exec Arrest

    and then by Ron Unz:
    Averting World Conflict: China Should Retaliate by Targeting Sheldon Adelson's Casinos

    The arbitrary, unjust arrest in Canada of one of China's leading and most admired citizens, Ms Meng Wanzhou, daughter of Huawei's founder, for 'Iran sanctions violations', is clearly at the behest of the USA neo-con-Jewish-Israeli-war-monger community, led by Netanyahu friend, gambling mogul Sheldon Adelson, one of the richest Jews in the world

    There have been at least 25 corporate cases of Iran sanctions violations, with ZERO requests for arrests or prosecutions, only monetary fines ... including by banking companies such as JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, PayPal, and Wells Fargo ... all major USA political donors

    Yet it is this one Chinese lady who the USA demands to have arrested in Canada, with the Adelson-backed threat to jail her for life 'multiple 30-year prison sentences', for doing business with Iran

    A billion Chinese are furious with anger at this political, arbitrary, racist anti-Chinese cruelty

    Sheldon Adelson has been allowed by the Chinese to earn billions from gambling casinos in Macau China

    China has already begun arresting Canadian individuals in China, starting with a Canadian ex-diplomat working for an NGO, indeed very likely violating China's NGO laws

    Sheldon Adelson has a reputation for bribery etc involving his casinos ... Sheldon Adelson likely has the power to have his US friends drop the charges against Ms Meng with a phone call ... are Chinese officials already 'inspecting' Adelson's casinos for violations?

    The Claude Rains character in the 1942 film Casablanca, closing down Humphrey Bogart's Café ... "I'm shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is going on in here!"

    1. The Chinese people hurting Canada are dupes in the service of the Chinese government.
      Billions of dollars of Canadian property and businesses have been purchased by Chinese people in a shell game...they are later charged with crimes in China and the Chinese government then confiscates the properties (in Canada).
      It is completely illegal for foreign governments to own property in another nation.......but NWO puppet Trudeau lets all of this go unchallenged.
      Under fascist pig Harper the Chinese bought a huge oil company in Alberta and part of the deal was to forbid Canadians from working there because only the Chinese people can do those jobs.....that is a fact even though is seems unbelievable.
      Chinese criminals have invaded BC casinos and the housing market with billions in dirty money and play a huge role in making Vancouver unaffordable for average working Canadians.
      Eastern Ontario has seen its large dairy industry taken over by China who sell that good milk to rich Chinese back in China.

      This theater is also about distracting from the Trudeau sell out of Canada to China and others.
      Racism towards individual Chinese people is wrong, but to suggest that their NWO controlled government isn't working hand in glove with the Canadian (and most other) government is naive.

    2. That's indeed an important issue to consider ... China as a fellow NWO government, in quiet cahoots with the West despite 'opposition' ... this may be 'everybody', including Russia, Iran, North Korea etc

      There is a level of 'game' opposition, like high school football clubs ... but a higher level of collusion

      With the world economy about to go into a tailspin from 250 trillion in debt that cannot be paid, it makes sense to set up various international conflict scenarios

      China stirs up patriotic fervor as the Chinese economy hits the wall

      It is a long-standing anti-NWO theme, that the way the NWO will be introduced, is by having the USA be the very 'bad guy', doing obviously lawless immoral things, such as asking Canada to kidnap this Chinese executive

      So perhaps the Chinese won't be going after Sheldon Adelson's Macau casinos ... because the Jewish neo-cons are in on the whole staged drama?

      China has quite a number of Chabad centres too ... Is there a 'President Xi's rabbi' in China who knows 'Putin's rabbi' and also has a hotline to Jared Kushner?

      'The Secret Role of Jews in China'

      Speaking of Trump's Kushner family, Joshua Kushner the brother of Jared Kushner, has a company called Thrive Capital, which is the major funder / investor of Patreon, the big internet fund-raising sponsor for bloggers and writers who 'meet their standards' ... and also of internet commerce payment processor Stripe

      So the Kushners are key figures in internet control / censorship


  33. of course it was one:

  34. De Gaulles arms embargo to does one then explain the use of Mirage jets by the Jews in Israel....some modified and called the Kifr...that is the Israeli version of the jets.....perhaps rather like Israel's modification of the Dolphin submarines kindly given free of charge to Israel....via German crypto Jews in Germany....keep in mind the ownership of Adidas,Puma,Lidl..."surprisingly" all owned by Jews who mysteriously survived the Nazis in WW2.Nazis like Rosenberg the powerful Eastern Front Nazi....or perhaps the Aryan superman...the dwarf like Goebbels with the club foot whose wife Magda was best mates with a leading Zionist jew.

