Saturday 6 October 2018

Purpose of Chemtrails?



  1. To eliminate humans, thats the purpose

    1. What is the supporting evidence for that? If that is true where is the resultant population decline after decades of spraying?

    2. Precisely. The numbers aren't there because it doesn't APPEAR to be that way. These cyclic agents decay the body in a slow burn fashion. Death rates might not have significantly rose in any huge recognizable way but NATURAL deaths are a thing of the past. It appears as though this could be a solution to long term health care issues, financially and physically, for insurance and care for the baby boomer generation.

      Tranhumanism is also a long term goal as outlined by the poster below as the medical industry starts replacing these failing parts like loaned out cars.

  2. Pro-Russia party wins Latvia election




  6. This is excellent and has to go viral.

  7. I haven't watched yet, so I'm showing my level of intelligence by commenting.
    However, I have thought about this a lot, and think the chemicals true purpose is to hide, mask something up there, from us, down here.

    My theory on it not being for population control, etc., is; how would they protect their own or decided chosen ones from the effects? They wouldn't be able to.

    I've also noticed on days when the sky is fully sprayed, before the spraying starts, the sun is unusually blazing, irregardless if the season, and it's often sprayed so that the sunset is fully masked.

    I don't know if I'm explaining is well as I would like.

  8. Well, the great Bill Cooper was the first to sound the alarm on these types of Weapons in his book Behold A Pale Horse in the section Silent Weapons For Silent Wars in which a triumvirate of clandestine weaponry has been unleashed upon the population to ostensibly reduce the population. Well of course that is all true but there is also a multiplicity of goals within these objectives, many of which are only just now coming to be understood. The Silent Weapons section of Coopers book outlines that these weapons are only necessarily effective in the TRIANGULAR way that they are deployed, meaning they are not as effective as one as they are in three's. The heavy "low work" metals that float down from the ionosphere and ozone most likely bring with them bacteria that consume metals, the flouridation and chlorination of the water weakens our intestinal tracts and allows these bacteria and metals to absorb into our lungs and gut flora, causing the wide range of cancers and IBS. This is exacerbated and complicated by the growth hormones, antibiotics and Round-up (glycophosphate)in our meat and vegatables, of course, propping up multibillion dollar medical industries and a plethora of adjunct services.

  9. Trans-Humanism. I 1st wrote about it 7 years ago and again a few years ago, this woman did some great research 8 years ago on it.

  10. I think that depopulation is just not the goal here
    (it's just a benefit)
    it is about the control of weather, like the jet stream
    and the movement of populations, which if I recall Angryfan (sorry, my bad I am dyslexic) has been pointing out for over ten years, you may judge things on your time scale, when you're born to when you die, but that's not the scale we're talking about here

    I have a picture taken of the BBCNews24 weather forecast to show what I mean (it's a good one if only I could load it)
