Saturday 13 October 2018



  1. Leni Reifenstahl was a crypto jew....which explains why she survived WW2 and the Nazi other propagandist "Lord Haw Haw" was hung (a patsie).Most of the film making crowd Goebbels hung out with were crypto the situation is much the same....German crypto Jews run the German film industry.
    Infact the person who made this video is also a jew.

    1. Any credible source Leni was a crypto?

    2. Re Jewish film-makers & Nazis -

      Very oddly, Jewish film director Stanley Kubrick (1928-99) married Christiane Harlan (b. 1932), the niece of leading German Third Reich film director Veit Harlan (1899-1964), who under Joseph Goebbels made 'Jud Süß' (1940 - 'most anti-Semitic movie ever made') & 'Opfergang' (1944 - profound film amidst a dying Third Reich, regarded as brilliant by many critics).

      And 3 days before his death on 7 March 1999, Stanley Kubrick confessed to fellow film-maker T Patrick Murray, that he had faked the films of the USA claimed 6 'moon landings' of 1969-1972, an era when the CIA had its own film studios at Laurel Canyon, California.

      We are now only about 10 weeks away from the first of the alleged 'trips to the moon' of 1968-72 (9 'trips' with 6 'moon landings'), the Christmas 1968 'moon fly-by' by Apollo 8.

      For a while I thought the 'moon voyage' hoax couldn't survive the 50-year marker, as the 'trips to the moon' seem ever more ridiculous, with NASA (='Never a Straight Answer') claiming they have 'lost' all the original moon landing video tapes, and also 'lost' the tech file archives of how the moon-walkers got there

      But there is a new 'trip to the moon' movie out this season, 'First Man', selling us the hoax again

    3. Kubrick made no such confession, that tale has been thoroughly debunked as a hoax.

  2. "Wouldn’t it be weird if the same people who engineered the Brexit vote and got Trump elected also happened to be behind the election of far right leaders across Europe like Hungary’s Viktor Orban? Wouldn’t it also be strange if Israel was creating far right militia’s in Europe and helping get far right parties elected into power? Wouldn’t it also be strange if this was facilitated by an American media company with ties to the elites and the government? Well we live in strange times."

    1. My sentiments exactly.

    2. There is speculation that Orban is a jew.Budapest like Prague was full of Jews....and very likely still is.
      The Nazis did not blow up the massive Budapest synagogue...which you would have thought was on their "to do list".....The poor Hungarians suffered greatly when the Jews took over post WW2...

    3. No weird, no strange at ALL...

      B u t please also bear in mind that they are NO holding absolute power, they are only good in deception, illusion, cheating - maya in sanskrit - so 'house of cards only looks t h i s solid haha ;-)




  6. The Spider’s Web – Britain’s Second Empire

    At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.

    The Spider's Web was written, directed and produced by Michael Oswald, you can sponsor his future films on Patreon:

  7. Check out:

    Where Have We Seen Trump Before? Henry Makow. 14 oct. 2018

    CIA O

  8. Check out:

    gj-comment at.

  9. The economist, Stephanie Kelton, explains to Jimmy Dore what is Modern Money Theory and why our society has not run out of money. Austerity is a con.

    What Is MMT And How It Works w/Stephanie Kelton

  10. Who profited? Trump? Why no comment on the alleged murder of Khashoggi? Sequence of events: Jarad Kushner visits Prince M b S 2 days before 300 influential, wealthy Sadis are arrested, tortured and have money extracted from them. Prince Alaweed bin Talal is one of them. He cannot protect Palestine from the next move which was to announce Jerusalem was the capital of Israel. Prince Talal's extensive share portfolio is sold off to 'others'. The ARAMCO IPO comes under M b S control - not Prince Talal. Trump declares Iran is to suffer new sanctions. Yemen becomes one of the worst humanitarian disasters with 16,000 civillians dead. The world does not condemn Saudi Arabia. A large weapons contract worth US / Lockheed/Raytheon is signed with Saudis. Oil prices go up steadily. Australians paying $1.93 per litre in October 2018 - the highest price ever.for petrol. Saudi Arabia is accused of murdering journalist Khashoggi. Saudi do not allow Turkish into their embassy. Saudi do not say it was a rogue cell and they will be punished. Saudi cannot come up with a photo of Khashoggi leaving the embassy in Turkey. Trump finally says it is disturbing and the Saudis will be punished. Saudi Prince threatens back - DEVASTATION. $200 per barrel for oil, Russia to be given a base in NW Arabia, that SA will reconcile with Iran. (Possibly give weapons deal to Russia?)

  11. A 70-year old swamp (1947 Natl Sec Act onward) is not going to be drained by a 70-year-old in less than 2 years. It has mastered the art of bureaucratic passive aggression.

    Trump is an economic nationalist. After the midterms (and an almost-certain Senate retained by the Repubs) there'll be new management at the DOJ.