  35. Great delivery. Great arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.



    1. I stand corrected re no-one covering this:


  39. Hello, I read your new stuff daily. Your story-telling style is witty,
    keep up the good work!

  40. Aanirfan and honorable readers WAKE UP! Wake up to the true social problems that are invading Europe. Wake up to the serious social situation that are experienced in France today. Life is not only false flags or psy ops. Thank You.

    Italian MEP Begs Europe to WAKE UP to Islamic threat

    1. Thank you so much for the invitation to 'WAKE UP' to the Islamic threat posed (as you have so eloquently put it).

      For the sake of balance, I have attached a private What's App message that I received today.

      As a God fearing, practising Muslim I am going to allow all the Aangirfan readers a special insight into the 'goings on' at my local mosque.

      The message attached is live and anyone wishing to attend - feel free.

      ....."It's almost that time of year again and Amin Buxton will be sharing some reflections on the life of Prophet Isa alayhi salam. Jesus is very much a loved Messenger of God in Islam.

      We will also be reflecting on how to survive Christmas as a Muslim - how can you have the best of approaches to your non-Muslim relatives, friends and workmates

      Thursday, 20th December, with Shaykh Amin and Imam Abduladim.

      Downstairs in the Exhibition Hall at Edinburgh Central Mosque - starting at 6:30 pm (we will have a short break for Isha prayers at 7pm).

      All are very welcome to come along - our sessions are for anyone wishing to learn about Islam."

      A real message of goodwill and blessings and to reflect on Jesus (since it is Xmas time).

      You cannot be a Muslim without believing in Jesus. The Muslims would like to extend seasonal greetings to our Christian brothers and all good men and women.

      As for 'waking up' - I'm awake to the very real dangers that we ALL face. Aangirfan has been writing about all our shared threats for years.

      As for Xmas. Go easy on the alcohol and try (even just a bit) to reflect and enjoy the festive period. Where possible don't fall out with your family members and help your mum in the kitchen.

      As for me, (the Muslim). I am spending 6 days in a cave where the very earliest Christians lived and fled after being persecuted and targeted by nefarious forces.

      An opportunity and blessing.

      Peace to the humans!!!


    3. Are you for real?

  41. That's interesting, Aang, because Peter Koenig was saying the same thing about Agent Provocateurs starting the revolution because the neoliberals aren't happy with Macron. Macron was even talking about having a European army independent of NATO which may even buy the superior Russian weapons. I thought it was a bit too far fetched, but you seemed to have confirmed it.

    The Macron Implosion – Will It Spread to Other EU Members? By Peter Koenig

  42. and it spreads.... now in the UK

  43. Australian government to recognise West Jerusalem as Israel's capital


    "In October, Australia's spy agency Asio warned any embassy move may 'provoke protest, unrest and possibly some violence in Gaza and the West Bank'.


    "In May, when the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem, it sparked massive protests in Gaza which resulted in the deaths of 58 Palestinians. Ever since Donald Trump's declaration in December last year, Israel has been pushing hard to persuade other countries to follow.


    "An evangelical Christian, [Australian prime minister Scott Morrison] immediately faced questions about whether his religious views had played a part in his decision to float the proposal."

    1. Morrison is not an "evangelical Christian"....he is A crypto jew like his predecessor Turnbull.In Turnbulls case he was more forthcoming on his Jewish connections.(Turnbull is worth several hundred million) He lives in a mansion style house and the area is known for its high concentration of Jews.(most billionaires in Australia are Jews.)
      The name Morrison is USUALLY Jewish...Marion Morrison was a crypto jew (John Wayne).Elana Morrisette (a variation) is a jew....and the big supermarket chain in Britain "Morrisons" is owned by Jews.
      So Morrison in Australia is playing the evangelical strategy...appealing to these new age Christians and their pathetic beliefs about modern day Israel....this strategy has worked a treat in the USA.The Jews have even kindly provided some of their the crypto jew Benny Hinn...a loathsome little chap.

    2. U do have a fixation, my dear! Everyones a Jew, problem solved, happy now? Can u pls show me proof John Wayne was a crypto? And Alanis Morrisette never made a secret of the fact her mother is Jewish. If one has Jewish connections, it doesnt mean that person is necessarily Jewish. Simple logic. Besides, nowhere on the net Ive found any proof of Turnbull being a crypto. Nowhere.

  44. Don't laugh everyone, but I guess I'm an innocent person, but I consider it to be a strength, which I don't intend to water it down because the world is a very mean place.

    Years ago I loved Star Trek, the series with William Shatner in, and the crew were very gentle. They first put their phasors on stun when in danger so as to not harm anything. Mankind had finally become civilised and cultured, and I thought we were moving in that direction too. I thought people were more caring and considerate now, and that people had become more gentler, and there is some evidence that this is the case, in the general population at least, but the elite are as viscous as ever. They are evil!

    Donald Trump said the world is a very, very viscous place, as if to say you just have to accept it. You have to play the game. Money sometimes trumps peace, said G.W Bush. The elite want their money, and it doesn't matter how many people die for it.

    I write on a Wall Street economics blog and when you read about such evil everyday, and we read about it here at Aangirfan too, it can get to you, it does to me, anyway. The mirage that the world is basically good gets removed. There is no safe place.

  45. I thought this was very relevant to the present moment.

    The peasants are revolting! Long the the yellow vests!

    Monty Python - Repressed Citizen

  46. French generals are making their feelings known

    Re how these protests are significantly shaped by how non-native populations are being given a great deal of the economic resources, leaving less for the native French

    On a site supporting the yellow vests, there is published a letter signed by 11 French generals, an admiral and a former minister of defence, against the UN 'pact on migration' that was signed at the beginning of the week, enshrining migration as a 'human right' and demanding the suppression of anti-migrant media

    The generals cite how 80% of French people - most all the indigenous people - wish to stop migration ... and they speak of the 'impossibility of integration' of the 'extra-European' populations

    Général Antoine MARTINEZ

    Charles MILLON – Ancien Ministre de la Défense

    Général Marc BERTUCCHI

    Général Philippe CHATENOUD

    Général André COUSTOU

    Général Roland DUBOIS

    Général Daniel GROSMAIRE

    Général Christian HOUDET

    Général Michel ISSAVERDENS

    Amiral Patrick MARTIN

    Général Christian PIQUEMAL

    Général Daniel SCHAEFFER

    Général Didier TAUZIN

  47. Stunning protest by women in Paris

    Facing the police, dressed as the French goddess of liberty Marianne ... bare-breasted and with a red top cape partly covering the hair

    They stood wordless for half an hour staring down the police

    Very artistic, moving and beautiful

    Photos and video here

  48. Nothing artistic, moving or beautiful. Attention whoring/distraction. The protests were hijacked big time, awfully.

  49. Demands of France's yellow vests as uploaded by France Bleu, November 29


  51. War has always been profitable. The criminal justice system, too.

    Now 'protest policing' can also be good business.

    Vive la protests!

    10 companies profiting the most from war:


    Private prisons are now a multi £billion industry:

  52. "Economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. this week increased their estimate that Brexit wouldn't happen at all to 40%"

    "Blair joins JP Morgan as $1m-a-year adviser"

  53. Saved as a favorite, I like your blog!

  54. Brussels anti-migrant riots, also damaging EU buildings

    In Brussels this weekend Saturday, were yellow vests - gilets jaunes

    Sunday were demonstrations on migrants ... the anti-migrant groups out-numbering pro-migrant groups 5 to 1

    Crowds chanted against 'leftists' before the rioting began

    This is notable, how 'leftist' now is perceived as meaning 'anti-working-people'

    'Leftists' are seen as totalitarians seeking social destruction and impoverishment of local workers, and imposing censorship, whilst claiming to be 'more virtuous', but actually thrilling to domination

    'Leftists' are seen as fostering flows of rough migrants, who grab social funds and deprive local workers of economic resources, and who increase crime and create tension and social de-stabilisation

    'Leftists' are seen as fostering gay, trans-sexual, LGBT not just 'rights' but their social dominance, demeaning and destroying traditional families and good environments for children, oppressing the average person, now insulted if preferring traditional roles

    One right wing slogan was 'Linkse ratten, rol uw matten' - 'Leftist rats, roll up your mats', i.e., pack up & get out

    Hooligans tagged on to the right wing ... Lots of photos here, including masked people breaking EU glass and trying to kick in the EU doorways


  56. "- Is quickly dead so he cannot tell any tales"

    True...this is the pattern.

    "Extremist Muslim leaders in the community - working for the security services? - then browbeat and terrorise the released Muslim as a traitor to Islam who is facing eternal hell, and who may be shortly killed by his fellow Muslims ... but tell him he can redeem himself, and become a martyr in paradise, by committing a planned terrorist attack

    So the choice is death with hell, or death with heaven"

    Thanks for sharing this ! Very likely, Brabantian.



    'The survey tried to demonstrate whether one can qualitatively compare the anti-Arab sentiments of Israeli Jews to the antisemitic sentiments of non-Jews in Europe.'



  60. I notice that the "people power" method of overthrow has just started being used against Orban in Hungary.

  61. « It tends to be assumed that the NWO New World Order model is one world government under the United Nations or similar -

    But the 'nationalists' have an alternative NWO model to offer against this 'globalist' model, based on 1930s Europe, multiple co-ordinating fascist-tending governments, which the nationalists can argue is much better suited to human tribal psychology

    If one abstracts from Hitler occupying Prague in March 1939 and starting the war, one sees a Europe functioning rather effectively with a large group of openly-fascist or rough-nationalist governments, not just the famous Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, Franco in Spain, but also Pilsudski and then Rydz-Śmigły in Poland, Horthy in Hungary etc ... Europe might have continued in this way for quite a long time if the manipulated war hadn't intervened

    It is possible that after the experience of the last few years, with the 'globalist' and 'EU' models crashing and burning in terms of popular support ... the nationalist model will be more promoted ... an NWO arriving via local 'populist victories', under leaders all friendly with each other and with the Netanyahu camp in Israel »

    Above from article on Henry Makow's site

  62. The Boy on the Meat Rack

  63. Belgium's prime minister has offered his resignation to the King, his government in crisis over migration & the Marrakech migrant agreement signing ... even tho general elections were already scheduled for May

    Anti-migrant sentiment escalates more quickly and sharply on the Continent than in Britain ... this seems related to countries who experienced invading armies on their streets during World War 2

    Continentals feel more vulnerable, with the sense that 'Our fathers & grandfathers needed to expel invaders' ... People wonder if they are now experiencing what Pentagon advisor Kelly Greenhill described in the book 'Weapons of Mass Migration', on manipulated migrations to de-stabilise societies

    Last 100 years of European history, was not only wars, but multiple ethnic cleansing episodes, including some still continuing at low-level in the Balkans

    Ethnic cleansing is a painful and mostly-avoided thought in Europe ... tho not quite un-thinkable ... The 'melting pot' is boiling over now, and private talk gets harsh, tho 'smart' Europeans stay off the internet with their harsher opinions

    People who said in 2015, 'We should help the migrants', now sometimes say in quiet tones, 'The migrants are a problem'

    People who said in 2015, 'The migrants are a problem', now sometimes say in quiet tones, 'We need to do something about migrants, and see if we can send many of them back'

  64. Ukraine totally enslaved


  66. Aang, love the yellow vest Napoleon!

  67. Taiwan's 'yellow vests' protest against unfair taxation

  68. loool, the scale of our deceit:

  69. Speaking of false flags. How about a slightly more benign but no less effective operation - Gatwick Airport.

    A genuinely international affair covered by world press and the ability to disrupt major travel plans at a very sensitive time of year.

    At approximately 21.00 hours on 19 December two drones were spotted perilously close to Gatwick airport runway (so we are told). Keeping the airport shut until 10.00 hours on 20 December accordingly.

    It is not feasible for 1 person to operate 2 drones - therefore we must believe that 2 people are reckless enough to do such a stupid act (despite there being clear guidelines on drones at airports).

    We must also believe that 2 people are brave/stupid/reckless to stand there all night flying there toys without any such fear of being caught and in more shit than would be possible.

    Equally most drones have software that doesn't allow usage near airports (although it can be over-ridden).

    A decent drone with a long range capacity will cost around £1000. Only one problem though - battery life in most drones are around 20-30 minutes.

    Therefore, to buzz the airport with impunity is going to take a few extra lithium cells (approximately 20).

    Starting to look like a crock-of-shit. It would appear that the Ant-Hill Mob (The Met or whomever) didn't think to launch their helicopter with its thermal imaging equipment to find the culprits. I would have thought that 2 clowns at the side of the airport would be identified in about 3 minutes.

    Again, with that in mind and the ability to watch the 20-30 minute drone fly back to its handlers, the dog teams and the well resourced teams on the ground could apprehend the droners in no time.

    So, back at the local plod office. Once you have been held under anti-terror legislation. You will have the book bounced of your head with literally dozens of charges from interfering with flights etc etc.

    Yeah because that seems real. Two clowns, buzzing an airport in the dead of night, freezing cold, changing their batteries every 20-30 minutes went undetected all night and closed a major UK airport.

    Too many inexplicable events. Not believable and bizarre.

    Just a thought!!!

    Peace to the humans and Merry Xmas when it comes.

    1. Indeed.

      The strategy of tension includes travel. Keep the traveling people stressed and make it so bad that less and less people travel each year.


  71. Trump is 'pulling out of Syria' ... sounds good in one way ... but it seems a prelude to massacres of Kurds

    Trump talked to Turkey's Erdogan and made a 'deal'

    Upcoming is likely killing of Syrian Kurds by Turkish forces, supported by Iran, as Iran also wants to terrify separatist Kurds

    So many people want to destroy the Kurds ... but don't they have a right to their own homeland?

    There are tens of millions of Kurds sharing the same language and culture, living contiguously in a territory carved up by 4 countries - Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria

    Just like Poland was long carved up by Germany, Austria & Russia

    Kurds were supposed to get their own country at Versailles 100 years ago but they were betrayed, like the Palestinians and others were betrayed

    Yes, there is Kurdish corruption, drug-trading, alliances with the USA and Israel ... but they are desperate ... and they have a right to sort their own affairs, whether mafia or not

    Israelis support Kurds to weaken Turkey and Iran ... but maybe this is one case where the Israel and US were doing the right thing, for the wrong motives?

  72. Brexit, Public Opinion Polling Companies, and the Manufacturing of Public Opinion

    Here's some classic Tavistock-inspired psychological manipulation!

    Lest anyone imagine for a second that polling companies in the West exist to "measure opinion", when in reality they exist to influence and change it...

    Here's Peter Kellner of YouGov making a subjective *political argument* for effectively cancelling Brexit, based on HIS OWN subjective, political interpretation of supposed responses to questions that HIS OWN COMPANY chose, wrote, and administered, using its own employees and questioning techniques (body language, verbal emphasis and tone, etc).

    The survey respondents would have been selected according to ***YouGov's*** selection criteria, to supposedly be representative of the wider population (we will have to take Kellner's word for that, as for every other aspect of the process).

    Peter Kellner of YouGov crashing the political debate with this blatantly political piece of editorialising should disabuse anyone of the notion that his polling company - or indeed any of the others - are unbiased and above politics:


    "Yes Guv, No Guv, Anything You Say Guv."


    The polls are clear: support for staying in the EU has rocketed

    The latest YouGov survey shows that, across the board, faith in Brexit is falling by the day. A people's vote is now imperative

    By Peter Kellner

    1. Aangirfan August 27, 2009:

      Stephan Kukowski (also known as Stephan Shakespeare) is the founder, Chief Innovations Officer and a major shareholder of YouGov.

      Does he sound like the sort of person who might have connections to the security services?

      Stephan Kukowski is on the board of Conservative Friends of Israel

      Stephan's father was German Press Liaison Officer at the British Army of the Rhine HQ.

      In the UK, Stephan joined (or infiltrated?) the Socialist Workers Student Society.

      He became a headmaster in Los Angeles, California in the 1980s.

      Back in the UK, he became Jeffrey Archer’s spokesman during and after his failed London mayoral campaign.

      He became a Conservative Party pollster and then the Conservative candidate for Colchester.

  73. I had to be last week in Les Pays Bas for affaires pecuniaires. So had to leave Spain, the only country as far as I know (?) in Europe whose govt. is openly anti Tel Aviv.

    I notice that personally. In a country like Holland (Germany etc.): it is very easy to get caught by the zionide oppressive forces (at least in my case) and be done away with in one way or another.

    France was all black, passed through the night. Not a single gilet jaune.


    De vallende scheermesjes, the falling Gillettes aka guillotines (in the metaphoric modus):

    Lilian Thuram number 15, one of the leading players in the 1998 French World Champion team.

    Lilian Thuram (here as writer) in vid (at 00.34)

    In the same vid at 6.44:

    Secret Jesuit Book by Abbe Proyart published in Paris, 1776 (!) : on the Loango, Kagoyo & N´Goyo

    In Dutch there is a saying (football) soccer is war. An old line of mine is: Voetbal is godsdienst. Soccer is religion.

    Don´t like the word soccer, too close to sucker. I take ´soccer´ very seriously.

    Thuram is not happy that what is called ´racism´ is still going strong in the European stadiums.

    Perhaps he should point to the fact that JC – not a very unknown player in the West- who is said to have been born the 25th december was a very melanated man:

    Check out the sam hita & gj comments at:

    Happy X-mas & New Year Lilian & everyone else.

    (LT should only become more jew wise, btw that Sarkozy had asked him to become Secretary of Diversity in his cabinet, which T. refused but certainly not on jew-wise grounds)

    CIA O

    1. "Spain, the only country as far as I know (?) in Europe whose govt. is openly anti Tel Aviv."

      You really believe in your 'claims' ? Spain is jewish controlled as well, and well, nev govt which must oppose the Italian, read : somehow open the euro borders for refugees, if not kitchen door, the other ones...of course, this is all also wetern europeans karma.
      Always good to see it in higher perspective. And have more hope, and optimism, against all odds...


  74. Happy Winter Solstice to all the good people reading here

    The Solstice the major holiday of the season for some of us following the very ancient spiritual ways

    And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


    Also today the 50th anniversary of the start of the alleged USA 9 'trips to the moon' of 1968-72, which many of us consider the most brazen hoax ever conducted

    The first 'trip to the moon' of December 1968 being the 'Christmas fly-around', prelude to the 6 later alleged 'moon landings', with no one ever 'going back' after 1972

    Stanley Kubrick apparently admitted on his deathbed in 1999, that he himself directed the hoax 'moon landing films' at the CIA movie studios at Laurel Canyon California, and that they were all a fraud

    The 'moon hoax' is important in part, for its evidence that major world governments are in collusion with the USA

    Maybe now with all the better computer-generated video now possible, we will have new 'trips to the moon' hoaxes upcoming

    1. Thanks Brabantian, interesting comment...

      Best Noël a Vous ;-)

    2. There is a 1-2 hour video he confesses in detail. Woody Allen and Spielberg knew. Even a blooper real. It’s on You Tube. It was released some time after his death.

  75. Theres more to that than meets the eye and I wouldnt rule out the possibility of a hoax whose aim we all know:

  76. Dear Aanir, you still follow this naive, or semi-truth conception that "Macron fell out with Trump" :
    this is theater, halooo ? Something more sinister there.
    Or sinister, orchstrated mix with genuine, as usual...

    "Revolution" is genuine, and of course was infiltrated. Media put more oil to the 'fire' , almost every day...

    What can come tomorrow, 22 Dec is more worrying : saturday, full Moon,and the date...hopefully weather will stop it, or common sense ?
    If not, parisian streets can be in flames again, riots, clashes, demolition etc : still hoping to be wrong, and having hope that this 'set up' another Gillets Jaunes manifestation will be calm...if not, a 'sacrifice' ?
    Or terrorist attack, staged, in France during manifestion, or surrounding countries ?
    Worst scenario, yes, for the France which i like so much...
    Even if the worst will be avoided, la douce France is now in phase which will be chaotic and messy.

    Anyway : Greetings, peace, Ommm, have a calm weekend, people.

    And still some hope for world is out there. A plus tard ;-)

  77. According to the late psychiatrist Dr Joan Coleman, the following were among the locations in Southern England identified by survivors of organised 'ritual' abuse as regular meeting places for VIP paedophiles:

    1. Culverley Old Farm;

    2. Penerley Lodge;

    3. Beaulieu Abbey

    all in the New Forest.

    At these locales and others, cult meetings and cult ceremonies involving the likes of former British prime minister Edward Heath took place, according to Dr Coleman's patients.

    Interestingly, Culverley Old Farm and Penerley Lodge are only a couple of miles north of Beaulieu Abbey.

    Moreover, continuing northeast from Culverly Old Farm and Penerley Lodge for a mere 13 miles, one arrives at the New Forest hamlet of Bramshaw.

    Bramshaw landmarks include Blood Oaks Green and Wych Green.


    1. Very thoughtful comment !
      Even the lovely New Forest area is not free from this
      horrible activities...
      My God, hell freezes.

      Happy ( and VEGAN for many :-) ) Christmas, and pls remember this is about JESUS, not reindeers neither Santa Claus or gifts...

      Where is the spirituality of Christmas gone .
      ( Yes, i sound old fashioned...)

      BTW : anybody, hopefully, seen any strange thing in this commonly used now "Xmas" instead of Christmas...?

      Peace, OMM, and nice gifts to all of you ;-)

      PS Today Yellow Vests may come today to center of Paris for 'Christmas eve', on - unusually red color decorated Champs d'Elysees , but most likely only few.
      Strong wave now, of efforts to portrait this movement as 'racist, antisemitic and violent'.

      What is trange 'coincidence' for me is that this morning (bloodless :-) ) shootings in Belgium was in front of resto called "La parisienne" and hopefully this is NOT a trace leading to next attack...

      Anyway, happy birthday lord Jesus :-)

  78. .

    I doubt doubt that there's more to this than a Free Peoples uprising - independent of any outside agenda - but very difficult to pinpoint due to the long games steady squeeze....all timed to perfection, being we are dealing with masters of the it for how long, hundreds/ thousands of years - so always playing into their hand....well what to expect if your in the is of their making !

  79. Of course infiltrated, but still too big to be controlled :
    have faith ;-) !
    Maybe this is naive to think that FRENCH new 'revolution' will be genuine,
    or maybe Mr Makow is right :
    what is REAL is that MARS was close to Earth this summer, and ppl are getting more fiery, other protests will follow,
    this is on subconscious level as well...

    BTW : the way, these 'masters' are not that powerful, they are masters of illusion, anyway, Maya, Matrix :
    maybe this french revolt will eat its children, like in the past but i will say : forces of good are always stronger, we were n e v e r alone here, on Earth and for the forces of good , for Earth, conscious Being is not a problem to kick out corrupted govts in few minutes, or erase whole continents :-(
    Next year, some say, will be under influnce of 'water element'...
    But life will go on. And finally people will be free, 'masters 'will be shocked how this 'house of cards falls"...

    so HOPE :-)



  80. France's Président Emmanuel Macron may save the Kurds from being massacred, after Trump's abandonment of them, per Kurdish Rudaw news

    "Following US President Donald Trump's shocking announcement ... the one country that gave the Syrian Kurds some immediate much-needed assurance was France."

    France has half as many troops & special forces as the USA, in the Kurdish Rojava region of Syria, and France promises to stay, along with a contingent from the UK

    « Iraqi Kurds remember France's first lady Danielle Mitterrand's historic visit to their region in 1991 when Saddam Hussein's helicopter gunships were massacring them.

    "That was my first time seeing a foreigner weeping for the Kurds," said Masoud Barzani upon meeting Mrs. Mitterrand at that time." »

    Many Kurdish girls have the name Danielle now

    1. But, very sadly, this was just a gesture and doesn't change much for poor Kurds...
      Especially those in the West. I mean that western authorities do not care much for their struggle, and Kurds are manifesting in front of turkish embassies, consulates, they are being 'removed' quite fast by the police forces...
      I personally knew few Kurdish ppl, migrants.
      One escaped to western europe via turkey, greece in car boot.

      Peace, Ommm , love.

  81. Convenient that this 'colour revolution' just happens to involve wearing the exact same hi-vis vests that are mandatory attire for construction workers, the vast majority of whom, like myself, are working class. Helps to convey a particular message. Clever...

  82. Panamza is showing that not all ZIO-oligarchs are enamored of the Yellow Vest movement:
    translating roughly
    FRIENDS OF THE CRIF (principal organization of Jewish power groups in France) AGAINST THE YELLOW VESTS
    In the center of the photo is Benjamin Griveaux, government spokesman, former strauss-kahnian activist and offensive critic of the yellow vests movement.
    To the right of the picture, Francis Kalifat, ultra-Zionist president of the Representative Council of Jewish institutions of France, co-leader of the association "Les amis du Crif" and promoter of the demonization of the yellow vests.
    To the left of the picture, Yves Thréard, deputy editor of the Jewish newspaper Le Figaro, LCI columnist, regular speaker of the Crif and broadcaster of the fake news (relayed by the pro-Israeli and anti-Arab website Fdesouche) according to which the yellow vests would be mainly concerned with immigration.

    The comments by the Jewish oligarchy shown from Twitter/FB:
    -immigration is a core subject of the Yellow Vest movement (Yussef Hindi is convincingly stating that this is not the case)
    -antisemitism, conspiracy theories and hate against the republic are the new slogan?/tryptique of the Yellow Vest movement, led by Dieudonné MBala MBalak, THIS MUST STOP


    1. "To the left of the picture, Yves Thréard, deputy editor of the Jewish newspaper Le Figaro, "

      The original text says "judeosioniste".

      I do read Panamza as well, a lot of interesting stuff there, but remember in your cave that this is muslim researcher : so he will APMLIFY everything abti arab haha.
      One thing is NWO uses muslims like scapegoat for many things, the other : islam is dangerous anyway in a way this is the most aggresive religion in the world, you like it or not !
      Combined with primitive behaviour, like Chechen for example, brings a lot of suffering for local women !
      Islam became bad, of course nwo hudred times worse.
      But i do not fall neither for muslim, nor official propaganda.

  83. Like to see Jay Dyer and Owen Benjamin have a chatabout?
    Mark plugging again...
    Love ya Aangirfan

  84. Anti-Soros campaign in Hungary advised by ... Jews connected to Netanyahu, says the Times in London

    (Re comments on Soros from Hungarian website 'Attac' cited at top of article above)

    So the 'anti-Semitic' anti-Soros campaign led by Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán (who studied in Britain with Soros funding)

    That campaign against Soros, turned out to be advised to Orbán by two Jewish-American political strategists tied to Israel's Netanyahu, Arthur Finkelstein, and George Birnbaum ... they suggested that 'anti-Soros' was the ideal theme for a European anti-migration, nationalistic leader

    This further supports the Henry Makow theme that we see a deceptive 'battle' between two 'factions' which both have leaders who are Jewish kosher nostra or Masonic, Illuminati etc

    The 'nationalist vs globalist' is the new 'dialectic', more than the 'right vs left' ... and the cabal is positioned on both 'sides' as usual

    The struggle is both somewhat 'real' - in the sense that cabal factions differ on what will work the best - but also 'fake' in that the cabal, as usual, is playing both 'sides', so the cabal wins either way

    The irony of Jews advising the anti-Soros campaign, source in the Times here:

    1. "The struggle is both somewhat 'real' - in the sense that cabal factions differ on what will work the best - but also 'fake' in that the cabal, as usual, is playing both 'sides', so the cabal wins either way"

      Of course, so true...haha.

      But this system of human exploitation will not be eternal : As Icke wrote few yrs ago " The dam is breaking and this is just the beginning" so let us have hope :-)

  85. Michael S. King, author of "The Bad War" and creator of the Tomato Bubble website will be interviewed tonight on this youtube livestream (Goyim News Network):
    9pm ET/6pm PT U.S.

  86. Aanirfan,I don't know when & where you "lived" in France...But the France you describe, is NO MORE! I can attest to it since I am originally French, although not residing there at this time. I do have family still there , and I do visit regularly;it is far from being the "paradise" you refer to, especially for middle-class to lower status people. Which is why the money spent on so-called migrants, illigals & others, should be spent on France's native, local, or long term resident people! If you have a chance to visit france again, why don't you go around the "Porte de la Chapelle" area in Paris and see for yourself? And that would be only a small part of the problem!
